>coming to PS4 and PS4 Pro first


Seriously though is this even surprising? The majority of Crash games have been multiplat over the years.

t. revisionist sonygger


Fuck you, it should have been an exclusive, it's our franchise

is anyone really surprised?
I mean crash twinsanity was on xbox and wrath of cortex was on gamecube. crash hasn't been playstation exclusive in decades.

Sweet hope its good and everyone can enjoy it anons

>i get to play game
>now other people can play game too

>sony tears


but will it be on the pc?

I didn't play it when it was new, I'm certainly not going to play it now

uncharted 4 was the first time I ever played it and I did not enjoy myself

But will it be on the Switch?

Anyone who is mad about this is a console loyalist faggot

Also why are mustards pretending that they've never played fucking Crash Bandicoot before

its activision, of course it will be

I will still not buy the game. I do not like Crash.


Calm down you child

>Also why are mustards pretending that they've never played fucking Crash Bandicoot before
doesn't fit their meme badboy narrative.

I hope you're not fucking with me because before I heard about nsane trilogy I got a few emulators and have been playing through all the crash games over the years and I'd be really dissapointed to not have something new to play after all this

Also on PS3*

Sunset Overdrive


I don't get why it's funny. Other people can enjoy good games isn't that a good thing for the whole community?


..Was published by MS, not Activision you dumb faggot.

Now if you said Destiny, I'd agree with you.

I like shit posting exclusives as much as the next guy but who cares about crash? I could play it on my PS2 or GameCube if I want

It's funny because Sonyggers have been obnoxious about their exclusives and now they just lost three that was theirs for decades.

When is the new PS4 updating coming out? 4.5 or whatever the next big one is where boost mode is.

>now they just lost three that was theirs for decades.
No they didnt

Why are people hoping for exclusives? Isn't it better for everyone of us as consumers that all the vidya is cheaper and more accesible?

Or is just that people are fans of corporations for some reason? If so, why would anyone care about some conglomerate corporation that much?

Or are you just humoungous assholes/retards who shoot themselves in the foot to spite people with no proper reason?


I think Destiny didn't make it to PC because of the loot system and how its stored locally. Too easy to manipulate on PC


You realize Crash has been dead since before the fucking PS2?

I dunno why. Ask a console fag? They're the only ones that beg for a game to be exclusive and throw a fit when a game is multiplat. I've never seen a PC gamer want a game to remain exclusive. People just get angry at them for asking publishers to make a PC port, which just further shows how childish console kiddies are.

It is understandable that some changes to visual style are made in the remake, but it always puzzles me why don't devs preserve the original color scheme in such cases? It seems like the easiest and at the same time most impactful element of art design to port, but they just don't pay much attention to it.

Who decided that we're going to have higher polycount, more advanced shaders, but those colors have to go?

In a better board this would be exciting news for everyone.

But now its just fuel for shit posters and false flaggers.


I got a PC and PS4. There's nothing wrong in either and it's fine to own just a console. But this is just so fucking stupid man. It's like burning your house down to spite your father.

Oh boy, your tears are so delicious! Kind of salty though, but that's alright for me.

Who even cares about these mediocre platformers


Man this year is being tough to Sonyponies.

Ni No Kuni 2
Ace Combat 7
Nier Automata on PC launching very close to PS4
Atelier leaving PS exclusivity forever
Now this

The PS4 is getting btfo to irrelevance pretty quick.

You buy a Switch to play Nintendo's masterpieces, you buy a PS4 to play a couple of japanese games some months earlier.

>Coming to Scorpio

Fuck I literally bought a PS4 Pro for Planetside 2 without implants, VR, and Wipeout collection. I'm buying the Crash Trilogy on superior hardware.

I don't understand. Why can't gamers just enjoy playing games instead of shitting on each other?

What non-Sony platform were the original Crash games on, you dumb faggot?

Because most of them are autistic manchildren.

>PS4 Pro for Planetside 2 without implants
Would you mind explaining this to someone who has never played PS2 and is interested? I've hard a few times now on Sup Forums that the console version of it is now the better way to play, but I wanna know why. Is it like playing TF2 on a 360 because it's behind in updates and doesn't have cancerous cosmetic shit?

Nigger you can emulate crash games for fucking years. Get out of the console war tripe

Vicious cycle. New happy faces come in and someone shits on them, so they hate that "console group" and will shit on them. Funnily enough some happy go lucky guy from second "console group" was the victim of being shat on and now hates them back.
Etc etc

Maybe they mean Vita comes later?

