ITT god-tier fantasy games

ITT god-tier fantasy games

wait a minute...

Should I beat this?

I was playing it and stopped at some point.


shitpost thread?

waste of quads

No, it only gets worse.
I think it's the only where at a certain point I had No Idea what I was doing and why I was doing it. Final boss Is a huge mess also

Those zeroes lie.

*picture of a white woman with her head pressed next to a naked black man*

there's a final boss?

Of course not.

Not really, I meant the fight on the Zeppelin

Don't kill me

you literally have to go back

Quads of shitposting +1

why does Sup Forums hate this game?

i thought it was pretty good

get some taste senpai

Get out and play more games.

Sup Forums is red pilled, so when someone says a game is shit here, its shit. Your opinion on the matter (as a redditor) is pretty meaningless. People here are simply too intelligent for such simplistic tripe



ha ha mom look i'm baiting Sup Forums the thread