Really makes you think

Really makes you think.

Other urls found in this thread:

what a joke

>made by almost exclusively white people

And it was proven no one cares about that, by tests done by "progressives" themselves. Much to their dismay, gamers who responded to these tests overwhelmingly said they didn't give one cunt hair over who or what the character was that they played as, they just wanted the game to be good.

The only reason why white people do stuff like this is because of white guilt/virtue signaling crap.

Not really
When the goal is to shove diversity down your throat then that's what you get

>were the goal

hi grooby grubs! you're still kicking around?

More like

>We managed to salvage what remained of titan and now we'll lie about the result because people are retarded

Making a game should have been the goal.

Diversity obviously helps sell games, the problem is devs don't understand the right kind of diversity.
The devs look at Overwatch characters and think they're diverse because there's white characters, black characters, hispanic characters, asian characters, male characters, female characters, a lesbian
The players look at Overwatch characters and think they're diverse because there's a ninja, a knight, a cowboy, a monkey, a robot, an ass, a blue ass, a big ass, an ass in a mech

Half the cast is a bunch of shallow stereotypical caricatures. All of the interesting characters are white.

Too bad their goal wasn't to make a decent game, but I guess that cant happen by chance

not in their case it didn't


>i will never lie in bed with her

what the fuck does "virtue signalling" mean
I googled and didn't get it

Here's an example: making a video game with gay nigger lesbian characters and telling everyone "LOOK HOW TOLERANT WE ARE BECAUSE WE INCLUDED GAY NIGGER LESBIANS!"

Same with taxes, whites are the one who pay the most

Diversity for army never

It's basically just being "A good person" exclusively so you can advertise how good you are.

It's when you go out of your way to say you like something or dislike something, even tough no one asked you and you don't take any action for/against it, so the only reason you're doing it is to look like a good person. Like celebrities posting "I support the women's march" on twitter, even tough they're not participating in the women's march in any way and nobody asked them their opinion on it, so they're only doing it for the attention of feminists.

What is inherently wrong with diversity? Also, I don't know the context, what sort of diversity are they talking about in the first place?

>nignog loli
When are we going to get another male character?

I never understood this though. Does diverse also mean lots of terrible people? A quarter of the cast is racist and openly calls for genocide. Another quarter are theives and killers. well shit all of them are killers. And normally thatd be ok cuz vidya games n shit but theyre supposed to be heros, that the world looks up to.

Diverse just means bringing in the racist aussies and ruskies and slapping some theiving blacks/beaners and war torn homicidal whites.
What paragon of diversity....truelly

its /vpol/'s magic buzzword for anything that isn't "ONLY ALT-RIGHT STRAIGHT WHITE MEN ALLOWED OTHERWISE YOU'RE A KEK *posts redditfrog image*"

There's absolutely no problem with this.

There's nothing inherently wrong with it but there's nothing inherently good with it so it's wrong to say you're doing something good when you include it.

If Street Fighter II came out today Sup Forums would be raging about SJWs and FUCKING PROGRESSIVES/WHITE GENOCIDE and complaining about STRONG WUMEN chun-li

Basically this.

DIVERSITY is bullshit when it's shoehorned into the game and doesn't make sense in a given setting, but when your game is supposed to be about a globe-spanning superhero team, like Overwatch is, it's good to make your team look like they actually came from around the world.

Better than the Justice League or the Avengers, which are SUPPOSED to be globe-spanning superhero teams, but more often than not are just five white guys, a woman and a black dude.

>what the fuck does "virtue signalling" mean

I am not sure how you could get confused, it is literally in the words themselves. 'Signaling' to other people you are 'virtuous'. The reason why that's bad, obviously, is an actual virtuous person wouldn't care. Virtue signaling is kind of like working at a soup kitchen for homeless people just so you can brag to your friends, rather than do it because you actually care about the homeless.

There absolutely is a problem. Shitty diversity is their goal. Their goal isn't to make good characters. If the first words out of your mouth are about how a character is from xyz ethnicity, background, then your character can immediately be assumed to be shit. It's like those retards that base their personality off being gay. They're shit.

So Sup Forums really has been taken over by the alt-right now? So I can just safely stop coming here now?

Exactly GI Joe would be shit if it was just a bunch of normal ass Amrican white dudes.

>If the first words out of your mouth are about how a character is from xyz ethnicity, background, then your character can immediately be assumed to be shit.
What hero does this?

How is that bad? Carnegie and Rockefeller were shitty selfish people who only became philanthropist to piss each other off but they still helped millions of people.


Only if it forced the issue as if it was considering running for office. Do you see regular threads about Tekken? Well then.


The original Avengers team was a "costumed adventurer league" associated with the American government. They literally became a globe spanning organization when they start receiving members from around the globe as they expanded.

>Justice League OF AMERICA
Do I even need to expand on this? They even got different subdivisions with international heroes.

They would just all pick Zangeif.

>muh diversity
>meanwhille the cast tends to be just humans

In cases like video games, it doesn't really benefit anyone. It's just guilty white retards trying to appear tolerant and progressive. In the case of someone donating money just to appear good, then it is a good thing even if they're only doing it for the appearance.

