That fag that calls a game "weebshit"

>that fag that calls a game "weebshit"

that's me


What game specifically? He could be correct.

>tfw invented and forced the word weebshit

Why do you care what some random cunt on Sup Forums says?

t.random cunt

I'm not a fag, I just think that anything after tales of symphonia is weebshit

who cares
weeb is not even an insult

I'd rather hang out with a superweeb than OP

Depends on the game. It's deserved for shit like Senran and Neptunia, both of which exist solely for weeb appeal and have incredibly mediocre gameplay for their respective genres. It only gets worse from there when you start looking into shit like anime fighters.

Then you have the faggots who complain about weeb shit for things like Persona. The fuck were they expecting? Game might as well be titled "Japanese High School Boy Supernatural Adventure Anime Simulator."

Regardless, the ones who do it on this site specifically are legitimately autisitc. It's like walking into a Chinese restaurant and screaming at everyone who isn't eating a burger. Where the fuck do they think they are?

>calls weebshit and acess Sup Forums

>that fag who comes to an anime websites video game board and hates anime
yes it is all boards on Sup Forums were made for anime fans to discuss those subjects off of the anime and anime/random boards

Fuck off and die, weebcuck

Probably on Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums.

>this entire thread


>That weeb that gets triggered when an alpha male calls his pantsu collection game weebshit

Is Karekano any good?
I stopped watching after they start dating near the beginning of the series.

Kill yourself

>alpha male
Top kek my man


Deserved for gatchapon mobile trash

If you use "weeb" at all you either need to fuck off to reddit or kill yourself

what's wrong with using the word weeb?

That's probably me

I have an irrational dislike of weeb games like neptunia because most of the people that I've seen shilling for them were the most insufferable kind of neets

Persona is shallow trash though. You would have an argument if you said something like Armored Core or some fighting game

Fuck off you weeb faggot

if you are a degenerated 2dpd fag you should honestly kys.

Are you too stupid to understand that the 90% of the "EVERYTHING JAPANESE IS WEEBSHIT HEHEHE" crowd are shitposters that only want to trigger and get attention from (you)?

>being this much of a triggered weeb

I hate how all these 12 year old youtube faggots keep coming here.

the food girl

Persona 3 on Hard is pretty engaging if you ask me, but you're entitled to your opinion, user.

I have nothing against anime games, but I can easily see why they are criticized just as well as other games in the context of Sup Forums. And they should be, I'm only glad when fanboyism is avoided and same standards are applied to all games, regardless of their theme or origin.

Sup Forums isn't really a place to talk about anime games exclusively.



stay mad

Use weeaboo; you know, the one that developed here?

haha epic win lol
subscribe to idubbbbbbz


What can you do? They probably saw the name of this website in a "top 10 pranks made by Sup Forums"

Karekano is the best thing that Anno and Sagisu ever did. It gets notably good after some episode tho.


Here's your (You), OP.
Go stick your head in a garbage disposal.

>that fag who made this thread

I don't think you'll genuinely find someone saying you're not allowed to discuss Half Life, Fallout, GTA, or any other non-anime game on this board. However, anyone who refuses to accept that Sup Forums is a site founded on anime and weeb culture in general is legitimately retarded. As such, I refuse to believe that anyone who shitposts about weebshit isn't baiting, and lazily at that

This thread is telling me that Sup Forums will mindlessly defend any Japanese game in existence merely on the basis that this website was intended to be a Western clone of a Japanese website

You are irrationally fanatic and stubborn if this is unironically your mindset of which you choose to perceive this world. I don't imagine your IQ is much higher than about 90.

I prefer to use weeb though. The word has a certain feel, ya know?

no one cares


Is this the guaranteed replies/newfag magnet thread?

>Person calls Japanese game a Weeaboo game
>A Japanese game wanting to be Japanese despite not being Japanese

xd kys weeb fag lmao say nigger xddd prank'd troll face

Yep, we were waiting for you to show up.


>caring this much
you're just feeding them you retard
same as calling nintendo or sony shit and seeing a flood or retards giving you a (you)

>that fag that sends you pics of his butt

>anime art

>moefags think that they are welcome in this or any community

Idea Factory shovelware deserves every insult under the sun

Sweet. I'll just take my seat then.

Tell him to stop, you fucking fag.



>Sup Forums
>anime site
he he he

>That newfag that removes a meme arrow when quoting someone in order to not give them a (you), not realizing the response is what actually counts.

I did once and he asked me if his butt was ugly I said no and he kept doing it.

Are you STILL Kare Kano posting? Didn't you watch this anime like four to five months ago and post the characters insolently all over the place?

Using a Reddit frog and access Sup Forums.

>anime, manga /= games

>Brony has less likes than the weebtard
Looks like someone is not as high in the hierarchy as they thought.

i can send you pics of my butt too

that's a big fucking penis

>that fag that calls weebshit "game"


The original message I replied to just described Sup Forums as the Chinese restaurant while I believe it should be more or less a global kitchen where all kind of food is chewed and whined about, including weeb games.


>Mfw a guy once called Deus Ex "edgy cyberpunk weebshit" in front of me


>that fag that tries to ERP with you

>Not using memays arrows

I still don't understand how this website started caring about politics at all

If I tell you yours is ugly, would you stop?

Are you upset, buddy? Pull up a Filthee Frenk video and grab your blankie.

>calling anyone a weeb while posting Fateshit


If it was only stuff like Persona. I see people calling anything weeb that isn't Mr. America Sergeant Sir King-Sized American Style Freedom Flavor Edition saves the day.

This thread, but every time someone says "kys" the people who do so actually kill themselves

Delete this you stupid weeb

>that fag who buys actual weebshit on steam

apples are apples! you don't say

People realized that it's easiest to bait others by falseflagging about shit that actually matters and impacts lives.

Surprise, it worked so well that it got an orange into office.

Keep crying, you assblasted youtube cuck.

That's impossible brah. Weebshit aren't games.


>the shanty site of Sup Forums right now

>missing out on the best party game on PC

Your loss mate


I will never not laugh at this gif

>reads two words
>has to read again to say three more words

Reminder that you are literally retarded if you think any board on Sup Forums has better taste in anime than /m/


Dumbass newfag
Sup Forums came before Sup Forums