I can't win a single battle

Neither online, nor offline. I'm on medium difficulty.

What's going wrong, Sup Forums?

You were born with IQ of 60.

I'm that dorf guy from the last threads and, after pushing Archaon's shit in and conquering 3/4 of the world I started playing the Empire Campaign and I have to say it's definitely harder and much more challenging.

What are you playing OP?



In campaign just click auto resolve, it's way more overpowered than actually ever fighting a battle

Auto-resolve everything with 50%+ chance of winning, you will not lose units and after 2 turns your army is ready again to "fight".

TWW is a failure total war.

>auto resolving
the whole point is fighting the battles you stupid cucks

>auto-resolving battles that aren't completely one-sided


>start battle
>infantry units are slow and weak beatsticks
>throw in gunners to harrass enemy forces
>one volley of their archers kill 1/4 of my gunners, one volley of my gunners doesn't kill a fly in the air
>morale dropping fast
>enemy charges hero unit
>surround him with my infantry
>300 men get anhilated by a treeskin
>battle ends because nothing that I have can kill anything
>final screen shows that my units have only 9, 14, 16, 7, 4, 3 kills made

What am I doing wrong?

That's a surefire way to never get better.

Practice playing with formations, abuse slow-motion and pause in the beginning until you get better in real time - and look for a guide on army composition.

90% of this game is countering the other players units, so know which troops to put in each location.


>playing battles yourself
It's a surefire way to ruin the games. You can exploit the shitty AI so bad they might as well be completely passive. At least auto-resolving results in some friendly losses.

Fighting wood elves. Download the defensive wood elves mod, it'll make for a far more enjoyable empire campaign. Your best bet, by the way, is to go HAM on cavalry. Empire gets some cavalry that is simply the tits. Also, get greatswordsmen if you suspect the enemy won't be peppering you with a cloud of arrows like the welves do.

>Radeon HD 6800 series
>30-40 fps on medium with large unit size
i was shocked

What frustrates me the most is that I'm pretty good in Napoleon Total War and I can't win a single battle of this.

have you enver played Total War before? I wouldn't recommend starting with Empire, especially not since the Wood Elves joined the campaign. Hopefully Bretonnia will balance them out next week.

Start with the Dwarfs and keep it simple. A line of infantry with a second line of archers and then your artillery to force the enemy to come to you. Don't be afraid to pause or use slow motion to issue commands. Play on Medium until you learn the ropes.

So don't exploit the AI too badly or play on legendary? Have some fucking self control. You might as well play /gsg/ if you want only campaign gameplay.

auto-resolve seems weird to me, against empire it seems to strongly overestimate their units, i had a couple of battles where the bar was 100% red, and managed to win every time (pretty roughly) without cheesing it at all. but against dwarves, it seems the opposite where autoresolve thinks their units are garbage, while actually fighting them out is very difficult even at a 50/50 rating.

Learn your matchups.

-Shielded Vs. Missile
-Piercing Vs Armoured
-Spears Vs. Large (Cav)

Etc etc.

Also learn how to move your units. If you're being charged, make sure your unit has charge defense, then brace (Aka: Keep the unit still, and facing the charge.)

Don't block handgunners with infantry, unless they're on a hill; they won't shoot through/over them. Put them out front for a volley, drag them behind your lines, then flank the enemy with them from the sides, or use them to defend the sky.

How? The principles are exactly the same. I hope you aren't trying to use too much gunpowder, because the tech is too weak for that.

fucking elves and beastshit i didn't waste a penny for these faggots but i still have to tolerate them in my game ...
i simply cant catch them they always run away and comeback again and again

>offline. I'm on medium difficulty.


like, the AI is TRYING to lose on medium

Total War battles should all be default on very hard because it's the only time that you can ever even remotely come close to losing.

like, you understand that you can look at your stats, and see 'oh these guys have really high defence and armour, so I'll make them my anvil, and these guys have high charge and attack, so they will be the hammer.'

just hammer and anvil whenever possible

surround enemies if you have a horde army with lots of shitty troops, or use hills and scenery chokepoints to your advantage if you have a smaller army of elite units. If you have good firepower from missile units and siege weaponry, you should bring more defensive troops so you can snipe from afar and wait to be charged at - Dwarfs default to this strategy. If you have poor firepower, you probably have great attacking capacity, so get engaged in close combat as quickly as possible.

