Did Sup Forums beat Mile High Club on Veteran?

Did Sup Forums beat Mile High Club on Veteran?

What is the arrow pointing to?

I did.

Was one of my best achievements besides 7-day survivor in Deadrising 1.


Real Veterans get legshots and let their teammate follow up with a double tap

yeah it was easy.

Yes I got all the achievements on 360.

A friend and I raced to see who could finish the original, he beat me by like 5 minutes. Took us both about....20 tries?

It's a clickbait tactic

You can see the muzzle of a gun.

I'm guessing it's indicating that there are "Tells" as to where an enemy is.


I did.

I almost beat it the very first time, but then accidentally killed the hostage, and spent the next 2 hours hating myself for it.

You just had to use your flashbangs well

Modern Warfare 2?
What was so hard about it? Kind of interested now, Never played any CODs besides zombies mode in BO2 and 1

I was never an achievement whore, but CoD4 is like the only game I ever got 100% achievements on. Kinda...

>Beat the entire game on Veteran including Mile High Club
>Get every achievement except for collecting all of the intel laptops
>Finally find out the last intel I'm missing is on All Ghillied Up
>It's after the part where you after to go prone in the field while all of the enemies walk past you
>"Fuck this taking forever"
>Activate the Ragtime Warfare cheat to make the sequence go faster
>Collected the last intel, but didn't get the acheivement
>Quit/Saved like a fucking moron

Couldn't get the last achievement because they won't unlock if you've used a cheat on that level. Now I can never get that achievement on that save file because the intel disappears after you've collected it.

You have less than a minute to beat it for one. That with the difficulty and amount of enemies makes it really hard.

Yeah took me like 2 and a half hours though.
Just need to figure out where to put the flashbangs and not fuck up

I wasn't able to do it :(

yeah, I basically memorized a video on youtube on where and when to use flashbangs although the AI sometimes just flat out ignored them and that's why I would die.

most of my failures were 70% because I shot the hostage at the end tho. I had to put down the game for 2 weeks before picking it up again with a cool head

I beat it when I was 15. unless you're retarded or a scrub it's not a problem at all

Of course I did, do you take me for some sort of casual?