Is the 144hz a meme?

is the 144hz a meme?
Ok you can see a fluid image, but it's worth the price? I have a samsung tv as monitor and it isn't that good, with hdmi I can see screentearing if a game runs at 80 or 90 fps. Not in all games I can reach 144 but I've saw a benq monitor for 260 euros on amazon, shoud I do it?
pic kinda releated....?


bump , need help

I feel for the meme. The only thing you will notice is that there is virtually no blur when you rotate the screen making everything feel smooth as fuck. It works very well for games that require fast reflexes. If youre not into shooters dont bother and use the extra money you were going to spend on a larger more high res monitor.

it's only really useful in fast games(quake, cpma, titanfall) and if you can't get 144 fps it's just a waste of money.

>samsung TV
>actually being high refresh rate and not just fake interlaced bullshit

You got memed on son, if you want high refresh rates with no input lag you gotta buy a computer monitor, like a BenQ or Asus 120/144/240 hz monitor, not a fucking TV with FAKE HIGH REFRESH RATE.

reread his post retard

bought the tv back when I had only the ps3, chill out dickhead

ok, so having a 144 hz will not eliminate all the screen tearing?

If you love FPS or Racing games then you'll love it. It genuinely makes a difference and gives you a big advantage in multiplayer because of how much clearer it makes the image.

the reason you see screen tearing is that the fps your computer is pumping out does not match that of your monitors refresh rate. If you want to see 144 fps, you need to have a 144hz refresh rate.

screen tearing is caused by having an fps higher than your refresh rate, if that's all you want to fix set the max fps in whatever games you're playing to your tv's refresh rate

Anything beyond 1080p + 60fps is a meme.

I play FPS and racing games, but not in a competitive level, I don't know if it's worth it at this point, I just want replace this goddamn tv
I've tried in some games to set the max fps to my refresh rate but it didn't helped at all, the image was better with unlocked fps

I got a 7700k at 4.8ghz and a GTX980ti. For example, I play BF1 at capped 120fps on high settings at 1080p. I could go at ultra settings but occasionally I see dips to 90~fps and it's just way too jarring. I reckon if I had a GTX1080 I could probably play at ultra settings with a locked 120fps.

If I drop the settings to a medium , I can lock 144fps easily.

I really wanna upgrade to a 1440p 144hz monitor but I'm skint right now, so I'll have to stick to 1080p

fucks sake turn on vsync and read a book nigger

input lag

>Ok you can see a fluid image, but it's worth the price?
If you don't have shit tier eyes AND you play fast-paced games, yes.

>v-sync: on

Do you perhaps use a HDMI cord. I have had issues on the past where if the HDMI connection is flaky then it causes image problems.

Had 144hz 1080p before, now running 100hz ultrawide 1440p. Difference between 60fps and 100fps is very noticeable to me, but from that point onwards it didn't make a huge difference in my slower paced games.

I saw some prices for a 60hz monitor from benq and the gap is not that high (talking about 50 euros)compared to the 144hz ones, at this point I'll get the 144hz

>preferring tearing over a minuscule amount of input lag

yes, I don't have a DVI cable that fits to my GPU, I was thinking to buy one

hdmi doesn't support refresh rates higher than 60hz. your new monitor will prob come with a dvi

V-Sync sucks because it fucks up your input a little bit. Some people don't notice it, and if you're one of those people then I definitely wouldn't recommend 144hz

But if you're one of those people, then yeah, it's worth it if you want to splurge.

>miniscule amount

Let's put it like this:

If you want tearing in singleplayer games, ever, then you are retarded.

And if you care that much about competitive games then you are retarded for not already owning a g-sync monitor. Ether way you are retarded. Retard.

I was actually surprised at how unnoticeable screen tearing is with my 144hz monitor. I didn't even think that would be a thing but I can now play most games without vsync without my eyes bleeding.

Also don't listen to the other people, you can still get screen tearing even if your framerate is below your monitor's refresh rate. And it's not entirely gone with a 144hz monitor but is generally is a lot less noticeable, at least for me.

>now i can't 360 no scope in csgo
>now i can't play fightan games at autismo level
>i don't even notice the constant tearing all over my screen and it doesn't affect my performance at all by having 2 different frames on the screen at once

anti vsync fags are the worst. i can't wait for freesync and gsync to go mainstream so this shit can stop.

Vsync in some games can also negatively affects the framerate. Not even in a not going above refresh rate way but in a runs at 40 fps with it on but 60 with it off. It can also cause stuttering.

What about the BenQ ZOWIE XL2411?
Is it good?

stop asking Sup Forums and do your own research. it will literally take 2 minutes to look up the specs and maybe 10 minutes to look at reviews. why do anons always ask Sup Forums about hardware recommendations when it's basically all there in the specs?

Never, ever, ever have I ever seen anything like that kind of fps drop. If it actually exists then it's so rare it's not even an argument. Stuttering can happen without it too. Personally I use 60fps limit in RTSS, vsync on and make sure the settings are such that the game doesn't drop below 60 fps, and it's fine for just about everything.

One game off the top of my head that had the framerate drop a bit with vsync on was Arkham Origins. It was like I posted, around 40 fps with it on (even with me changing settings around) while closer to 60 with it off. Also it could just be my setup but I get less microstuttering with vsync off. And I have no problem with that now since I got my 144hz monitor, even though I rarely can actually get a stable 144 fps. I usually have it locked at 72 fps.

if your game can't keep 60 fps with vsync on it will automatically lock to 30 fps until you'll be able to have 60 fps

i dunno about zowie, but i have a benq xl2411z and its exactly what i wanted. going on 2 or 3 years and no dead pixels or any issues whatsoever, offers great monitor settings for gaming (black equalizer for cs is just unfair, there is nowhere for the enemy to hide)

Like I said it's exactly why I make sure I can do steady 60fps.

That's only true for double buffering, which is really outdated these days and most games use triple buffering where that doesn't happen.