

Whats the point of this trinity?

everyone knows pirates, vikings, and knights are where it's at

To show off examples of who you can play as in the game

A glorious alliance of the superior races, what would have happened had the British accepted Hitler's offer of an alliance.

But the developers couldn't make their views obvious because of the backlash that would occur, so they chose 'vikings' (Aryans), 'knights' (Anglos) and 'samurai' (Japanese East Asians).

That's the AoEII pill.

It's all white men, which is why Sup Forumstards both love it and hate the (non-white) expansion.

>Sup Forums boogeyman
Fiund the tumblrina

>No we "we had this same thread yesterday" girl

Back to your containment board faggot.


Shit game

Back to your growing up and understanding satire faggot.

So what the fuck else is left after Rajas? A Skybox dev said the new campaign menu supposedly has five additional slots they could fill up.

>Sup Forums is satire
Keep memeing faggot, we know you guys are for real. You'll never have the real satire old Sup Forums had.

East asians are white?

I wasn't talking about the entirety of Sup Forums you bellend, just my post. I wrote a Sup Forums style response for a laugh and as a piss take and you got your knickers in a twist.

If you can't see that that post was made in jest then you have some kind of mental deficiency.

And don't talk to me about old Sup Forums, you sound like you've been on Sup Forums a couple of months at most.

He probably hasn't even played the game.

Finland when

Can I get a quick rundown on AoE 2?

>Dutch - UUs: Ruyter, Scaerwetter, Beguine, Fluyt, UTs: Skieringers, Goedendag, Tulipan Fever.
>Iroquois - UUs: Tomahawk, Mantlet, Aenna, UTs: Lacrosse, Longhouse, Travois.
>Khmers - UUs: Ballista Elephant, Kshatriya, UTs: Mandala, Ballista, Rice Paddy.
>Finnish - UUs: Suomi, Hackapell, Jääkäri, Revontulet Fox, UTs: Teräsbetoni, Sisu, Hakkapeliitta, Nightwish, Lapp Sleds.
>Malians - UUs: Gbeto, Mandekalu, Mali Skirmisher, UTs: Tigui, Farimba, Gbara, Griots.
>Portuguese - UUs: Caçador, Organ Gun, Caravel, Besteiro, UTs: Bandeirantes, Rammed Earth, Carracks.
>Chimu - UUs: Chimor Warrior, Maceman, UTs: Chan Chan, Huacas, Metalworking.
>Romans - UUs: Praetorian Guard, Centurion, Legionary, Gladiator, UTs: Pax Romana, Lorica Segmentata, Hydraulics.
>Scythians - UUs: Composite Bowman, Scythian Scout, Pata Arima Oior, Scythian Amazon, UTs: Scythicon, Bow Techniques.
>Ethiopians - UUs: Shotel Warrior, Oromo Warrior, Javelineer, UTs: Royal Heirs, Torsion Engines, Rampage.
>Berbers - UUs: Genitour, Camel Archer, Tuareg, UTs: Kasbah, Maghrabi, Moorish, Pirates.
>Polish - UUs: Szlachcic, Pancerni, Partyzant, Bajoras, UTs: Winged Hussars, Union of Krewo, Szabla, Pospolite Ruszenie.
>Russian - UUs: Poleaxeman, Cossack, Tatar Archer, Oprichnik, UTs: Voyi, Russian Siege, Tsars, Sevastopol.
>Irish - UUs: Gallowglass, Trooper, UTs: Ambush, Scots Hand.
>Swiss - UUs: Swiss Pikeman, Reisläufer, Follower, UTs: Confederation, Landsgemeinden.

someone's mod from last year. seems like ak and khmer civs were used.

>knickers in a twat
I bet you have severely fucked up teeth. I was around when rick rolling was actually still a thing, so nice try normalfag.

Holy shit you can't even take an edgy joke? Is this your first day on Sup Forums?

>no kangs dlc


Still salty from november 8th?

Oh nice bro us oldfags all remember rickrolling haha do u leik mudkipz le epic oldfag?

Let me point some things out to you that should of made it obvious to anyone with a brain that it was a satirical post:

>mocking Sup Forums's style of speech (using terms like 'glorious', 'Aryan' and 'Anglo'
>suggesting Ensemble Studios have Neo-nazi/Axis powers related sympathies
>using a made up term 'AoEII pill'

You are a thick, thick person if you read this as a serious post.

Your mental capacity is on the same level as Sup Forumstards and it's people like you who have ruined this website almost as much as Sup Forums has.

lol bring back snacks us oldfags right!
pol is so bad, i really wish hillary won!

>>Russian - UUs: Poleaxeman, Cossack, Tatar Archer, Oprichnik, UTs: Voyi, Russian Siege, Tsars, Sevastopol.
Slavs are pretty much Russians the way the game represents them.
Russians would just be slavs 200 years later.

Poles as a separate nation would make sense though.

>can't take an edgy joke
I hope an elephant rapes your asshole

I have one slightly fucked up tooth that sticks out slightly. Have had a lot of compliments from girls about it because it's a unique attribute. Better than a cookie-cutter hollywood smile any day of the week.

But honestly how moronic you are would make a lot more sense if you turned out to be American. They have a hard time understanding humour beyond SNL. Tragic, really.

Dont try reasoning with Hillary drones. Theyre like the zerg swarm without the overmind. Chaos. But at least the galaxy was saved

>no Portugal

>no pirates

>Rothchild family apparently owns all the banks
>Bogdanoffs are actually secretly in control of them all though, and are more powerful than Rothschilds and will lead humanity into a new golden dawn of conquering the stars
>someone leaks that Bitcoin market value is actually controlled by how many people use the gold cheat in AoEII per day
>he is found dead in his apartment three days later in mysterious circumstances
>'robin hood' spray painted on the wall next to the body
>Bogdanoffs photographed eating cheese steaks in a restaurant called Jimmy's a few days later

That's all I've got so far, the rabbit hole could go deeper though.

native american tribes?

Favorite civilization, go.

Not the greatest, but I love gunpowder. It's fun swarming your opponent with frontline units while gunpowder annihilates.

Back to the_donald and fucking stay there you ape

Haha wow my joke post really infuriated the imbeciles that seem out in force today.

If you took that most seriously, reassess your life and where you went wrong.

Goths. I'm a simple man who likes sending unending hordes of halberdiers and huskarls at my friends.

I've never actually played the Goths. When I focus on infantry I go for Teutons and send Teutonic Knights out alongside a force of generic units.

Those knights are the most stylish unit in the game, but also so easy to kill. Teutons don't even have too good artillery to give them proper cover fire (packing them in rams works tho).

Cataphracts will forever be the best unique unit.