Im practicing my french and looking to play some more JRPGs with french language dub...

Im practicing my french and looking to play some more JRPGs with french language dub, as they tend to have pretty simple dialogue.

However the only one I can find is Kingdom Hearts.

Any frogs want to help me out? Are there any more?

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Euh .. the JRPGs are always sub in english not in french so it's useless .-.

KH1 and 2 had a massive VA investment that other series dont get

You could always download French translations and patch some roms. Evoland 2 has a French language option but the game is pretty shit. Lots of Steam indie RPGs I imagine might have trans too so just check. I think I saw on the box of Ni no Kuni it has the option, but be careful because a lot of that shit might have the Quebec dialect which is vastly inferior and outright wrong in a lot of cases and you'll get weird stares if you use it in France.

I don't know about JRPGs
I'm pretty hearthstone has been translated to almost every language, I set it too German to practice.

I was meaning more games with full voice acting.
I started FF7, but felt I would learn more if I could hear it aloud.

If you can stomach the news here's a free 10 minute segment to practice with each day that comes with a transcript

Disgaea serie
Tales of Berseria
Resonance of Fate

well, Lost Odyssey did that, and the game is top-tier btw

Ill add it to my list of stuff to do. thanks.


The Xenoblade Chronicles series has pretty good French subs but sadly the audio is Japanese or English only. Not many JRPGs with voice acting have budgets high enough to afford dubs in more than two languages.

Are we talking subs or dubs ? because none of those have dubs.

Almost no jrpg have french dub.

The only recent one i can think of with french dub is FFXV.

You'll have to play AAA burger games, almost every one of them have a french dub, and unlike the weeb games one, those are pretty decent.

The mass effect serie, or Dragon age inquisiton serie all have french dub.

Play MGS with the french dub.
You won't regret it.


This guys knows what's good.

Although I don't think a non native speaker would get how funny it is.

How about OFF?It's first and foremost french,yeah?

Bonne chance en passant,grenouille potentielle.

I wish Frenchies would translate original words like Keyblade and shit more often.

But if it's first and foremost French, it's not a JRPG.

Académie Française please go

I was learning French but quit after all those Paris attacks in 2015. Sucks, I was doing pretty good with it, but the country is such a hellhole know the two penpals I had from there left because it was too dangerous. One's going back this summer after trying eastern Europe, so we'll see. I was always good at the reading, but sucked at listening. So many silent parts to words. Good luck OP.

Yeah, it does have a french dub.

my worry is that these games will be substantially outwith my understanding of french.

>Im practicing my french

Good luck with that, french is a nonsensical language. Most french dubs and translations are awful and often damage the base product ( Fallout 4 doesn't even have Codsworth calling you by one of those 1000 names )

Some french dubs are well made ( V for Vendetta is very impressive ) but often it's a shit show. Since most native french speaker don't speak another language, they don't see the difference in quality.

Hell, they even change movie names to a more basic english version ( The Hangover to Very Bad Cops )

Why are you learning french btw ?

Yeah, MGS definitely will.
But when you're fluent and understand the subtleties of the language, do play it for a good laugh.

Recently I stumbled on this web page where the French translator of the first 151 pokémon names explains his inspirations as to how he came up with the French names. Pretty interesting read imo.

>Im practicing my french


6th and 7th Gen Pokemon let you choose from like 12 different language options (English, French, Spanish, Jap, Chinkjap, German, Italian, and a few others), that might be up your alley

>Since most native french speaker don't speak another language, they don't see the difference in quality.
This is very true. Foreigners believe most f us don't speak english because we refuse too, but that's not true. Most of us honestly don't know how to speak anything other than french.

>Why are you learning french btw ?
my gf is french. And my last trip to visit her family was awkward as fuck. Also I'd just like to learn a second language.

Keep your shitty ideas to yourself please.

>ATTENTIOOOOOON ( seriously wtf )

>Most of us
unless you skipped elementary and high school it's impossible
even ribery the imbred can speak german


>french is a nonsensical language

reminder: if you find Latin language complex you are a nigger and barbare

Tu veux qu'on se tire l'oreille ?

>Why are you learning french btw ?
>btw ?
I love how you can easily tell French people speaking English online since they often put a space prior question/exclamation marks.

Something you must do in French, while English doesn't have that space. (I often do that mistake myself).

triggered af

The Witcher 2 and The Witcher 3 bruh

Sadly there are way too many uneducated people here, and the level keeps getting lower and lower


Why do frenchies suddenly try to fit english words in their slang?

It's so fucking gross.

