6th generation was ba-

>6th generation was ba-

Where the hell does this meme come from Sup Forums?

>Dark Cloud 1 instead of Dark Chronicles

Reminder that Double Dash was better than Wii in almost every way.

There is not a single good game in this picture aside from Desu Ex

Literally nobody thinks it was bad

>Not including TimeSplitters

What the fuck.

that's a really weird choice of games

thats not difficult
Wii is the worst game in the series

Replay Double Dash today, it handles like dogshit and is slow as molasses.

If OP wanted some good GC representation he should have thrown in TTYD or F-Zero GX at least.

I guess being second worst is better than nothing.

>Dark Cloud 1 instead of Dark Cloud 2

Why would you put the shittiest racing game on the GameCube there?


What sort of retard thinks the 6th generation of video games was bad? It was easily one of the best.

Who ever says gen 6 is bad? If anything, many consider it the high point of gaming before shit went downhill.

Wait, other people thought 6th generation was bad?!? I hate modern games because I expected it to be just like this generation!

>Thing you like is not good
>What is good?
>My totally superior underground contrarian taste!


>6th gen bad

Naw 7th gen was the bad one.

gaming started to go downhill in 07

wasnt that the last good gen¿?

That meme doesn't exist yet but it looks like you're trying to invent it

Everyone knows the 6th gen was the last hurrah before gaming started to go increasingly mainstream and shitty

Just because you have shit taste back then doesn't make it was a bad gen.

>the last hurrah before gaming started to go increasingly mainstream and shitty

Thank the Ps2 for that. It was a great system but the numbers don't lie.

Doom 3 was a good game. Also Tribes 2 is the pinnacle of CTF gameplay.

Didn't know there was zelda on ps2. When did dark chronicles come out? Was it made by Nintendo?