Buying a Switch on launch when you have a Wii U

>Buying a Switch on launch when you have a Wii U
What a stupid fanboy.
Nintendo is giving Wii U owners zero incentives to "upgrade" at launch.

Other urls found in this thread:

No one has a Wii U

>No one has a Wii U
>/hbg/ hit over 2000 posts last night of people begging for the tik
It's like you don't even know where you are

What's different between the WiiU and the Switch versions of BotW?

Switch is 900p, wiiu is 720p. Some graphical differences

There are about 13 million Wii U consoles sold. In comparison with the competition no one bought it. Never use Sup Forums as a reference.

>begging for the tik
Do you mean utikdownloader?
Is that not available anymore?

Will the WiiU version have some gamepad unique features?
Does the performance differ significantly between consoles?

Switch will be my first Nintendo console since the SNES. If I can find out because it's fucking sold out everywhere.

Nothing that matters, in other words.
Not a 300 dollar difference.
$360 if you can pirate it

There will 6 times as many Wii U owners in March 2017 as there are Switch owners.

The downloader needs the ticket (tik file) to decrypt the game and work. We can download the game files but they're useless without a ticket

And what ticket were people begging for? What did I miss?

The BotW ticket. Every game needs a tik file to run. Its what tells the system you legally own it. Or in the case of the brazillian method, you use hacks to spoof the system into thinking you bought the ticket.

Holy shit.
Guessing by the thread, it didn't leak yet.

Never ever

Preordered it for my Wii U.
>5€ more than Switch version
What a load of bull.

I'm getting it for WiiU suck my dick, I don't feel like wasting my money on a Switch until Mario is out.

>implying I won't just pirate the fuck out of it and end up dropping it like 10 hours in

You know all Wii U games are free now right?

>traded in my wii u for $175 credit towards switch
>came with a $50 gamestop gift card
>spent those $225 plus the money i got from a couple Wii U games to fully pay off the Switch, Zelda, and bomberman

how does it feel to get completely BTFO OP?
Lighting is VERY different, and especially when the tower scene happens it has noticeably better draw distance.

I could deal with ALL of that, if they kept the gamepad support. Not being able to have the map on the gamepad is retarded

Why the fuck would you get rid of the only method of playing Bayonetta 2 and Xenoblade X?

In a few years, he'll be posting here on how he regrets getting rid of his WiiU.

because i beat those games already?

People love buying shiny new things.

I'm not poor
I also bought a Ps4 pro even though I already had a Ps4

Is this the latest nintendo shitpost thread? What's the hip thing to shitpost about now?

You never play games again after finishing them once?
Bayonetta is built on replayability.

this is not a legitimate comparison; it's e3 2016 vs January 2017

you have no idea what the fuck youre talking about. it is not the same version of the same game running side by side for comparison. wait for release; as far as we know lighting and draw distance are exactly the same. there is zero evidence to confirm or deny that.

yea with CemU becoming better and better, He'd totally regret that right?

Prolly regrets selling his wii... oh wait Dolphin5.0

nah, i beat both bayonetta's twice, first playthrough on regular mode, second time on the hardest difficulty, got all S trophys as well.

I'll replay it a third time once it's perfected on CemU i dont mind the wait

>got all S trophys as well.
Confirmed lying out of his shitty stupid ass.

CEMU struggles to emulate years old games. It'll be years before it can reliably emulate Bayonetta 2, Xenoblade X, The Wonderful 101, or Smash Bros.

>got all S trophys
I think you meant Pure Platinum, you fucking liar.

What a stupid fucking poster.
Use your brain more often, please.
Enjoy pic related

This is a really old build

More like a faggot OP

was you not here January, retarded ass shitposter?

I run Xenoblade X fucking night-perfect what are you talking about.

>I run Xenoblade X fucking night-perfect
Without sound right?

Sound and everything, not even fucking with you.

Can you spoof reward tickets or you just have to grind?

>Having Breath of the Wild on a portable isn't an incentive
To each their own.
Then again, this is just a flame war bait thread so there's no real reason to assume the OP is thinking.

you retarded? early Dolphin used to be like that too... now look at Dolphin 5.0

Its getting better and better "meaning" over time you fucking dense retard

OP here.
You're right, that is something.
But it's not enough for me.
I guess people that spend a lot of time on public transportation would get a kick out of it, but I don't.
Also, I'd want to play the game on a big screen all the time anyway.

I'm going finally homebrew a system just for this game

Holy shit, a legitimate response. Sorry for doubting you, I guess.
I spend a lot of time in transit and waiting in places because I commute to college, and I also am really into the idea of having the Gamepad's off-TV play without needing to be in range of a base within my own house. I can see why not everyone would care for it, but the idea of not needing to be tied down to play games is appealing to me, especially because my battlestation is currently stuck on a one monitor setup, so I can just put the switch on the kickstand and play games that way too.

I want to buy BotW and a Switch, but I'd vastly prefer playing with the original voices and the only way I can do that is by pirating it on Wii U.

>$1200 for oversized gameboy, extra joycon set, charging grip, pro controller, ac adapter without a giant brick that covers a whole power strip, stand that props it up so i can actually plug the ac adapter into the bottom while playing, a copy of zelda, a season pass for zelda, one year of online play, all the amiibos i need to fully unlock all the day 1 dlc
>have to pay EVEN MORE for tickets to play games i already own

why the fuck do nintoddlers put up with this? you know you get FREE games with PSN plus, AND a PS4 is cheaper than a switch?