Don't mind me just posting the greatest French dub in all media.

You are greatly overestimating those dubs. Sur games like mass effect will have some really specific terms, ( lots of them will still be in english actually ) but other than that, games who get french dub are big production for your everyday man, trust me, you won't be reading the miserables. Honestly anygame goes.

And stay the fuck away from weeb games/anime french dub.

With some rare exceptions ( implying big $ ofc ) those will always be the worst of the worst.

Pretty good reasons, good luck man.

Did her family speak some franglish ?

>il besogne ses chèvres

Yeah, like english don't use "déjà vu", "crème de la crème" or " Cinéma".

It's not really about complexity than it is of structure.

German is hard to start but gets easier as you progress. French is just horrible all the way through.

Only artfags call it "cinema". Normal people just say let's go to the movies.

Good catch.

Literally this.
This is the best thing to ever exist on earth

>no games in acadienne


Another easy way to spot a non-English native is they pluralize "year" when they don't need to, e.g., "a 30 years old man"

not even definitions like déjà vu and crème de la crème.Also Cinema is a pretty crosslanguage word.

Some really basic words like thé glacé gets replaced by ice tea and many other examples as such.


KH had a french dub???

Im only like a month and a half into learning. I'll probably just play KH and then hopefully move on to more advanced material.

bare minimum. Her mother will be staying with us for 6 weeks in the summer too.

or the good old "i have 30 years"

Ils nous ont joué comme un putain de violon !

real frenchmen never surrender

i'm sure glad i'm a straight white male

Ice Tea is literally called that because of the brand, you nignog.

>seeing retarded rednecks spellout WALA and BUKU in posts
>finally figure out it's supposed to be voila and beaucoup

When french people say "Ice Tea" they specifically refer to the Lipton Ice Tea brand. otherwise they just say thé glacé.

An Acadian mom and her son are driving by an airport when the son says "Maman, maman, j'ai vu un airplane!
The mom says to her son "On doit dire 'avion'"
"Scuse, maman, j'AVION vu un airplane!"

Don't forget coup, rendez-vous, voilà, croissant, baguette...

Square seem to give KH's VA department more money then they did the whole of FFXV. Celebrity voice actors and dubs into tonnes of languages

Typical "teenager who knows the world" post. Plenty of Frenchmen know how to speak English and/or Spanish.


Poor saps. You'd think being so close to England they could get better.


and then jon was emperial

Did they translate it like that?

>french is a nonsensical language
> with french dub is FFXV.
The dub is awful until the second expansion

>They don't know how to speak English so learn french
>Not learning Hebrew or Chinese or even Japanese

What's the point, man? English is the most popular language in the world and they should know how to speak it. Learn a better language to invest in your future instead.

I don't think so but it'd be funny if they did.

oui oui

ehehehe liiquid snek

meant for

>learning mandarin

The worst people in the fucking world and you want to talk to them?

FFXV was in development for a long time, so it's kind of understandable to just give a standard dub quality


>Learn a better language to invest in your future instead
because I may just move to france desu. Career is in the shitter here.

You're wrong, the dub is awful all the way through.

It's more thanks to disney than square to be honest.

All of the officiel disney actors worked on this.

Nostalgia hit pretty hard the first time playing the game.

what is this godawful chimera of a language

France isn't gonna save you, man, they don't even have jobs for us.


This is horrible.

>poeples where paid real money for this
as a native speaker, this shit is legit the worst translation ever, I'd say its a fucking case study on what not to do to get a decent dub

Alright, I didn't know about this so ignore Chinese and learn either Hebrew or Japanese.

Man, if you are moving to France because of your gf, it won't go as well as you expect.


je me tannerai jamais de cette blague-là

Dude, it's a case of "so bad it's good". I love watching it whenever I feel like laughing.


No one does that Jean-Lucas.

Well the French educational system suck language wise.
I'm at c1 level in english (considered fluent speaker) and still make many gramatical errors and couldn't speak english to save my life.

>worst translation ever
No shit.
It wasn't even a translation, the dubbers didn't give a shit about the dialogues and only were in this to make puns.

This is interesting to me because I have looked up the ranking system (a1,a2,b1,b2, etc). Isn't fluent speaking a requirement to be C level?

You're so insightful.

>haut couteau de cuisine

Technically yes but as I said it's deeply flawed.
We don't have any speaking lesson and the evaluation is piss easy.
I can't articulate a damn sentence and aced my oral exam.
I learned more here than in classes.

What games let me play a Russian

So that's why people used to carry rotten vegetables around when going to a show. I get it now.

why the fuck would I