>You buy a Switch to play Nintendo's masterpieces
Like Star Fox Zero out of ten


Crash won't launch on the Switch. It'll be on the PS4, Xbox One and PC. Consoles that are actually relevant.

Star Fox Zero is coming out for Switch?

Crash is not a good enough series to be accepted on a Nintendo platform.

Considering how poor it sold, I wouldnt be surprised if Nintendo ported it

This is fucking payback for all the fucking shitposting that has gone on for the switch after literally every minor announcement

But Skyrim is? :^)

This. It's a shitty platformer. Played it on my PS2 years ago. It was boring garbage

Try the PS1 games. Crash and Spyro on the PS1 were better than anything Nintendo had out at that time.

>Playstation Ireland
Wow it's fucking nothing
Activision is the one who has the say on this
Go make a petition or something

Thats a good one user, or did you forget Rareware existed?

I'm pretty sure tears are supposed to be salty user.

Ya people playing the same games on other platforms makes it impossible for me to play them as well.


>You buy a Switch to play Nintendo's masterpieces

That doesn't make any sense. All the games rumored being ported to the Switch are well selling major IPs. Star Fox Zero is kill and will remain on a dead system.

Implants are like burn-cards or whatever, not sure what to compare them to... They're little slight ability increases (like being able to spot further or have silent footsteps) that expire after some hours. You get them by playing but you constantly have to keep replenishing them and trying to get more to be in top form.

It's just an annoying as fuck feature in the game and one of many reasons I left PS2 forever.

is it even realistic to expect it to launch on pc?

I don't even want this game on PC lol. Who the fuck cares about console platformers.
The only console game anyone cared about was Ace Combat 7 and that is confirmed for PC so au revoire consolefaggots!

So consoles are obsolete. I'm fine with this. You brand war niggers can finally go kill yourself.

Why the fuck did I ever buy a PS4? Bloodborne has been great, but C'MON!

t. cuck who has a 2ds, ps4 and PC

PC release date when

>Nier Automata on PC launching very close to PS4

I dont think that was confirmed anywhere

The visuals kind of seem like a fan game trying too hard to update everything. It kinda reminds me of the Sonic 2 remake project from a while back. I mean it's not a deal breaker for me as long as the gameplay itself is good, but I just can't help but make this comparison.

Yakuza 0
Gravity Rush 2
The Last Guardian
I'm having fun

i'd bet money the switch version will outsell the ps4 version

This is good, now nindildo needs to make all its games for other consoles.

Step 1. Announce your games many years in advance.
Step 2. Pretend they're exclusive even if they aren't and market them as such.
Step 4. You've already won. Even if it's proven years later that the games weren't exclusive, the years pretending that they were still won you invaluable amounts of good publicity that won't just disappear just because they were proven not exclusive.

Ok, but you NEVER gonna a get Bloodborne, Nioh and Death Stranding. Sorry.

Blame sonyggers, they're migrated Sega fan boys so they started it.

Because I only got the ps4 to play the exclusives. That s the only reason to buy a console.

>coming to PS4 and PS4 Pro first
>then ps3 and psvita

>after reCV>re4 exclusive lie haven't buy any crapcum game

This is some next level delusion.

Fanboys, actually Sonynyggers are the worst.

>he paid full price for The Last Guardian






GR2 is next.

And GameBoy Advance.You're fucking retarded if you think Activision wouldn't release it on other platform.

I don't want to play this disgrace of a remaster anyway. The design and graphics look like shit not to mention the awful voice acting.

make a petition pckek

No game should be exclusive if it can be avoided. That's anti-consumer.

I don't need to, it's already confirmed to be a multiplat game.

What does this even mean? Sony never owned Crash Bandicoot.

>buy Naughty Dog
>don't buy the rights for their most iconic IP
They fucked up big time.


>most iconic IP
What is Uncharted?

>who cares the list
Wow I'm really hurtin man

Why is anyone surprised by this? Did delusional Sony ponies think Sony owned Crash or something?

While 8 honestly don't give a shit about crash, now I can point at Sonyggers and laugh. Thanks Activision.

I bought it last week actually

>w-we didn't want those anyway!


>when you try to make sonyggers mad by posting retarded shit like having the remake being multiplatform but other retards actually believe it's true