So who would you like to see in the film?

So who would you like to see in the film?

Who is your solid snake? Who is your ideal foxhound team? Liquid?

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who cares it's gonna be shit anyway

I dunno man, skull island looks pretty cool

This kind of attitude is why vidya movies are often bad.

Mr. Jackman...again.

I don't know why he just fills all those video game men tropes real well.

I don't have high expectations for this, but I hope it'll be good.
I know that it's a running joke that the MGS games might as well be movies, and there is an element of truth in that, but most of the best moments in the series have arisen from the fact that they are video games.

I guess Kiefer just to watch the inevitable David Hayter meltdown

I want David Hayter with a cold as Snake. Accept no substitutes.

Too bad he's too old and drunk now. It would have been perfect for him and his dad

Wich Metal Gear game are they planning to adapt?


>just remake the MGSV trailers
>cancel the movie itself


No it doesn't.

How will they make a Metal Gear with low budget?

It's gonna be this isn't it


>Pablo Linares as Snake
>Taeek Soong as Miller
>Laquisha Brown as Paz

no, vida movies are bad because they're written by talentless hacks, directed by people who never played vidya in their entire life and produced by jews whose only interest is to make as much money from lowest common denominator

Name one movie that was based on a video game that wasn't complete garbage.

Brother may I have some genes

>That is a property that I will fight tooth and nail to make sure is done properly because it's so easy to screw it up and so easy for a studio to try and make it into G.I. Joe or try and make it into Mission: Impossible or try and make it into something that it's not," he said. "Metal Gear Solid needs to be exactly what it needs to be, which is Metal Gear Solid

Ok I'll bite

Prince of Persia was alright.

>“I think that for me, I want to make the version of the movie that is most true to what it needs to be, so if that is a Deadpool or Logan route where you go with a smaller budget and you’re able to make it R, great. If you need to blow it out more and really get that bigger budget and go PG-13, I think it could exist in both avenues. There are hyper-violent parts to Metal Gear but I would not necessarily call the hyper-violent part the core element of it versus like the tone and the voice and the philosophies that the characters exhibit. Those characters sort of are these walking philosophies, so I think nailing that part is far more important necessarily than thinking about the rating at this point, because right now we’re just trying to get the best version of it

Isn't this the fourth time they've made a Wolverine focused movie with other Xmen just kinda thrown in for padding?

First Mortal Kombat movie

Mario brothers

people like Wolverine and Huge Jacked Man, it's free money for them

Silent Hill was pretty neat.

Yeah, and every step of the way they're thinking, "it's a video game movie, who cares."

Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie
Pokémon: The First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back
Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva
Street Fighter (1994)

Street fighter??? That shit was great

Mortal Kombat. Probably best character adaptations ever. Felt like it did a decent job of capturing the tone of the games too.

Who owns the movie rights?

Mortal kombat 1
Animated Street fighter movie
Bland and mediocre, just like AC

Hmm yes shallow and pedantic

As a kid, the Mortal Kombat movie gave me hope for great movie adaptions or games.


Shit was cash

Movie bombed pretty hardcore at the box office. So much so that Ubisoft straight up said the franchise was dead for the forseeable future.

Eh, it was alright. The acting was all over the place and extremely cheesy, but the action sequences and fight choreography was decent. As a whole, I wouldn't call the movie "good". The sequels were absolutely terrible, though.

Have you seen it recently? Going back to see them now you probably won't be saying the same thing. Nostalgia glasses are a real thing.


Both movies bombed extremely badly at the box office.

I never saw it, but it too bombed pretty badly in theaters. I heard the acting was pretty shit and the special effects were cheesy as hell, even for the tech for the time period.

Ok, the Pokemon movie actually did really well. I will give you that. The others, did they even show up in movie theaters?

Anything Sonic is automatically shit.

Snake was ripped from escape from LA so Kurt Russell makes the most sense.


Is it even worth it if David Bowie can't pop in for a cameo?


Is hayter going to throw a fit on twitter about this too?

Yo man

Why don't they just get Kojima to direct it?

I mean the guy clearly would rather be working on movies anyway, and literally any other director wouldn't be able to do the material and it's weird meta-narrative justice.

If there's one series that doesn't need a movie adaptation it's metal gear solid

It's already so cutscene heavy anyway that converting it to a movie is borderline redundant.

>getting the characters right


Ace attorney, Postal and like a dragon(yakuza) movies are awesome.

Kurt Russell is like 60 years old. Did you see deepwater horizon? He's a fucking fossil now

But you said something that wasn't complete garbage, not one that was great. It was a product of its time. The cheesiness was self aware anyway. I have seen it recently and I still like it because they had accurate representations of the characters. That's the first thing that matters to me. I hate when a director wants to use creative license to drastically change a focal character.

Anyway, one that was great is the street fighter assassins fist. It was really good. Only complaint is how ryu looks but everyone else looks great.

>probably best character adaptations ever.
Seriously man?

Solid snake was 28 years old in mgs1

>Bland and mediocre
PoP had heart,even in the movie.
something that ass creed never had.

