Anyone of you ever played Unreal from 1998? What do you think of it?

Anyone of you ever played Unreal from 1998? What do you think of it?

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Slightly before my time. Didn't get a chance.

Played a lot of Duke Nukem 3D at my buddy's house, though.

it was alright, went on for a bit too long though

Good game, solid level design

Almost quake 1 tier

It's not too late yet. Looks beautiful even today and the soundtrack is amazing. Story gets told through a device called Universal translator.

really cool at the time. seemed like a fps adventure game where you just explored the world

Yeah the levels are never really the same. The Sunspire was a fucking maze tho.

overshadowed by tournament unfortunately it's just as good as half life imo

One of my favorite games of all time. Insane level design, perfect music, sublime atmosphere and great shooting. I'm actually replaying it right now (something I do every couple of years), and it holds up beautifully.

One of the things I find most impressive is that there are really no tricks to the level designs. Unlike other games that try to give an expansive feeling but use smoke and mirrors to give the illusion of scale, Unreal really is that big. The Sunspire really is like a mile high hollow mountain you can fight through. The trench leading to the ISV-Kran is enormous. The inside and outside of the castle are one amazingly detailed cohesive level, which is something that always stunned me at the time.

Having that huge and spatially consistent sort of level design is something I really wish other games did. You may not realize it consciously, but your mind does, and something simple like that really does help immerse you just that much more.

Played it for the first time about 3 years ago now and it instantly became one of my favorite FPS'. First of all the environments, atmosphere, and music are nothing short of perfection. The gameplay is great, especially since the enemies show a modicum of skill compared to other FPS' at the time / before it.

Post favorite tracks.

I'm on the last mission right now
I love how this game doesn't hold your hand and doesn't mess around
You feel so acomplished because of that, specially when the levels and enemies are so over the top

I actually bought it on the last steam sale and started playing it
It's pretty good but I'm starting to get my ass kicked at what I hope is at least the middle of the game, inside the ship that's at the end of the valley with giants
Shouldn't have tried to go for hard on my first run I guess but I'll fucking git gud and finish it

And the music fits so well. I burned it onto a CD for my car. Also Unreal is the only game I know that tells a story without telling it. It's so good to read all the translation notes. The level after Bluff Eversmoke an angry krall complains about the brutes crashing the bridges. In Bluff Eversmoke you see a human girl fleeing with the help of a nali and the kralls talking about raping her.

It's just the perfect game for me and I also replayed it a few weeks ago. The addon return to na pali is also quite good and with s3tc textures you make it look even better.

The entire world arround Unreal is just amazing and has something magic for me. Too sad they have no plans to continue it but Unreal 2 was already bad and boring. They tried too hard to make it realistic and used too many effects and shortened the level size with fake backgrounds.

The best singleplayer FPS on PC. Even the custom maps and mods alone gave me a better experience than most single player shooters out there.

On hard the skaarj can really fuck you up on the ISV-Kran. Especially after you take the lift there a lot of them.

>[Prisoner 8 4 9 escaping]

Recently started playing it last year. Was stunned by the level design and the soundtrack.

In case you want some OST's.
Various official and fanmade Unreal 1 // UT99 OST's. Also includes the Beta tracks from Unreal 1.


I also have an Unreal Gold there with the OldUnreal patch and S3TC textures and my nodded UT99 with countless maps and single player campaigns like Return to Na Pali (features 32 levels and is like a real Unreal 2. You go back to Na Pali and even visit the Vortex Rikers. That mod has even audio, probably the best campaign mod I've ever played).

>tfw dat foregone destruction on the UT soundtrack

God this game is so good

It was great. I played it years later though when it came on a disk in a magazine.
Still looked amazing, but the later levels got confusing for me and I didnĀ“t finish it.

Really got under my skin when I was smaller.

The mothership can be annoying because it's a maze. Especially when you disable the energy and it gets dark. Definitly not my favourite part of the game.

All of this. It was technically stunning when it released and still looks great today. Art direction and atmosphere are fucking amazing. The way it trains you to fight the Skaarj is great too. You start off encountering one at a time, and they're scary as shit. But by the time you reach the Nali castle you're fighting whole rooms of the bastards at once! And that's not even touching on the insane, pulse-pounding sountrack.

It's very nearly my favorite FPS campaign of all time. Only thing that rivals it is the Marathon trilogy, and they're so different that neither can beat the other for me.

One of the best single-player FPS ever made, and the true successor to Quake.

And it pushed technology more than any other game in history. If you had a 3dfx card in 1998 you know exactly why. Too bad 99% of new-Sup Forums wasn't even alive back then and will start talking shit about stuff they have no idea about.

>Also Unreal is the only game I know that tells a story without telling it

Have you played Marathon? It's got a mind-bending story told only through access terminals. It's more direct in that you're in the middle of the story and not following behind ala Unreal, but less direct in that the AIs who "guide" you are unreliable narrators with motives of their own. Very possibly the wordiest FPS ever made.

