Itt: post representations of the grim reaper in vidya

Itt: post representations of the grim reaper in vidya

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manny wasn't the gram reaper though, just a travel agent.




Pretty sure he called himself a reaper at the beginning, he has a black robe and scythe after all.
That was just his uniform for work.


Manny isn't a Reaper.
He works when the person is already dead, if I am not mistaken, he even talks about the ones who "kill".

Also, he don't do the afterlife thing, he does the afterdeath,

Grim Fandango is the best game of 98, Oot fags can B T F O!

Preach it brother.



Jack the reaper right here



>he even talks about the ones who "kill".
I thought it was that people die naturally, hence you being alone when you get to the soup poisoning

hey senpai! I thought you were dead or something!


an agent for traveling to the afterlife


Am I the pleb here or are you?
I thought the grim reaper was traditionally a guiding force for spirits into he underworld?

I fucking love this guy

yea but manny isnt the grim reaper.