Auto-resolve is primarily balanced for AI vs AI, because that's all they can use and they don't build the same kind of armies you do. Because of this some units are garbage in battle, but great in auto-resolve, and vice versa.

>retards who don't just use heavy infantry and cavalry and fuck the rest
Infantry meanshields, cavalry kills everything

Ambushes are your friend. Use them. Also, try not to piss off the elves, because they're OP. Fucking shitters can't micro and went crying for buffs.

>heavy infantry
>he doesn't use worthless peasants as sword-sponges while his brave and noble knights swing round the back and get all the glory in a devastating charge

haha, "heavy infantry" nice on m8!

are you just moved from console to PC game?

i cant catch them on the world map, battle isn't really a problem they just pop from no where and and attack my weak settlement when i already have to deal with real threats

>my weak settlement

Its always tempting to autoresolve but you take away the fun.

I got so mad with elven treeskins that I razed their sacred tree thing. Felt good.

I play what i want

I'm back.

Well, from one noob to another, I'd say don't fight the Elves (they're usually neutral to friendly anyways) and be aware that the regular Empire units such as the sword&shield guys and the spearmen are basically complete trash, wait until you have the better ones before starting to roll out. Also, go for guns and artillery ASAP and learn to micro your knights and cavalry to be as annoying as possible.

Keep at it bro, I haven't had so much fun in a game since Dark Souls 1, so it's worth the learning curve!

>attack my weak settlement

nigga if you have a fucking border settlement, do you not think you should BUILD GOD DAMN WALL to keep those illegals out.

You can just tear it down once you're comfortably expanded beyond that settlement and build something else.


>start battle
>Swordsman hold the line, while the enemy is peppered with either crossbows/gunfire/artillery
>roll out the big guns
>steam tanks and Karl Franz beat the shit out of their melee units
>company of battlechickens flank around them fucking their woodland asses thighter than a cock from blacked.com
>they piss off into their shitty tree villages

What army are you playing? Really tough to give any advice in Warhammer -- where the armies are all radically different -- unless I know which army you're playing and who you're up against.

If you're playing as Empire, make sure that your halberds / spears are engaging enemy cavalry rather than infantry. If you are defending, take the high ground. Have your swords CHARGE into battle unless you have bonuses (such as Karl Franz's talent tree abilities) that give a big bonus to receive charge. This is true even when defending. Charging downhill gives a big bonus and this is when you get a lot of kills.

Micro your cavalry to avoid enemy spears unless they're already engaged and you're rear charging them.

Understand how the Total War morale system works. Units that are badly outnumbered, losing decisively, taking big losses, flanked, or have lost a commander all take a serious morale hit. These things stack.

Guns are also quite good, because even though they're bad at firing over friendlies, they do huge morale damage. Your handgunners should be carefully maneuvered to get flanking shots on the enemy, rather than trying to fire through your own lines.

I always play these battles because I like watching their armies charge and get gunned down to the last man, I have some videos that I could make webms of later.

>w-we'll revolt y-you'll see !

You should never tear them down. The AI knows where you have no walls, and it will beeline for those settlements. You still have enough slots left as long as you do a minimum of planning.

anyone know when the second part is coming out?

I wanna play with some fuggin real Elves with shiny armour

I've literally never had an instance of enemy AI catching me with my pants down and besieging an interior settlement. Just don't leave your home provinces without some kind of army that can city hop with extra movement when someone comes knocking.

You've been lucky then. Later on when greenskin-and beastmen hordes respawn they love to move to an unprotected settlement and attack it, and the same applies to the inevitable backstabbing ally (at least on VH). Late game you'll have too much land to cover with one or two armies, and walls are cheaper and free up troops anyway.

playing wood elves without autoresolve is impossible, it's a joke how squishy the units are, and how you have to kite across the entire map, meanwhile all other factions can just select all, lock formation, and run forward then go AFK

My Empire campaign is a mess:

>corruption at 60% in the east
>can't move troops around without losing a third to attrition
>chaos and vampire counts invading to the east
>chaos and fucking vickings in the north
>treeshitskins to the south with 4 complete armies
>rebellions in the west because no army to keep order

I have to auto-resolve everything because I suck at this game even though I used to be clan leading in Napoleon.

Are you kidding? It's the most OP faction, provided you know how to actually play the game.