This is why they jagged. They were supposed to make an mgs movie a long time ago and kurt russell was the obvious choice but he's too old now and they missed the boat at a possible perfect mgs movie.

That really doesn't make sense. It's like saying an anime or cartoon shouldn't be made into a movie since it's not interactive in the first place.


Hell even christian bale is too old now? I don't even know young famous people these days

in that case they should ask Kurt to be big boss(old).

although they would have trouble bringing that character in if its set after mgs4...

Ocelot obviously

Professor Layton and the cheesy ass Phoenix Wright movie were decent.



Kino Reeves easily.

He already has the basics for CQC and the gun skills


So it's going to the worst film of the year?

>those were 500 dollar sunglasses, asshole

>deadpool worst movie of the year
didnt you watch autistic james bond?

As someone who has tuned out of movies completely, what the hell is the Deadpool or Logan: Wolverine Origins route anyway?

Is there still a creative destitution in media and can i safely crawl back into my hole?

Take a wild guess

I liked it. And there were much worse films out that year.

We might need to screencap those, cuz yeah, not gonna happen...

They're fucking movies already. Why is it Sup Forums shits on walking simulators when their favourite games are barely even games anyway? Is it literally alright if Japan does it?

>preview on internet

Fuck, I'm imagining someone spending the whole fucking day to download a trailer in 1995.

>blaming the quality of the product on consumers
Spotted a brainwashed monkey. This kind of attitude is the result of vidya movies being awful.

Alright, I'll admit there are some movies that aren't completely garbage, however its pretty much known that any movie based on a video game will be bad. There is far more precedent than not.

there need to only be 2 actors

any more than 2 actors and the movie is literally shit tier worst movie in history of everything and youre all shills

the actors need to be kino reeves and christ walken

>played through metal gear solid 1, 2, 3, PW, GZ and MGSV
>only heard about Bowie reference from MGSV

sure i don't live in america but still, i browsed so many MGS threads pre-mgs-GZ and i never heard about Bowie in any of those threads

Chapter 3 will be a movie

>Fuck, I'm imagining someone spending the whole fucking day to download a trailer in 1995.
F-fuck you too!

Oh shit they didn't say which mgs is getting the hollywood treatment


>videogame movies

They'll never learn, will they?

Honest question, how old were you when mgs came out? Because at the time it was groundbreaking for being like a movie and considered an elevation of the medium. As far as I know, mgs was the first of its kind, so yes, it's okay when mgs does it.

Not him but I was 12 and I remember being blown the fuck away by it.

10 bucks says kojima makes a cameo. He literally cannot resist

I was even younger but luckily an older friend gave us an mgs demo before it came out and we never heard of it and we played it nonstop. Everything else was inferior at that point. It was the kind of major jump that I don't know if is possible anymore in gaming.

Think about it. How many times did they crash and burn with the Superhero movies? Originally it was only Superman 1/2 and Batman/Batman Returns that were good, everything else was trash. It wasn't until Spider-Man/2, The Dark Knight Trilogy and Iron Man came along that they finally got the working formula right and now look, they're everywhere. The same will happen with video game movies.

>MGS movie
>not MGRR movie
It'll be shit.

Woops, by "us" I meant me and my brother.


Is that fag still doing that art project


I can see these, and they wouldn't surprise me either

Every video game movie usually ends up bad
I could see deadpool ish style working because of the meme anime style story but still having serious moments, snake needs to be cast right
>Hugh Jackman as snake
>Stan Lee as ocelot

This gem

I think it got shut down. Or due to people fucking with it, massively minimised.

This. No matter how badly he wants it, producers will always find a way to fuck it up.

>Big budget isn't important
>When Logan had a 127 million dollar budget
I get what he wants to say but Logan is not an right example

Don't pick up the phone grampa

>Logan route where you go with a smaller budget and you’re able to make it R, great. If you need to blow it out more and really get that bigger budget and go PG-13,
He says while Logan had a budget over 100 million, and Mad Max which was also rated R with a big budget.

Video game adaptations should be made with the intention that someone who didn't know that it was a video game wouldn't know otherwise. and I don't mean appealing to the masses, I mean no fanservice, no direct influence from the source medium (see Doom's first person shooter scene), none of that crap that would indicate it was originally a video game. Game's may be able to move a cinematic direction and still work, the opposite very rarely does, and if it does, its usually just a novelty anyway (see Hardcore Henry). Just make a film, not a video game film.

You kids these days have no idea what we went through. Mum's friend just had to call every other afternoon to chat.


It may have a chance.
>inb4 kojima's a hack
If a game is shit and the movie is shit, then isn't the most faithful adaptation ever?

Kurt Should definitely make a cameo as Big Boss in sequels... that's if MGS movies ever take off. That would be the ultimate homage.

>Who is your solid snake?
pic related of course

christoph waltz

The only guy who I can see pulling off Snake

This is basically what the Super Mario Bros movie does, and I unironically enjoy that movie.

>they're written by talentless hacks
so are the games themselves pham

They already made MGS Kino

That's a good snake eater