Fuck you, I liked it! Thread

Post games that you found/find fun despite Sup Forums's opinion. Here, I'll start.

Literally Skyrim

The masses just do not understand this work of art yet. It will take many years before Sup Forums will realise this might not just be the best installment of the Mass Effect, but furthermore probably one of the most innovative, daring and future proof RPG's ever made.

The epic scale of the amount of excellent content is of such gargantuam proportions that the reviews until now only have managed to look at a mere 2 or 3 levels of depth in both gameplay and narrative, while the game goes so much deeper than the surface that reviewers have touched. There are multiple levels of irony and sarcasm here that utimately unfold in a sense of sincereity through it's self referencing amount of meta analysation of not only our current society here on earth, but also the futurstic view that we as humans hold managing a creation of hope for all of humanity in its own through a medium of the future itself. Through this deconstructing and both self-referencing post-ironic meta-analysation of the universe a new form of conceptualization of the truth itself can be found for the those we are willing to go on this journey for truth, paradoxically.


I'm really liking it too dude. Im not too far in, but everything I've done is really fun. Good to see Bioware back on top.

This is the beginning
Here's where it all gets started
Fear what you'll learn to love


Official Shill Thread

How can I enlist in shill brigade? How much do they pay per post?

Is this game shit based off of expectations, or is this game just shit? Mass Effect is probably my favorite vidya series ever but I can't get over what I've read and some of the clips I've seen of the facial animations.

Some of my friends really like it so far, but they also play Battleborn so I don't trust them. The people who hate it hate literally everything so I don't necessarily trust them either. I don't know what to believe.

I absolutely love Mass Effect: Andromeda. Never before in a video game have I genuinely felt like I was standing on another world, yet in Mass Effect: Andromeda I'm a badass explorer, exploring another galaxy. I'd be shocked if anything else beat Mass Effect: Andromeda for my personal Game of the Year. Looking forward to some downloadable content!

>it's a modern day and age where we have youtube walkthroughs from day -5
>he's still confused about his feelings
You are that idiot who buys Ubisoft games, right?

>Mass Effect: Andromedaâ„¢
Fixed that for you.

Mods are cheating

this is fucking bullshit

t. Bioware shill

Ubisoft? No. In fact to this day they're the only people responsible for me literally falling asleep during a game (Watch Dogs). Never cared for Assassin's Creed or their Tom Clancy shit either, which is a shame because I think the Tom Clancy games have a ton of unrealized promise.

And I can't bring myself to watch people play video games, I've just never understood the point. But I'm also too big of a pussy to make up my own mind and pull the trigger when I'm on the fence about something. Please send help.

I play on console so no mods here.


You don't need to play the game on release, despite what NEETs or shills would want you to believe. Wait for it to be cracked then pirate it. Then if you think devs deserve their money buy it. I really, really doubt they do.

My only real complaint with ME:A so far is some of the writing is like a 16 year old girl's self insert fan fiction, the worst offender by far is Cora's backstory. Some of the voice acting is pretty shit, too. There are some pretty retarded plot holes that are glossed over. The animations are a little janky but nowhere near as bad as all the memeage on Sup Forums. Everything else so far is great, a huge improvement over previous titles.

the game is pretty good. Sup Forums just has horrible taste in games (JRPGs and all that perverted stuff)

OK, I'll start

The voice actor is strange it is like the recorded an entire day's worth of talking from the actor then stitched together dialog from that. Emotion and tone is often very inconsistent from line of dialog to line of dialog.

Op here, this summarizes my point of view exactly. It's actually pretty good, especially in terms of gameplay, and the worlds actually feel alien and fun to explore. Huge step up from DA:I which was just a damn chore and a snoozefest.

mah bros!
ME2 > ME:A > ME3 > ME1
fuck the haters!

I'm just going to give an honest response.

Yes, Andromeda is a game that's bad based off expectations. If you want to experience an enthralling space adventure with likable characters and a thrilling plot, you're just going to end up disappointed.

If you want to ride around on a big map and explore ruins, do quests, or destroy Kett bases with space powers and a large amount of varied, customizable weapons while incrementally improving your character

Then you'll probably have a great time

I would have rather them gone full retard with the combat than to fuck up the dialogue and story. Mass Effect was always a story driven narrative with barely serviceable combat, and most people were fine with that.

If I'm just interested in the combat there are a hundred other titles out there that probably do the job at least as well, if not better. If the story and writing are irredeemable ass then I really don't see the point in this game at all.

>queer coded
Queers assuming based on looks. That's the most hypocritical thing I've ever read.

>queer coded
>but gender assumptions are sexist
How do I teach myself this doublethink?


In terms of gameplay, nothing is even in the same league. If you go full combat spec and play it like gears of war then of course you'll think it's generic.

I got it for the mp anyway, I'm just doing the story because I like the general lore and universe of the ip. I put over 600 hours into the ME3 mp, this game I expect to put even more into based on what I've seen so far. The added movement mechanics are really well done.