>bought the game on Sunday
>already have 50h playtime

I need help, Sup Forums, please, summon THE ELECTOR COUNTS!

Also, is it my imagination or do achievements pop up way too often in this game?

you must not play on very hard or legendary then, you scub

But I do. It doesn't even matter that much because missiles are comparatively more effective on those difficulties. Do you even use the red skills in the lord trees? Your elite archers and wild riders get insane stats, not to mention how incredibly good the trees are if that's your jam.

It's people like you that whined enough that they got overbuffed, when you can't even play the game properly.


>says here I got a grudge against you

Did anyone say something?

why are dwarfs so tsundere

Pretty much what I'm waiting for too. Can't fucking wait for the Dark Elves and seeing my army swathed in purple and gold.

I also want to see how they're going to implement the the Cult of Khaine, considering bloodletting and slitting the throats of enemies is how they harness Khaine powers. They have Dhar magic, sure, but I really wish to see a late game cauldron of blood marching in with the Dark Elf army to cause fucking mayhem and total destruction on the battlefield, melting incoming units into blood pools, and Death Hags sacrificing units on the altar.


nothing like midget elf minatures

Fucking love the Dark Elf armors.

Can't wait to see Blackguards marching into battle.


I bought it on SUnday too. Got 21 hours.

Still suck hard.

I've gotten pretty good at the RTS battles and micromanaging my units, but I am fucking awful at diplomacy and resource management.

Currently the strongest faction and in control of like a dozen provinces with like 3 foreign armies in my confederation but I have no idea what I should be doing. I just build up my towns and wait for people to declare war on me and then go stomp their asses.

you're in the realm of slaanesh now, prepare your anus for that double digit dragon dildos

It's a strategy game, so strategize. Set goals, find out what's required to achieve them, then get started. Prioritize too, so that you'll have both things to attend immediately, things that progress slowly, and things to do in case you suddenly free up time and resources.

I know lots of people are still salty, but I'm really hoping the current rumours for Age of Sigmar are true and the first real Elf (now Aelves kek) army/battletome is going to be Dark Elf Corsair types with a real Deep Ones/Lovecraft feel about them

I've really loved what they've been doing so far where within Grand Alliances they've been creating very specialised armies, like Greenskins now split up into regular Greenskins of old, Ironjawz which have Black Orc equivalents as the most basic troops, and Bonespitterz which have a very old school Greenskins feel of being totally savage Orcs with primitive weapons and wearing warpaints and stuff. I think they can do a really niche Elven faction like the old Corsairs justice with the new army that might not even be real

>I love me some edge

Grow up anons. I want my reddit rats and KANGZ

What does normal progression look like? I know that you shouldn't rush to do the little missions the game throws at you.

I try to spend the early turns securing allies and building a stable income while I work towards eliminating the hostile faction the game places you against immediately.

That usually works pretty well for a while, but then some tough choices pop up and that's where I always mess up. I feel like mid-game I lose any sense of control and end up fighting for my life.

One tip is to never get the unreliable trait for diplomacy. You get unreliable by breaking a treaty, and pretty much everyone will refuse deals with you

The speed of progression is really dependent on your skill, and seasoned players will most likely expand much faster than you. What's key is to identify who you want as allies, and who you want to take territory from (what borders do you want). Consolidating after the early game isn't a bad idea, but you should still look out for opportunities to grab or sack provinces easily, especially from someone you have designated as likely enemies (long or short term). An army that isn't doing anything is a waste of money. Don't forget that you can confederate allies from the same faction if they like you enough or are desperate, but if you do don't be afraid to disband their shitty armies.

Well, to be fair, I played TW games a lot before, so maybe that's it. Is this your first TW game?

Just keep calm and run your line to meet them, you WILL lose at least half your melee infantry even if they are all shielded. Monstrous infantry go down really fast if you target them with missile troops. Recommend bringing 4+ or so empire knights and 3+ handgunners to make it easy, you should be able to have that kind of at at around turn 25.

I suck at total war games to, just do what I did and be vampire and make armys of bats

Restart in easy or play dwarfs

Auto resolving only works on the easier difficulties. It was made like that on purpose so people like OP would have an I win button and feel like they're leet. On the harder difficulties, the enemy armies get passive bonuses and full stacks that makes it so their armies are 50/50 when considering auto resolve, even though you could trounce them in gameplay.

