If this fan-made trailer for HZD doesn't get you excited... then something inside you has died

If this fan-made trailer for HZD doesn't get you excited... then something inside you has died.


Other urls found in this thread:


>Literally no gameplay

It does nothing at all and I'm actually interested in purchasing this game. Are you really this easily impressed

Pre fucking ordered baby
HZD is the Knack of Sony genre confirmed
Sony does it again
hashtag 4 the players!

If you only get excited and only care for "gameplay", then, yes something inside has died.

You blew it

neo Sup Forums

I've already seen most of the game when that guy streamed it. There's nothing to be excited for.

if you're still excited after watching that stream, something inside you has died (its your brain by the way)

Well by know there's tons of gameplay just hit up the good old jewtube

You shills need to be more subtle.
Atleast stick to one (1) shill-thread at a time.

>something inside you has died

Of course it has. I wouldn't be on Sup Forums if it hadn't.

>yes something inside has died.
nobody miss losing their juvenile enslavement to marketing lies.

Well couldn't I just watch a stream then, seeing as gameplay is so unimportant?

Hardly seems worth $60 if the full experience is on Youtube.

Good lord Hans Zimmer is amazing.

Horizon holds up to Hans Zimmer music.

Horizon truely has become one of the greatest games ever created.

If you can look at pic related or ops video and your big black cock isn't fucking erect as all fucking hell then you have no soul.

I want to like it but then I remember the combat, glitches, voice acting, HUD, AI, and animations and I get a bad feeling inside.

>then something inside you has died.
Welcome to the Sup Forums, marketer.
Cogratulations on your first succesful post, hope you enjoy your stay.

>not watering at your mouth over pretty graphics means you have no soul


This shit was impressive like 10 years ago. It's either gameplay or nothing

I'm willing to play as a stick-man as long as the gameplay is solid

And yes, One Finger Death Punch is amazing, even if just for a while

>fanmade trailers


This is not a drill. I repeat.


I want Reddit, 9gag, twitter, instagram, facebook, myspace, tumblr, neogaf, n4g, gamefaqs, thekingofhate forums FILLED with youtube links to the Brom scene every single night and day.

I want every review dissected line by line, and exposed with evidence in the comments section disproving every opinion. A link to US gamers review reminding everyone of the truth.

We cannot allow Sony to win another goty, not after uncharted 4(2016), Bloodborne(2015) and Last of Us (2014). Sony must be destroyed. Its time for Operation: Damage Control.

Joke's on you. I'm already dead.