The fact that Overwatch's characters aren't white literally doesn't matter. I love character with different skin colours/genders since it makes them more unique from a design standpoint.

The actual problem is that they're all boring stereotypes. And unlike TF2 which knew their characters were stereotypes and added depth to that, Overwatch are basically just dull and uninteresting.

But the example used was someone helping in a soup kitchen just to brag. Soup kitchens can still use the help.

The game is rated T and Efi is 11 years old. Blizzard actually can't add her.

Pretty much. Can't have a thread about a female character, can't have a thread about a black character, can't have a thread about any new game really because it most likely contains one female or minority at some point and the sight of a black person triggers them. Everything is forced pandering to them, only white men going to work all day and coming home to their white wife in the kitchen is acceptable to them, everything else is degenerate pandering. It's shit.

The actions can be good with the people still being shitty. No one believes Mr Burns is a good person because he donates to a charity, he does it specifically to make you believe he is, even if he technically did good.

When virtue signaling is used as a sleazy marketing tactic
>buy our game because we're good people *wink*
It should still be called out because it's obviously an attempt at manipulation.

I can't think of a single game besides Overwatch where a main playable character is an older woman. That's pretty cool.

I really don't see the issue. What's wrong with having an African kid? It's not like they're saying "fuck white people". Mercy is an Aryan goddess and S76 is as American as apple pie.

This, wish they'd actually focused on making a game that wasn't just a tumblr wankfest and actually had some depth to it. It's no different from CoD in that it's an entry level fps with a very low skill ceiling.

lol motherfucker if you thought Sup Forums ever didnt complain/criticize games you must not have been here that long

Character variety is always a good thing. What's the point in having lots of characters that all do the same? And if they are unique in function, looking wildly different is also a sign of good character design. Much like TF2, it's good to have classes instantly recognizable from their silhouette.

As for racial diversity or whatever, it's as you said. Doesn't change much outside of story.

>How is that bad?
because you don't actually care then you point out how when someone else does not care that they are wrong
you are using the Poor and helpless to further your own means and agenda and as soon as you get what you want (ie Attention) you stop helping and the problem never goes away

Showing off how much better as a person you are than others who dont have virtue
Of course they dont reason it like that, virtue is good but what governs such behaviour is merely vanity

But what you should really be asking is if user's source really is his ass

They admited and made a long fucking video about how they failed with Titan and this is what was salvaged you fucking dingus

I'm not saying people who actually try to help aren't doing good. They are, even if they are virtue signaling. I'm saying pointing out how progressive your shitty game is because it has a bunch of colors is retarded and should be frowned upon.

I dont mind the diversity in OW. At least it's actually all positive, instead of just "Fuck white people" like real diversity.

Shame about the ears and tiny head

because you are treating the people you are supposedly helping as objects and not people?

What do you expect from jewish run companies?


>we are open minded
>won't make the loli playable

Eat shit

"Alt-Right" is just ethno-nationalism and doesn't care about games like Overwatch where characters come from around the world.

Only a few games like Battlefield 1 where real history got twisted by an agenda were criticized. The kids complaining about Overwatch's realistically diverse characters are just a niche among them of turbo-autists who take things too far. Sort of like Chris Chan with sonic and his coloured arms.

Realistic diversity is fine (and 99% of the real right doesn't care). It's only "shock value" artificial diversity that's criticized, since in that case the devs are trying to be offensive to westerners.

I've been here since 2006. The difference in the past two years, and especially recently that it's all POLITICAL complaining, all focused on race, gender, and orientation. Sup Forums used to have plenty of rage and cringe threads all the time, but it was about video games. Now it's about minorities, women, and homosexuals. You can barely have a thread without it devolving quickly into Sup Forums shit.

There's nothing wrong with it, the problem stars when devs start shoveling it down your throat at every moment they can. And also I think the time they waste with that ultimately eats up developing time, but no one can know that.

Nah, they can have a loli in there.
It's probably gonna be Doomfist. Look him up if you want. There's theories on him floating around

NOW is the time, Sup Forums.

There has never been a better time.

Return to Team Fortress 2. Send a message.

>Look ma! I posted it again!
>turn on pc
>hear this
>this was 19 years ago

Its not fair

Why do faggots do this? It's great that you have a diverse cast. do you really have to brag about it? jesus fuckign christ.

There is no alt-right. It's just a label the media cooked up to shame all Trump supporters. "If you vote for Trump you're no better than the people who post Swastikas on Twitter."
>But Richard Spencer!
>But Milo!
Sup Forums wants nothing to do with those attention whores.

Except Street Fighter's "diversity" stemmed from a business perspective. The idea was to make an arcade game that would be easy to sell around the globe, and as such having a character from various countries with their own fighting style made sense. And they were right.

You know, I don't understand this current generation. All I care about when it comes to video games is whether or not it's fun.

This, who gives a shit.
Rein - German perfection
McCree - All american
S76 - All american
Mercy - White as milk
Junkrat - The only good Aussie in existence

So just like Overwatch

piss off.

