Why haven't you pledged to The King yet?

Why haven't you pledged to The King yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


>tell me what to do
>hold my hand

This is adult life in the eyes of a manchild.

>Welcome to adult life
I don't know if a guy who plays video games and begs for money for a living really has room to talk

Why doesn't he just get a job like every other fucking normie?


Ungrateful losers

Cause he isnt a normie, he's an autisic fat fuck

He has 0 self awareness or ability to learn.

Motherfucker can't read directions in video games, how could you expect him to operate in the real world?

>adult life is begging for help because you can't play video games for a living





>Lives in a gated community
>Despite having financial troubles, goes to the movies and eats takeaway a lot
>Leasing a BMW currently
>Paying for an interstate condo
>Is literately having fans edit TIHYDPs for him to post on his channel, where he gets the revenue and they get exposure in return



>WE need to find solutions together

Isn't it their money first and foremost?

Why the fuck is DSP verified? He's not that big a youtuber

not to mention every inch of counter and table space in his house is covered in expensive figures/statues/useless waste of money bullshit

>>Leasing a BMW currently
Isn't he an American? Why the fuck would you buy a BMW if you can buy some cheap car build by some mexicans? Not like he will be impressing anyone with a face like his.

This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.
This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.
This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.
This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.
This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.
This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.
This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.
This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.
This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.
This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.
This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.
This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.
This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.
This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.
This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.
This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.
This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.
This isn't funny, we have to help Phil.

People need to help themselves or fuck off and die.

haha woooooooooooooooooooooooooow what do you mean I have to make my own money

just give me hand outs hahaha

Why does this post piss me off so much? Why is phils face so punchable?

Wait is this real? i don't know this guy but this is just pathetic

t. Darkside Phil

But what about the countless hours he has given you for free?

Aren't you going to pay for it???

Phil is beyond saving at this point.

He's going to spiral down into obscurity. He simply won't adjust or live within his means.

He's bitching that his aunt is dying and can't pay for his condo.

He hasn't adjusted to the new climate of lets plays, and continues to post raw, unfiltered footage for games he's shit at.

At least game grumps has the decency to cut their shit down into the funny moments, or at least -try- to cut it down.

If the cost of living is too much to pay for, then you can always just get a job or die.

can't he just get a job like everybody else?

How much money was Phil making in his prime? For all the stupid shit he has bought, he makes it seem like at one point he was pulling in six figures.

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

People were estimating 100k a year a while back.

why is he shitting on his own fan like that? hes losing support and the few people that still do he shits on. this guy is unreal

He makes 1,300/month on patreon alone? I could live on that where I am easily

It also helps that Game Grumps are funny for a lot of people

Anyone got that unboxing video where he's bitching about a fan or something for half an hour and forgets to open the game? That one always cracks me up.

It's the Lightning Returns one.

This. G-d i'm glad somsone else on Sup Forums agrees, the fact that the titanic effort Phils pulls doing this himslef is more remarkable that whatever team could hope to gain in merit.

He should have be doing making more money then them ,


Thank you.

I'm marathonning old game grumps series as we speak

He was at his prime when it was about $2 per 1000 views. And his entire income was view based back then.

At that time he was getting anywhere from 2000 - 350,000 views per video. So he was earning alot. Enough to take on a mortgage, buy tons of figurines and buy a new bmw

>this video was sponsored by machinima
>he barely at all talks about the game
>with the fucking fire siren the whole time

Was this originally uploaded on the 1st of April?

is this a fucking joke ? can't he find a real job like an "adult" ? this is why i hate youtubers. can't wait to see all those morons crying for help in a few years

>$1250 for this


Phil's a real man

bogpillme on this dude pls


Just listen the video where John Rambo talks about all the shit he did.

Are all amerifats unfamiliar with the concept of saving money? If you got money in the bank and go and spend it all on frivolous shit only to get fucked in the ass because something unexpected happens then why the fuck would you expect people to sympathize with you?

You didn't get robbed, you aren't a hobo without a penny to your name, you are just a retard with the life management skills of a toddler.

What are trying to say, user?

Does he even understand that actually popular and successful streamers have dayjobs and the streaming thing is just a hobby?

Vinny Vinesauce is pretty fucking bad at some games sometimes, not DSP tiers of failure, but the difference is he's charismatic and doesn't whine like a bitch at shit nobody should be stumped by.


>what is uncertain income?
>you mean I could've saved some money instead of spending it all? Nonsense!
he sounds like a fucking 12 year old after going crazy with mom's credit card. pathetic

>Was actually donating to his patreon because despite his flaws he was somewhat entertaining
>End up playing against him in Injustice 2 beta
>Really excited to play with someone I've been following for years
>Watch it back later
>He calls me every name under the sun, a masher, cheap, a worthless fucking waste of life
>Literally didn't do anything cheap, just played a straight up game trying to get some confirms to land and get a solid little combo off
>Tried to ask him abut it on twitter
>He'd already blocked me despite me having no interaction with him, the twitter account has the same name as my tag so I assumed he got it from that

And that's how I stopped donating to his patreon.

This. Same thing with high paid athletes who go broke and homeless, I have no sympathy for them.