>tfw was 5 years old when it released
>dad didn't let me play it until I was 8
>we didn't have a stable internet connection so I never got to experience playing Quake or UT online until 2005, but by then they were already dying and my parents got me a console instead

God I wish I had been able to live Arena Shooters when they were in their heyday, they're by far my favorite genre now. Instead I had to play shitty console games.

Literally nobody is talking shit, I don't get the persecution in complex this board.

>successor to Quake.
no unreal was quake's biggest competition
they aren't that much alike either

Can someone shed some light on the whole Unreal 2 thing?

I tried to replay Unreal 2 but god damn is it a shit game compared to Unreal.

Everything is worse than the first one. Shit level design, shit music, shit models and shit animations.

Did everybody that was competent leave the studio or what?

It was licensed out to another studio.

It's just a shit game m8
iirc it was outsourced to another studio and epic just continued with the tournament series

My entire childhood. Made levels, hosted them on my own server. Most constructive thing an 10 yr old could be doing. Do the newer ones have a built in editor like this and unreal tournament?
>tfw will never get to reexperience my formative years of gaming

lol i was born in '98, youre old dude

Unreal 2 was my biggest disappointment ever, ahead of UT2k3, Doom 3, Quake 4, Oblivion and FEAR 2.

Looks fantastic and the level, enemy and weapon design is good, the music is top notch, but the interface is just a tad too clunky for my liking and not always intuitive not to mention the UI doesn't scale to modern resolutions. It's also kind of a pain in the ass to get running on a modern system and not miss out on all the graphical goodies.

More of a Quake 1 fan myself.

Amazing at the time. Doesn't hold up. Unreal Tournament does though.

FYI it's slightly less eye-gouging if you fuck with the console and crank the speed up

still a shit game though

That explains a lot. A damn shame. So thats why everything looks so different. They could have at least tried to make everything consistent. The games barley look like the same franchise.

>The inside and outside of the castle are one amazingly detailed cohesive level, which is something that always stunned me at the time.
Half-Life 1 does sort of the same thing- it's obviously not nearly as large as Unreal, but if you connect every level in the game together at the transition points where they overlap slightly and the next level loads, it does make one big facility that wraps around itself and doesn't actually overlap or put any two levels in the same spot.

>crank the speed up

What do you mean? Let the game run at a higher speed? Like faster movement?

>fuck with the console and crank the speed up
If I couldn't do this then I never would've beaten 2. It's literally the slowest FPS I've ever played.

Faster movement. The base speed is mind-numbingly slow.

Fantastic game, atmosphere is unrivalled today.

You've gotta realize that there was nothing remotely as graphically impressive as this, and stepping out of the Vortex Rikers ship onto the surface of Na Pali and seeing the sky, air, mountains, waterfalls, birds (that you could shoot, even though they were way high in the sky), non-hostile NPCs, etc etc, was a really amazing, incredible, unrivaled moment that even Half Life couldn't stand up against, despite their paid review scores.

yeah the the maps are just made to look like they connect though and that started with quake 2
in the options you can straight up increase the game speed (or slow it down) up to like 200% or something and increase it even further using the console

He probably means Quake 1. By the time Unreal came out Quake was well on its way to the multiplayer-only Q3A that would compete with UT99, compared to the heavily singleplayer-based Quake.

>despite their paid review scores

Come on now, I played both games when they came out and both of them where groundbreaking in their own regards.

my pc was way to shit to play it at the time, i didnt have a real gpu until summer of 2000. got the unreal deal pack on steam sale ages ago with quake 2 and had a blast playing them both.

It always looks so dull to me, I get the impression that it's way more exploration-based than combat-based. And for all the talk about level design, it seems to me that Unreal excels in it only in terms of visuals and aesthetics. The enemies may have better than the ones in Doom or Quake, but the encounter design looks plain and unimaginative, I've already seen too many instances where combat takes place on a flat and open area, that just seems tedious to me.

You have the complete wrong impression of the game. The combat is the highlight of the game. Their a lot of memorable encounters and a good enemy variety. Also great AI that holds up to this day.

greatest level of all time

took me and my friend like 2 hours

i dont even know how we beat it, he went to the bathroom and i kept wandering and accidentally an elevator or sliding piece of ground to the exit

He's probably just baiting to shit up the thread.

I loved both also, but Unreal was much more emotional attachment game to me, personally.

>open console
>load the trench level
>kill myself, use ghost to move around the map unnoticed
>start spawning armies of monsters
>once everything is ready, spawn a monster on top of another one to cause aggro
>hell breaks loose

I can't be the only one who did this, it was so fucking entertaining.

so much godamn fun

>come to Sup Forums expecting shitposting
>get a nice unreal thread

OP was not a fag today