>the original voices

what now?

>>have to pay EVEN MORE for tickets to play games i already own
I think you're confused. I'm talking about pirating the game on Wii U.
Ticket files are included with all legally downloaded games, that's how the game gets unlocked for your console.

I only have time to play it once and I want to play the best possible version.
Time is more valuable than money to me.

Does the Eu version have the jap voices? Or would you be getting the Jap version? Does that have english text?

I got one new for $150

Then why waste time working to make money for something you can get for a lot less money? Seems like a waste of time to me.

>not making your Wii into an old-school emulation machine and passing it on to the next generation

>13 million people have a wii u
>no one has a switch
checkmate athiests

nobody really knows since wii u footage is so old.

Is it seriously only 13 million? I thought by now, the Wiiu would have sold Gamecube numbers.

Because I make $60 an hour. Everything is paid for in 1 days salary.

Most people are only going to take it to the toilet and back, and that's just gross. Take nothing, shit fast, wash your damn hands and get back to your basement.

You're not understanding my point.
It's still a waste of money and money = time.

CEMU has been in active development for *one* year

you retards have no idea how ridiculously good it is. age of game doesn't matter at all. the emulator improved numerous games ever couple fucking weeks with the updates.

BotW will take 2 months at tops to be as good as xenoblade is right now here

First off you're lying, secondly cost =/= value


>be you in 2017
>be poor
>watch all this switch footage
>get jelly people with money can buy it
>drink 12 mountain dews while playing weeaboo games from the PS3 days
>finally get so pissed you won't get zelda and switch on day 1
>get the courage to post thread after masturbating to incest futa hentai
>still be poor as you shitposting about the switch being shit

How does it feel to be a poor casual who can't afford consoles at launch?

they wont release it digitally and only release few physical copies of the game for Wii U.

t. 3DS ambassador

I disagree, 1 days pay doesn't impact my life. I'm taking a week off just to play the game and the improved graphics and load time is worth it.
I know it's difficult to believe some people do make money and browse Sup Forums but I'm a cartoonist for tv and that is about our salary.

I'll buy one if BOTW is uncapped and runs at like 40-50 fps at least. But probably won't.

>they wont release it digitally
you can already pre-load it from the Wii U eshop

I already have an incentive with Super Mario Odyssey and Fire Emblem releasing later this year, might as well get the definitive version of BoTW if I'll get the Switch eventually anyways.

My main reason for getting a Switch, funnily enough, is that as much as I enjoy the Wii U games I don't actually like playing on a Wii U.
The GamePad is bulky and uncomfortable, and I'm not much on the Pro Controller either honestly.
I want to cut that noose.

It's about 13 million Switches that Nintendo won't sell.

I'm not even buying Zelda. I don't like those games
(deal with it, fags)

I'm buying the Switch for future potential.

Why buy a system when its potential is unfulfilled?
There will still be systems on sale if you decide it's worth having one later.

>There will still be systems on sale if you decide it's worth having one later.
And they will likely be cheaper, have any hardware defects refined, and/or there will be an upgraded version available.

good point. I'm cancelling my Switch preorder this weekend

(no this is not a troll post, I am legitimately going to cancel it. I'd rather save some money anyway)

I'm buying a Switch because I mooched off my roommate's WiiU. Checkmate, autitsts

Fair point really.
I personally am willing to get one at launch since I can see plenty I want to play in the launch window and in the future.
That's including Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Yooka Laylee, Snake Pass, Splatoon 2, maybe ARMS, Super Bomberman R, Puyo Puyo Tetris.

That's great, so keep your preorder.

For me, so far I only want Mario Odyssey and that has no current release date.

I'm getting Yooka Laylee on PS4 and the others I'm not that interested in, so I'm gonna wait

>implying the console needs those addons to run except for the games


Also worth mentioning that I backed the Yooka Laylee kickstarter, and I decided to go for the Switch version as my backer reward so I'd have another game to play on the Switch.
It's too bad they may not be a physical release for the Switch.

Mandatory 10gb install on the Wii-u

sup fellow backer




God, this game is so fucking good.
Fuck NSMB2 and NSMBWii, if they didn't exist, this game would get the praise it deserves.

Agreed. They should have just made U and not have made the blatant rehash of NSMBWii that was NSMB2.

Also Newer wouldn't exist without NSMBWii.

>God, this game is so fucking good.
Its really not.

>Keeping your Wii U when the Switch is about to launch
What a stupid fanboy.
Nintendo is giving Wii U owners zero incentives to keep their Wii U

Import the Jap Switch version.

Will Nintendo ship their consoles and games to Serbia? I want to buy them when I get enough money.
>inb4 srbi na vrbe

I can softmod my Wii U and have every NES, SNES, N64, GC, GBA, DS, and Wii game on it. And I don't have to worry about unreliable emulation like I would if I played those games on PC. That's enough incentive for me.

>Nintendo is giving

lol I can download Wii U games right from Nintendo's servers for free.


They basically shovel the free shit at you

I like replaying games

no to both questions, it's practically the same game at sub 30 fps with slightly less drops on the switch