OP just needs to learn some basics.

Armored - Means that you need armor piercing or you won't do good damge, or very little damage.

Anti Large - Means that this is only good against larger units, like Calvary, trolls, mutants etc. Does very little damage against anything else even if you have a top end unit against a low end one.

Anti Infantry - This means that it huts multiple people in a single unit very well and thins their numbers so that you can do more damage, NOT that it does more damage of itself, people often confuse this.

Group up your people and force them to hold position you set for them. This will mean your armies stay in their shape and attack anything they encounter while advancing.

dwarves are only piss easy because orcs suck ass

Not the guy you're replying to, but auto-resolve is actually better on higher difficulties because the AI doesn't get the bonuses that it does in battle.

Not really, they benefit a lot from being almost unbreakable as well as all that armor and defense.

But the dark elf armors look so cool, how can you not like a little bit of edgy?

>make fun of op for autoreolving
>post pic of killing tier 1 units with easy mode "i win army"

i bet you use lightning strike too

>dwarves are only piss easy because orcs suck ass

Dwarf are the only race that gets early good war machines. You can easily thin out vital enemy troops before they can make contact and when you win, as they're running, you're not supposed to chase them as a dwarf but let your long range machines take them down.

thats literally every total war, autoresolve is busted as hell


It's single player, in hard single player matches I don't always have the time to go around taking screen shots of the battlefield when I'm in danger of losing.

I thought only women got triggered.

i think biggest thing autoresolve does bad is how you basicly get no casualties when the power bar is even slightly onesided

why would you ever autoresolve anything but a guaranteed shit stomp? why even play total war? the strategic map isn't great.

you play for the battles. and winning the tough ones.

I'd play a lot more of the battles if the load times weren't so long.

if you cant win on very hard/very hard then you should just kys yourself. Legendary is for people who do not like fun tho

Reduce the quality of the textures, you probably put them to the maximum quality even though your gpu doesn't have enough memory.

That's the only thing that makes the loading times so long

>spikes everywhere

Don't worry, I play Chaos Marines on the 40k tabletop.

Not him but I have a 970 memecard, I don't mind 1-2 minute queues but is this a thing?

>That's the only thing that makes the loading times so long

>Have 8gigs of memory
>Not putting them to work

I just alt tab while it loads in 3 mins.

Play the dwarf campaign first to learn the ropes, it's the easiest one. Also, there are many guides on the internet on how to get good at the game, just read them. The two major points you need to remember are line infantry tactics and hammer&anvil. Learn these concepts and you're golden, until you encounter the treeniggers with their retarded flying archer unit spam, fuck.

Who Total War: China here?

>I can't win a single battle

Is your name Mannfred by any chance?

you need to diversify your bonds nigga. stop trying to mass one units and throwing them into a death ball. learn basic strats like pulling two large formations to the side and one big one in the center and when the center engages you close in from the sides and attack the flank. get very mobile units to speed around the melee attacks and harass archers.

Well it was a thing to me, went from 1-2 min loadings to 10 seconds

use slowmotion til you don't feel overwhelmed

i don't even have this game installed on my ssd and the load times are a non issue. your hard drive is trash.

if we were talking about shogun 2 on certain system configurations, then i could agree with you.


Only the chinese and dynasty warriors players would care and chinese can't afford AAA video games yet

>Not him but I have a 970 memecard, I don't mind 1-2 minute queues but is this a thing?

1-3minutes is hella long. I played FEAR when it released in 2006 and even that didn't take as long as Total Warhammer to load and we're talking about the BEST graphics at the time. But I take lots of screen shots as I play each race every few months or so. They come in handy when I have to discuss the game and they add a little sumtin sumtin to the discussion.

Usually only 1 out of 5 screen shots end up looking half way decent.

A fucking bird helm.

My hard drive is like 5-7 years old so it's probably that.

So I'm curious.

For those of you who player this game without knowing the Warhammer Fantasy setting, what's your opinion of each faction once you got to know them, both in lore and gameplay?

>elves attack my full stack
>they only have less than half of an army, some light cav, some archers, some spear infantry, a couple of heroes
>autoresolve strongly in my favor
>fight battle
>branchwraith stomps out half my army
>cavalry kite and route the rest

Never went into battle without artillery after that.

That's nice, now try running the game on ultra, instead of medium.