Zeldowngrade : Wild Shit

Remind me how is this legal and why we defend this, again ?


Is this another case of it's ok when Nintendo does it ? Will shills use the "b-b-but muh gameplay" as their main argument once again ?

It's never okay but it's not as if they are the only ones who do it.

This is why you should hold off forming opinions until the last few months before release. I did and because of that I wasn't subjected to the false promises before and now I am eagerly looking forward to my switch coming on release.

>but the top pic is concept art
Which was advertised and animated to seem like the actual game

>stop cherrypicking
We all know there isn't enough virtual memory to have cherries in those trees

It's ok when Nintendoesit

This is the best looking handheld game ever made

cry me a river

>I've only owned Nintendo portable consoles

Feels good to finally have the technology to break through that 420p barrier right?

it looks the same to me except the bottom one is blurry because it was on a stream on youtube and the top is concept art

Yes, when I climb on top of a big building, I'm able to see every grass stalk on the ground.
It doesn't look good, obviously, since it was basically developed for the Wii U and the decision to bring it to the Switch was made at some point last year (I don't remember the exact date).
So, if anyone in their right mind though that the image at the top was Wii U in-game graphic, I don't know what to say anymore.

>Someone was mad enough to save that shitpost pic and make that video.

as legal as paid reviews who only purpose is to mislead consumers



>Remind me how is this legal and why we defend this, again ?
Because nobody has yet to sued Ubisoft, Microsoft, Sony, Bethesda, Activision, Capcom, Bandai Namco, SEGA, 2K (and I am sure you could find dozens more) over making a pre-rendered trailer that the game would never look like!


>tfw haven't seen a game released without a downgrade in so long now that it feels like nobody has ever told the truth once ever

I wonder if this area will be in the final version.
I would like to compare it with this image

Why it legal for OP to be a colossal feces munching faggot?

Because the 2014 trailer isn't in-game you moron. And because you used footage of last year's E3, the game you saw wasn't even finished yet. Before saying bullcrap, how about you actually think before speaking ?

it probably won't, anyway i think the new grass looks better as it's more polished and fits with the game's aesthetic better

>it's ok when Nintendo does it
>no-one is actually saying it's okay when nintendo does it
99% of BotW threads are all attacking the game, where the FUCK do you get the idea that "we" are defending this?
fucking kill yourself autist, the IT'S OKAY WHEN NINTENDO DOES IT meme needs to fucking die because literally nothing nintendo does is okay.

It was 240p

You don't need to say the words to make the point correct.

If an Xbox/PS4 game was in this situation it would get roasted.

but the zelda game is getting roasted by fucking everyone you retard, there is no one on the other side of your argument

you're implying BotW isn't already getting roasted

Except all the people defending it in this thread. I'm on my phone, please don't make me link all the posts.

Link cut all the grass with his sword GET OVER IT.

Who cares. Just don't buy X game if it doesn't look "pretty" enough for you. Easy.

>breath of the wild isn't getting roasted

Actually for no mans sky there was a huge debate and steam/valve changed the rules for the showcasingmaterial slightly. Now that I remember it, I wonder how did that actually end?

Somebody post the comparison image where it's an real life photograph on top.


>dat downgrade
>dat Sup Forums being woke af about it
OUCH! That should put a real damper on sales, reviews, overall quality!

Now that we got rig of that trash, you ARE buying her game, right?

>buying a game full prize when it will be worth 15 $ a week later

I could accept lack of details but where the fuck have all the colours gone?

They will crash the media with extra marketing before that happens.

imo price is inversely proportional to the amount of marketing

More colours than this on screen at once causes slowdown.

This is the power of the Switch.

its okay thats what CEMU is for

Some trees have apples,cherries are for faggots

>it's a "people who have never used CEMU thinks it's as good as dolphin and not a poorly functioning mess on anything but the highest end PCs

>advertisement shot with photoshop level editing at original resolution vs. low res ctrl+printscreen screenshot of a stream of a media build of the game from some time ago, taken at the worst possible moment


And the gameplay has improved a fuckton between the top and bottom pic.
If you want to judge the evolution of a game, at least be fair.

I don't see what's wrong here, they're showing what the game really looks like instead of doing bullshots until release like most publishers.

>first image filtered as fuck, with messed up contrast and colors
>cherrypicking a 480p E3 video to prove his point
