Nier: Automata thread


Post A2 instead of this garbage.

So does the fucking Japan version have English subs?

Bumping for 2B

The only way to post A2



twitch tv/videos/123688197

watch this

let's talk about Adam

www.twitch tv/def_ender


Is it just me or is the OST a bit disappointing compared to their previous works?

I'm going to play this game only because of B2 delicious juicy thighs

Oh boy, so many spoilers to leak on twitter ;)

The sand getting on her dress is pretty cool.

Looks derivative.

Ok guys what did he just do he striped her down.
Got rid of her whole skirt.

holy fuck

you can take off her skirt?

Her ass is fucking eating that leotard


Yeah he self destructed and it blew the skirt off.
Was pretty funny.

fuckin magical game

thank you taro



Please tell me you can rip off the top half and run around in just the leotard.

I wanna fuck robot Youmu

thats a nice looking ass

Anyone know there if there is dual audio?

jesus christ these robots screaming for help is actually fucking disturbing

No its not you fucking pussy.

Also, can you strip her down just to a

its spooky if you know the spoilers

That's a really good ass.

What, are they human souls stuck into robot bodies? Did Taro use a similar concept to the old game?


Who cares. I slaughter innocent civilians all the time in GTAV. The cries of the weak fuel my murderboner.


Can someone PLEASE shoop in her pissing through her panties


inb4 2B another misguided protag all alooooong

Dude you should seen this predictable shit a mile away

tfw the humans on the moon are killing their same people thinking they are robots/aliens and are slowly bringing themselves on the brink of extinction

how did human souls/Gestalt even end up inside those robot bodies? I thought they could only go back into their Replicants and recover their original nature that way

It's today negros.

How you can remove it? Removing chips?

He got blown up or something and the skirt blown off

In other news, water is wet. Sup Forums predicted this shit ages ago.

I would guess it was sort of last screw effort of maintenance androids from Nier era to preserve the gestalts.

Question is, WHO is even on the Moon, if anyone at all?

p-please stop

Yeah, the last trailer basically confirmed that. 2B is probably going to discover the truth, but YoRHa/the humans on the moon don't believe her/want things to stay as they are and try to eliminate her.

Before dying, 2B begs A2 to continue her mission and probably find her companion, 9S, who knows everything.

Demo had it so full release probably will too.

>make robot girl
>give her hourglass figure, short skirt and a thong, constantly showing upskirts

These practices really have to fucking end. You can't say the industry isn't sexist and oriented towards the male gaze.

Oh, ok, good to know.


Question that actually matters.

Is the combat much better than in the demo?

Kindly kill yourself, dear. :)

H I G H - C U T

Anyone know whether the version from the Japanese PSN will have English menus and subs?

I find it funny that people hate 2B now just because she's popular.

She's like, all these fetishes combined into one person, and these fetishes are mixed in such a way that it makes her so attractive, appealing and gives me a boner, to be honest.

Why would ANYBODY hate 2B is beyond me.

So what would be ideal? A fat ugly robot woman with shitty tumblr clothes on?
Fuck off

Like I care.

Because A2 is better.

I'm kind of mad that I can't scour these threads for 2B butts anymore because I'm trying to dodge spoilers.

All versions of the game have multiple languages, so yes, the Japanese version of the game can be played in English too.

That's why people are panicking more than usual about spoilers, even if the game just came out in Japan everyone can play it.

Every fucking thread. Yes, it has both.

But thats not how it happened at all. You see A2 attacking them both.

>that ribbon
Why is 2B so cute?

she's a skank

Are you positively sure? Because I'm about to drop like 100 bucks on a Jap PSN card so I can play it in an hour.

she's designed 2B the cutest!

Because shes a weak replaceable piece of shit heterofucker. A2 is best and knows purest form of love.

I can't get over how good the music and the robots dancing in the park area are.

Indeed, I hope her designer got a raise (of wage lol) beacuse obviously they did something very right.


stop responding to obvious bait

I really like how the robots start singing to the fucking track

So the park is the first area?

Anime and gays ruin games.

Yes user. I did too.

Well that's one interpretation of Romeo and Juliet.

He blew himself up though, so you can remove it anytime you want.


Her skirt is on an equip slot? Or is it just a feature that can be turned on and off?

Fuck it, I did too. Fuck all y'all if it doesn't have English menus, though I guess I'll get through it somehow.

Neither. Just something that comes off with a large amount of damage.

I like 2B's bow on her head.

It was pretty obvious when we saw the picture of the insides of an emilbot where you could see organic parts, the "robots" are suits in which humans are fitted into.

>music gets spooky in the park underground

Is that a Grimoire in place of 2b's pod?

or is that just a pod skin?

Just so you guys know, you can decide if you want 2B to die or not and it triggers different endings.

Why is this game named Nier?

a pod skin.

Neat. Is there a way to tell 9s to fuck off?

It's Weiss yeah. Preorder bonus.

Is there a streamer who is playing or is going to play the game in English?

>you will never be near a tomato

How do you regenerate it?l

>the pod is just a book

So there's 5 endings then?


Nier comes back as the final boss and the only way to defeat him is to throw his daughter at him.

>bought jap psn cards from play asia
>they send me an email saying that they need to call me to verify the order even though I already paid
>that was 2 hours ago
>still no call
>Automata is coming out in 30 fucking minutes
Thanks for making me fall for the "Play Asia is good" meme, Sup Forums. Fuck you.

4. I think endings A and B are 2B centric, with one where she dies. Its possible she also dies in the other endings.

>Why is this game named Nier?
Brand recognition faggot. Just like Final Fantasy hasn't been final in 25 years.

Because you are nier



what did 2b mean by this?