Maybe he should get some self awareness and upload rage/idiocy compilations himself instead of letting others do it for him

I've watched countless hours of Phil but it's all been through other peoples channels so he isn't seeing a penny from me

Already on it, he's got someone making 'how you don't play' compilations but he wants to supervise them so they don't make him look bad (?)

European propaganda: save money just in case.
American propaganda: invest in stuff, money is worthless on its own.

So you see americans living like hobos with $50000 in the bank, and americans living like kings with $5000000 of debt.

>living like hobos with $50000 in the bank
You can be less extreme with it though

this desu

Dude europeans cook their own food to save money on a restaurant, you wouldn't believe it.

This is funny, YOU can help Phil.

>buy expensive shit because he "could afford it"
>don't think long term and save some money because his income is not secure and could disappear in an instant
>get's fucked because his youtube channel is deservedly failing
>asks for money
>asks for help
>argues with anyone who gives him solid advice

This turd deserves anything that happens to him

See the thing I always hate about youtubers who begin to lose their revenue stream, or people who defend it by saying "Its a job and should be secure" are forgetting that being a Youtuber is essentially being the same as a lower-paying movie-star.

Your entire livelihood is based on popularity, whether or not you're relevant enough to be watched. The people, even folks like Totalbiscuit, who compare it to a 9-5 job of any kind are insane. You cannot go into it with any other mindset but "This is only temporary, fame does not last forever, and my millions-of-people-audience could lose interest in me tomorrow for all I know" are just asking for hurt. A certain percentage of your income can and probably should go into improving your setup/gear/appearance, but that same income is by its very nature highly unreliable. This is the same reason movie stars, pop singers, etc, can and do lose their house or car shortly after dropping from the public eye; they gambled on something they couldn't at that moment afford, hoping that their popularity would keep them afloat, and it didn't.

Youtube is a gravy-train that can stop flowing at any time, for any reason. Bitching when your day in the spotlight is over is sad and pathetic, and not PLANNING for that inevitable day is even more pathetic.

I always save my money/invest my money because I know the next day I could get laid off or get sick and can't work for a while.

People have such a narrow point of view it is ridiculous.

If DSP is that bad games, imagine how bad he is at basic work. That guy is a worker's comp accident waiting to happen.

>American propaganda: invest in stuff,
Buying cars and TVs and George Forman grills or whatever you call them is not "investing" you aren't going to make money nor is the value of the product you bought going to rise above the price you bought it at. Buying bonds and debt, buying bitcoin miners, that is investing your money not your amerifat consumerist trash products.

Saving your money is investing in your own future

>buy car
>no longer have to use the bus
>gain time


This. Buying homes and renting them out is my personal favorite.


Maybe if he stopped spending money on autistic manchild collectibles he's have more money.


he bought a house and car that can't be paid for by minimum wage.

>buy a new bmw

E-celebs sure are fucking stupid.

They start making money and think it'll last, then immediately spend outside their means.

Any smart millennial making any amount of money off internet-fame right now should be banking every last cent.

ungrateful for what, phil ?

Does that black cock slut of a wife he has have a job or bring any income?

>welcome to adult life

They need to also invest into their business.

>current significant other never went to university, took out loans to open a shop, paid off debts by age 22, and now owns a profitable business on top of 5+ properties that are rented out

Honestly other than laziness or being fucked from the start by coming from the literal projects, there's no excuse in a 1st world country not to have some kind of revenue stream.

Who is he even dating anymore?

I thought it was like a white Italian chick or something,

Watch any "This Is How You Don't Play".

The fact that this isn't obvious for them is baffling, i wonder how many lives has PewDiePie wrecked just by becoming an aspiration.

>Investing and saving can't both be done
>Buying frivolous shit is investing

The fuck are you doing

She sucks cocks FOR FREE

I'm sorry that happened, user.

Yes, I've already bought and own one property that gives me a 12k a year in somewhat of a passive income. Not including equity. Now I am going for my second one here very soon.

>Buy standard, relatively cheap car
>No longer have to use the bus
>Buy flashy sports car that costs a lot
>No longer have to use the bus and are now in severe debt

If he owns a car and works from home, can't he rent the car out for some side income?

>American propaganda
>not mindless consumism

I'm already pledged to a king.

>He has 0 self awareness or ability to learn

I always thought it was part of the character but at this point it's obvious he's not pretending he's a real bona fide retard.

Good, hope he dies in the gutter

>Take out loans
>Business fails


Somebody post his cooking videos I can't find them.

Like what the fuck he can't even make babby's first breakfast decently. And his house looks terrible like he couldn't even be fucked to wipe down his counter before showing the world.

"I don't have time to melt butter, I'm a gamer." - DSP


He could. He could take a number of reasonable monetary decisions.
Thing is, if he had the kind of common sense you're talking about, he wouldn't even be in this situation to begin with.

Yes. I have seen them reason against healthcare insurance by arguing they'll never get sick. Americans are terrible about planning for the future. It's a cultural thing.

It means he's an idiot. He's just as dumb as Arin when it comes to playing games. He ignores information then blames the game when he fucks up.

DSP Tries It: Cooking. I think.