User, does my butt look big in these pants??

>user, does my butt look big in these pants??

Other urls found in this thread:


The pants have nothing to do with it you disgusting cow.

Go cry uselessly some more

the game's going to suck and I can't wait for Nintoddler tears

I watch gameplay of it all the time. If it's that fun to watch, I can't imagine how fun it is to play.

>shit voice-overs
>barren, empty world
>on a literal meme console

Prepare to Cry you fucking idiot



>literal meme console

>don't care
>don't care
>not true
>what the fuck does that mean

I'll have fun and you can't stop me!

I need a closer look

and secretly want her to in my face


>Hihihih sorry Link nearly sharted out the Triforce piece of wisdom
>That wasnt so wise wasnt it xD

u mad bro

Confused, shills? It's a meme console. It'll be popular for a month until people realize it's just a vapid piece of outdated hardware with no games and no future.

On the bright side, this will probably be the end of Nintendo, so maybe their IP's will come into the hands of people who actually know what the fuck they're doing.



Friendly reminder that

never ever salty sonygger

Still can't stop me

"W...Why just my eyebrows..."
"Ahhhh, Zelda-chan tastes delicious~"
" stinks

>Nintencucks WILL defend these shitty graphics and wonky animations
>But some way HZD gets crucified for having a minor glitch when every other game has them

ITT: Triggered Nintendobabbbies slowly realising this game is going to be blunder of the year

I don't generally care about graphics, and I don't think the animations are wonky, but I think the Wii U version definitely looks too foggy.
You mean it's not okay when Nintendo does it.

fucking hell lads you're getting insecure, this is just a braapt thread and you're being salty

Why do some of you want the game to be so bad?

Is it because you can't play it or what? What's wrong with having more good video games?

women in pants look so ugly

salty sonyggers hungry for more pointless console warring and an unhealthy fetish for Nintendrone disappointment

>being that impotently mad
keep reaching for that rainbow

Yes, and it looks fantastic.

>not "Thanks for the assist, Link."
That artist had ONE JOB, dammit.

Any juicy spoilers come out yet besides just the armor and weapons?

I'm starting to like this shit.

With the severe lack of butt pics if her, just drawing that will suffice.

I don't know, I need to see your butt without em to compare.

thats a pretty tame ass for jay marvel

When you favor asses, you know you've grown into a man. Hips and thighs are important too. A woman with smaller tits can be carried by her ass/hips/thighs, but big tits don't quite bail out a woman who lacks these assets.

fuccboi jokes imminent

Bad day at school?

teacher took my jax

I thought the same thing. Still, it looks nice.

>tfw Nintendo will prevent you from eyeing her ass in game

I NEED this model.

>just like 2b shoos you away when you do the same in her game

yes, now bring that thing to my face.

no she doesn't

Her torso and femur are disproportionately long. I can't fap to that shit.

Where is the full pic?



Check it out.





Thanks senpai. Neat stuff.

No prob. Hoping even more porn of her will be made after release

Why aren't you people playing the BoTW leak?

I have a Chromebook.

good, it's human's natural pheromone you shouldn't be ashamed of liking it

>Game Cube
>this will probably be the end of Nintendo
>this will probably be the end of Nintendo
>Wii U
>this will probably be the end of Nintendo
>this will probably be the end of Nintendo

Please don't make such a big deal about her ass until the game is out, Sup Forums.

You know as well as I do that it can be downsized like THAT if people raise a big enough stink about it.

>You know as well as I do that it can be downsized like THAT if people raise a big enough stink about it.
>implying that flatfags aren't actively trying to ruin things for everyone by getting Nintendo to downsize her ass