Is Sup Forums looking forward to the new much-needed injection of diversity into Overwatch?

Is Sup Forums looking forward to the new much-needed injection of diversity into Overwatch?

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I wonder if people really think this way.

I am more triggered about Sombra design

She doesn't look Mexican

there's already a gorilla character though

why is diversity™ so important in western games?

>game is a jewish plot against the white race

please explain how adding nonwhite characters in a fucking video game threatens your existence

>your ethnicity
>do you care

Some people make it a hobby to get angry at things

>what is pandering


how many nonwhite countries add white people to their entertainment shit?

Based desu. Hope he wins the elections.

Oh fuck, so the whole "Muslim black woman try to save the world, evil white male destroy it" was true.

Japan makes sure to add 100% White people to all their games except Yakuza who has 0% white people.

>complains about pandering in the game that sold thanks to sfm porn

He didn't actually say that, i looked at the "interview" and it was from a shady looking arabic news site. Schulz wasn't even in the interview, the quote is from some minister who claimed that schulz and his translator once told him this in a conversation they had.

>except Yakuza who has 0% white people.
Well, is called Yakuza 0 after all.

how is this related to overwatch ? Jesus Christ are you seriously interpreting a video game design as something that has a political impact ? On how many layers of autism are you holy shit Stop playing then if black characters offend you and give you nightmares about the so called jewish cabal against "le wite peple in danger". A fucking game filled with kids and waifucucks which only purpose is to get cash from microtransactions and you're here convinced that it will genocide an ethnicity.

Japanese are white now?

>game has all white cast
>Pandering to white people
>this is ok because Sup Forums is actually retarded

>Game has a diverse cast because they all come from different countries and backgrounds
Sup Forums leaks from its containment board like radiation from fukushima, I swear.

I don't even know what is your point anymore

There are white people in Yakuza 0 tho

Just another bullshit post on Sup Forums huh

This place is long gone, we're never getting it back but we keep coming here and seeing how bad Sup Forums's shit it up

Sup Forums and Tumblr are closer than they want to admit. They just want to get offended by anything

Sombra is Mexican not black you ameritard

most retarded thread i saw today


Time and again, I insist Sup Forums LOVES ironic humor. Sup Forums is also an ironic board. People pretend their livelihood are threatened (by what they claimed to be inferior people, of all things) for shit and giggles.

I'd say white race is pretty damn safe. Your women won't fuck black men if your women actually lives with you in a real relationship (with love and shit.) Mexican can't steal your job unless you clean toilet for a living. Life's pretty good.

I hope everyone just understand this.

So you appeal to their fanbase.

Another lightning gun?

Take it from an oldfag who's seen the world: you'd be fucking surprised if you ever left the basement

>what if the pyro was a robot


Japan, but using a better example than the other guy

But Pajeet can steal your job when he decides to work as a code monkey for half the going rate ignorant dipshit.

I would give anything for a proper lightning gun (the UT kind) instead of the piddly shit Winston uses.

You just have a loser's way of thinking. Code twice as GOOD as Pajeet.

Seriously only loser seems to be threatened by immigrants.

its fucking 6th game + 2 spin offs, fag. Its just only one you, retard, played.

>only sane person is banned
really makes you think.

>playing overshit
it's literally ''tumblr the game''how is anyone suprised about that shit? we knew this since day 1


how is it tumblr

I guess the Disney employees responsible for orchestrating the company's web presence for the past 10 years with decades of experience just didn't code well enough compared to the Pajeets they had to train to replace them. etc. etc.

dude that statement isn't even true
israel hates him because he's trying to force them to supply gaza with more water

do you even check shit or do you just repeat what ppl tell you?

Most of the world advertised 12 Years A Slave as a movie about the white dude, and not the slave guy.

>it was from a shady looking arabic
Literally Israels BIGGEST newspaper you krautnigger.

It's like on Sup Forums


Not an argument

What is it about Overwatch that makes Sup Forums post about it so much?

a few characters aren't white or have odd haircuts

i know this whole thread is shitposting but for me it's hilarious to see blizzard approach to new character when compared to something like blazblue

>here's the new guilty gear character, she's obssesed with marriage and fights using champagne and flower boquet!
>here's the new guilty gear character, he's a ninja! but you see, he's also a business man so he uses business card as throwing star
>here's the new guilty gear character, she pilots a robot that looks like a kung fu master and uses an harp to hypnotize the opponent into submission
>umm... we are blizzard... these character are soldier... and they are black woman, please liberal don't hurt us

oh by the way i forgot to add the part where

guilty gear = weebtrash
overwatch = diverse character design

Who is the qt white omnic in the centre?

>Uses blazblue as example but only mentions guilty gear characters

Why? The vast majority of the western world doesn't even have 5% black people.

>''diverse characters''
>characters literally look like straight off gender studies class
>nu blizzard shit

we've had so many threads about it before release my fellow redditor

I wonder how much money someone would make if they made a webcomic about a strawman Neo-Nazi crying about the modern world.

doesn't affect gameplay
>''diverse characters''
doesn't affect gameplay
>characters literally look like straight off gender studies class
doesn't affect gameplay
>nu blizzard shit
not an argument

how is it tumblr again?

>using logic on Sup Forums
>being literally hitler

Low IQ game that requires little effort

>only sane person is Phil fucking Fish

>''lalala I can't hear you in my safespace''
not an argument ''XD''

>if i move the goalposts enough i can ignore reality

Thanks for proving my point.

Also there are many kind of "replacing." Those that go higher train new people to replace them so they can go into management and shit without vacating their position.

