What went so utterly wrong?

What went so utterly wrong?

Literal meme game.

Appeared out of thin air, suddenly every streamer is being paid to play a severely unfinished game, they realise it's shit and is nowhere near completion then the game is forgotten as quickly as it appeared right at the top of Steam's "popular new releases".

It didn't even reach that point, was forgotten after the first trailer turned out to be a lie.

it was a fucking survival run based game instead of an interesting narrative based game

Is it already out?

>memecrafting survival

>interesting setting
>devolves to generic survival shit

>the first trailer turned out to be a lie.
what happened?

Completely different game, turned out to be a generic survival-eating-crafting shit.

I was actually looking forward to this when I first saw it. Then I saw gameplay of it and lost all interest when it turned out to be another survival game for no fucking reason.

Game looked to be a system shock/bioshock style game, but just turned out to be another crappy open world survival game that everyone is tired of these days.

This. The scripted intro sequence is the sole decent part of this bland boring experience.

Interesting premise but turned into another generic open world survival and crafting simulator

poster child of "indiefication" gone horribly wrong.
it upsets me how much potential this game had, but then of course it had to turn into bland, procedurally generated inventory item fetch unfinished bullshit bonanza because youtubers need to stream it

please don't keep doing this indie market

They purposefully misled people. Instead of people a story based game, it's a survival game, but an incredibly boring one with enemies that take way too long to kill, and no semblance of direction.

Artistic "fog" 20 feet in front of you too, no matter how high you set the draw distance. awful design choice.

Plus, again, the misleading trailer, holy shit. It's the intro to the game, and if the whole game played that way, it would legitimately be a great game, an excellent framework for a story, and easy to build off of, and fairly unique to boot. They could even keep the survival crafting shit, but instead of having it randomly generated, just have things placed deliberately. It'd take more work, but it'd be worth it to have people not shitting on your game.

idk how people are finding ANOTHER open world crafting game fun and something to waste their time on.

Wait, it's out?

And how is that a lie?

That segment they had in their trailer is in the game

Has been since August.

Hey i actually unironically want to buy this game (few months from here, rent and food are expensive.) i really REALLY need to know if its worth it and what is good and what is so bad about it coz i only get to buy ONE game every 2- 3 months and i was interested on this one.

tl;dr:Can anyone tell me whats good and bad about this game?

it's clearly deliberately deceptive
the vast majority of the game is nothing like how the trailer made it seem
like, portal's trailer had shit that wasn't in the final game but it still gave a good impression of what the majority of that game was gonna be like
this is like if portal had that trailer and then it turned out to be a kart racing game or some shit

Yes, except they deliberately detailed the game in a way to people that made it appear to be something it wasn't.

The first trailer was indicative of a first person story based game, likely linear with small forks in the progression.

Instead we get another generic bland empty space crafting survival sim with no real driven narrative besides the initial sequence.

>make trailer a game
>trailer shows a really cool looking unique racing game
>buy game
>get to play the racing segment featured in the trailer for 5 minutes
>after that it becomes a generic clone of gran turismo
Would you not be pissed off

It's a generic crafting/survival game. Do not buy it.

nigger just look up game footage for it

Just like NMS, people imagined a game that didn't exist. People thought it would be a story driven AAA-like game on par with Bioshock. Complete messaging failure from whoever was creating the trailers. I'd like to blame Microsoft but the developers pretty obviously made the few scripted sequences the game has specifically to use for trailers.

I did and i thought it looked intriguing thats why i want it but you guys are complaining as if there wasn't anything good about it... i don't know who to trust, what i saw or what you people say.

it could have 'crafting' the same way Last of Us had crafting. Hell, I sincerely thought that was what they were going for.

trailer trash game

just listen to your heart

It's a generic survival open world game that takes a shit on what could have been an interesting game. Buy it if you want it but don't complain about it is you do.

>early access
>procedural generated
>misleading e3 trailer

>people think they were misled
There was gameplay footage several months before the cinematic trailer people are complaining about. It was less misleading than TW3's marketing. Not that the game isn't mediocre, but it's not the devs' fault you didn't bother looking up the readily available gameplay and just formed your opinion on a cinematic trailer.

Out as in finished?

>Looking up some no name indieshit that no one heard about prior to the E3 trailer

Whatever you say retard.

>complaining about being misled while not bothering to watch anything but a cinematic trailer

Will be in a humble bundle within the next 3 months


Backer here. I played the Early Access a few months back. Not sure what's been improved and if the team has taken any steps backwards yet. The two most important things are its not a story driven RPG. Its a survival/stealth/crafting game. There WILL be a story mode later in the full release but with what I've seen so far I'm not trusting it to be stellar. The game is also in Early Access. You should never buy something like that unless you're willing to take a gamble. You're betting that the game will get better against that the game will go up in price eventually. You're probably best off waiting for a finished product.

-When the atmosphere works its stellar. This is probably a lot of opinion from me as I love the 60s, British, dystopia they have going on but I feel like they do it pretty well in some areas.
-Dev team is pretty public with their updates. Putting out a post every week.
-Uncle Jack is a lot of fun to see on the televisions and hear on radios. Really helps to tie the world together.

Procedural generated. While it means there is 'infinite possibilities' it also means that a computer is in charge of pacing and fitting things together. You'll get large empty areas, and densely packed corners.
Survival Meters: You got three of them, all of them feel like they need babysitting last I played, though that was apparently next on the improvement list.
Inconsistent Stealth and Socal stealth: This may be a bug but the NPCs can seem to half the time can't see you if you're more than 5 feet away and other times can see you from across the room with their back turned. Similarly NPCs once they seem to catch on that you're a downer the whole town seems to know and won't forget even if you're popping a joy right in front of them.
Loads of Bugs: Hopefully to get ironed out eventually.

Sort version. Its Early Access, pirate it or have some patience for the game to get good before buying it. Don't gamble when Compulsion has a very bland record.

is this the end of the early access meme?

You have an additive 33,3% (periodic) of you game being shit with each one of these elements.

Trust me, I have a major in woman studies.

>tfw you hate crafting in games and always have
>tfw you're otherwise a massive faggot for indie games
>tfw crafting is now becoming a standard in indie games

god damnit can't we just keep making artsy, fun 2d platformers?

>Thought the game was going to suck since the trailer
>Got scorned by some gullible Sup Forumstards that tought it was going to have "muh story" just because it was set in half-ass dystopia n*4038 - a world that could only impress people with the cultural baggage of a 12 year-old
>Game actually sucks
Look who's midly amused now!

>Game looks like shit with a lot of annoying trends
>It's shit

Another fucking crafting game because everyone has run out of any semblance of creativity.

right, we need more 8-bit platformers

what does this comment mean?

c'est la Sup Forums

are there any other games of note that pretended to be something completely different before release?

The 90's are over grandpa.

sure but that doesn't mean we can't keep masturbating to them. remember VVVVVV? remember super meat boy? remember FEZ? remember LIMBO? remember Shovel Knight?

oh, man. I'm sorry. I get worked up just talking about this. maybe it's just because of the youtuber subgenre that's overflooding the market but it seems like what I used to enjoy in indie games has been pushed to the side in the name of commercialism