>meanwhile I still play cod4 and mw2 where you kill muslims


What was the last game Sup Forums was so assblasted about it couldn't stop making threads about it?

Do you seriously not think Blizzard wanted to sell this game globally? It was a fucking hit in Japan, when was the last time Japan bought into a western game enough to the point where copious amounts of porn was made from it? Fucking Bkub did Overwatch drawings.

Street Fighter didn't force it on you and wave its flag around. It was more or less "Hey man select a person" instead of today's "HEY EVERYONE GET THE HELL OVER HERE AND CHECK OUT TIME GURL WHO IS ENGLISH POLY-SEXUAL LESBIAN FLUID"

These thing lose their identity real hard when they try this scattershot design philosophy and try to hit every market.
Jack of all trades, master of none.

>a monkey
I don't think Lucio and the new nigglet are selling points user.

So diversity is good if it's only done for profit?

There's not a single thing in-game that points to Tracer being lesbian.

I wouldn't know about it if I didn't browse Sup Forums since I don't care about the comics.

>won't add the nigger child because killing children is wrong

>killing animals is considered wrong too so winston shouldn't be in the game either


People here don't want your shitty thread made to push your agenda you fucking faggot.

>all this people bitching

>game has like 1 black guy, 2 latino, 1 indian one gorila, 1 korean, 1 blueberry, 1 chinese 2 japanese, 2 egyptians and 2 robots

That's it. That's all the diversity, you whining fucks. Out of 23 characters, 14 aren't white. Heck, one of the japanese barely has any japanese traits, and the other one is a cyborg under a full suit of armor.

Stop bitching for one second Sup Forums

That's still literally Overwatch. Also SFII's selling point wasn't necessarily the cast at first, but the fact that people discovered the cancelling bug that birthed conventional fighting games

Forced diversity is unrealistic diversity. Overwatch has fine diversity, I mean all the characters generally look like typical residents of their countries, majority ethnicities. Both Japs are Japs, the 3 Americans are 2 white and 1 latino which matches its demographics

Also in Overwatch, westerners are vastly underrepresented anyways. SJWs got mad at that, that Australia has like 30 million people and 1 characters, but out of like 700 million black Africans, not a single one. One character for all of south America, one for all of India and all of China, Europe has roughly half the population of China yet got 7 ish characters

Not that it's at all bad, Europeans are more diverse and interesting culturally than chinks, but still. Overwatch is far more low-key Eurocentric than it is SJW

It's just trolls and a few legit shills. There are a few unfortunate leakers who leave Sup Forums and spam here, including filename threads where they just post Sup Forums webms without even a vidya title. One time a guy did and had his deleted and cursed out the mods for censuring his off-topic shit. It's because the_donald and left equivalents push the idea of brigading and raiding places.

I'm a true Sup Forumsack fyi, my pics folder there is over 3,000+ whilst my Sup Forums is only like 2,000. I report all political stuff here that's not related to video games

>a majority of the characters aren't white
>who cares if subhumans are going to become the majority in the US. Are you racist?

>Out of 23 characters, 14 aren't white.
This is the problem.

Overwatch isn't the US, Amerilard.

The selling point was that it was fun...

tbf it was the tumblr fanbase that did that. It wasn't an ingame thing and the devs didn't push it through twitter

I know right? I'm a New Rightist and overwatch doesn't bother me at all. It would only be forced diversity if the characters didn't represent their homelands, like if all the European characters were black and brown, the Hanzo and Ganji were Aussie Aboriginals, the two Egyptian characters were white guys named Todd and Randy. If that was done for comedy it would be okay but if done seriously it would be a legit case of "forced diversity down our throats"

But the way it is now is fine. None of the characters misrepresent their countries

Battlefield 1 had forced diversity, Overwatch doesn't.

>wow, those tumblr SJWs sure are stupid for having a fit whenever white people are in games


I was talking in general, like how in BF1 they have that black dude in all covers just because.

blizzard games were always diverse, but fucktards complained because there weren't enough fat bitches and homos, so they virtue-signaled to please the SJWs

>new rightist

is this a right winged version of the "sjw are stupid, but the right is much worse!" image?

What the fuck

I know right, he's mental if he's relating those two things, the game has fuckall to do with US immigration policy. Maybe he's mad at Reaper being chicano, even that's a stretch.

I don't get this virtue-signalling thing. If the whole cast were just white people, does that mean they are virtue-signalling to the people complaining in this thread? Default =/= white

>copying others with the same fucking image

>Soldier 76 is white
>Mercy is white
>Reinhardt is white
>Tracer is white
>McCree is white
>Widowmaker was white
>Torbjorn is white
>Zarya is white
>Junkrat is white
>Hanzo is asian
>Genji is asian
>Dva is asian
>Mei is asian

This is fine

>Our new hero is going to be blac--

at this point sjw invested gaming is just a driving force for me to support conservative groups

I would have never bothered joining a republican club and help them prevent a Mosque if it weren´t for sjws driving me out of gaming

so good work I guess.

can´t wait to implement voter ID and shut down a abortion clinik as well