You are probably talking about the loser who aren't as good as they think, considering how company decided to replace them with immigrants. No company want to deal with Indian not having average US common sense, English skill, manner and shit. They will hire you of you are not so fucking sucks.

>"lalala I can't hear you in my safespace"

"It seems perfunctory to point out the hypocrisy of building a movement and a career on the back of insulting people — Muslims, migrants, women, people of color — while nursing a hair-trigger sensitivity to any personal attack you haven’t pre-approved. That hypocrisy, though, does not appear self-evident to anyone within this movement, because a fundamental tenet of far-right pro-trolling is that it’s only other people’s feelings that are frivolous. Their own feelings, by contrast, including the capacity to feel shame when they’re held accountable for their actions, are so momentous that infringing them is tantamount to censure, practically fascism in and of itself. These are men, in short, who have founded an entire movement on the basis of refusing to handle their emotions like adults."

>no u
stop avatarfagging you fucking newfag

45 dollars a month on patreon assuming weekly updates and decent art

>Israeli news

It's fine for a game to have a diverse cast. but when the dev's think making the characters gay is more important than fixing blatant flaws in the game is a problem. And who the fuck even is this little bitch? she is a literal who, I was expecting doom fist but we have a little dindu ass girl instead. And what respected scientist would dress like a literal tribeswoman? the devs are literally jamming progressiveness down your fucking throat with this shit.

actually, all the stuff you said does affect gameplay because it says something about the game designers.
The game designers personalities or game design philosophy will always shine through.
Surprise surprise, overwatch has gameplay that panders to the most absolute brainwashed drone retard that can only handle things in a multiple choice test format: no new situations, no new ideas, only A = B.

So much this.

A pajeet can't even afford a toilet and must shit in the streets. If even then he can program better than you, then maybe you don't deserve your 100k job.

Programmers who have gotten good like Linus Torvalds, Rich Hickley, Yehuda Katz, Jose Valim, etc, don't worry about pajeets taking their jobs because they all have the skills to build out their own business application.

Faggots who shit themselves out of fear of pajeets and chinks taking their jobs are just whiny lazy losers who deserve to be replaced.

>Some leftist wrote this pseudo intellectual drivel, totally unaware that he was perfectly describing his own position



>s-stop it!
>d-delete this!

>but when the dev's think making the characters gay is more important than fixing blatant flaws in the game is a problem.

Fuck off they didn't decide not to buff your character because Tracer being confirmed gay in a side comic took up all their time

This is one of the stupidest things I've heard

Definitely thinking it would make way more money in Trump's America

>he thinks foreigners are hired because they're better

oh look

found the libtard

it affects gameplay when they ignore the faults in the gameplay and make their characters carpet munchers.

And you can steal Pajeets job if you're willing to work for half his going rate. Maybe the problem is that youre lazy and entitled?

There are fags and non-whites in this game I don't even play!

Well Why Else would they be hired?
They do not have competitive advantage in form of free benefits meaning lower wages! It is completely fair + balanced!

>literally dash a checkbox on a piece of paper

You are telling me that industry veterans who literally had to train their replacements were to incompetent? That there is literally no other reason they were fired, such as the fact the indians work for peanuts. God you are mental mate, how can you form coherent sentences with such a dysfunctional brain?

Fuck off Sup Forums

they ignored sombra because they were making tracer gay

they ignored road hog because they were making tracer gay

they made a fucking capture the flag mode and thought it was a good idea in a game where characters can literally fly at light speed. probably while they were working on this bitch WHO ISN'T FUCKING DOOMFIST

>talks shit about taro games and loves diverse games
hi tumblr

You do realize that a huge chunk of pajeets in pajeetland have just been replaced by pajeets willing to work for half their pay right?

that whole cash burning thing they did has been a treat.

Nice broken english there Ivan
>high performance reviews
>many years with company

nah, they're just shitters who deserve to be replaced

>Why else would they be hired

You pay them less.

Took the word out of my mouth.

These faggots scream how awesome USA is on one hand, but on the other hand complain how people from inferior shithole with shit safety, shit education, shit food, shit everything is taking their job. Seriously if you can't be better than people from the shithole you hated so much, then maybe you are the problem.

Are you actually have your job taken by immigrant or are you a very good troll?
Friendly advise tho, if you are legit, change your way of thinking, it'd be great for your career.

hey capture the flag wouldn't have sucked so hard if the flag disabled its carrier's abilities.

Blizzard heats Sup Forums and Reddit call the game perfect outside of le buffs or nerfs which I'd a can of worms that Blizzard loves to hold onto for profit reasons.

>He actually thinks they didn't have several meetings discussing how this could affect sales given the current mainstream media.

Not to mention they had to do the comic. there is literally no excuse why they couldn't balance their game and make tracer a carpet muncher.

>>talks shit about taro games
I love Taro games though?

i'm fine with "diversity" and i think sombra and ana are both cool
but this new character is retarded
child prodigy characters are shit and uninteresting and her being african of all things makes her seem totally contrived
i hope she's not an actual playable character

>they should have their writers and concept artists fixing the game instead of writing and doing art because everyone working on the game is a programmer.
Are you retarded? literally nothing is taken away by this.

The irony is that it's you and the SJWs you mock. you're both the same thing, but unlike SJWs you all pride yourselves on triggering others despite being just as easily triggered if not moreso. Dish out but you just can't take it like a baker that hates cake but always bakes it.

>And what respected scientist would dress like a literal tribeswoman
What respected scientist would dress like a semen demon?

>better than the people from the shithole you hated so much
Not better, my poor, naive snowflake, just cheaper.