Which game series should I play that I've never played before?

So, I've had an interest, but I've never played any of the following game series:
Saint's Row
Grand Theft Auto
Final Fantasy
Far Cry
Demon Souls/Dark Souls
Metal Gear Solid
Assassin's Creed
Batman's 'Arkham' series.
and The Witcher

I have a PS4, a PC, and a Retron 5 (I doubt it'll matter for this, but on the off-chance you have something to recommend from that I'll add it too)

So, given that, which series should I try first, and which game should I try first from said series?

Overwatch cats unrelated.

It'd be a good start to mention which type of games you actually like OP

Fucking furfag

Well that's a hard question because I like a whole lot of genres, I guess I could tell you the stuff I've enjoyed recently and go from there.

The Witness
Ratchet and Clank
Kingdom Hearts
Overwatch (obviously) but not the Competitive, just quick play.
and way way WAY too much Skyrim.


You'd probably get a kick out of Yakuza and Souls. Unfortunately you can't play Demon's Souls without a PS3, but you should be able to emulate/play Yakuza

I was considering starting the thread with some Renamon SFW fanart because Sup Forums can't help themselves with paying attention to a popufur thread, and I might get the answer that way. But Overwatch cats seem less banhammery.

Post more overcats

Is Bloodborne a standalone or do I need to play Demon's Souls to get what's going on?

And what Yakuza game should I start with? Dunkey made a compelling case for 0.

Post some recommendations and I'll oblige.

Bloodborne is standalone (and I'd argue the best game of the last 10 years)

Bloodborne is indeed a standalone. And Yakuza 0 is a perfectly good place to start.

Yakuza 0 is a good start. Kiwami when it's out is also not too bad.

Bloodborne is standalone. Demon's Souls is standalone as well. Only Dark Souls is interconnected. Bloodborne's beta had some implications relating to Boletaria but its essentially noncannon. Umbasa

Cool. I'll pick them up then. Probably will get sidelined when the KH collection and P5 come out.

Now, I believe someone wanted cats?



you sound like a big pleb, OP. go play ff7


Oh yes, I am the plebbiest. I don't even fap to Bowser like the rest of Sup Forums.



Now I have another question for you guys...

Which cat would you pat?

Hard call
Either Roadhog or Mei. I love my fluffy cats!

Soldierkitty is clearly the cutest. I want to sniff him and put his ears in my mouth.

Are we posting cats?

this a video game cats thread now user-kun.

what the fuck thats fucked up dude

in on the furfag agenda confirmed

>/k/ is furry
>Sup Forums is furry
>Sup Forums is furry
The Illumurrnati runs everything on this site. A cabal of gay wolf people who love Hitler are now at the helm of the national paradigm.