Half-Life 3

Found these.

Verification needed.


Other urls found in this thread:



>Day of Defeat 2

Seriously, has anyone got any knowledge on if these are remotely legit or not?

At least, if the model came from some other game.

What's with the shit footage.

>this gun
I can't see this being Half-Life

Saving for future generations.

You tell me.

I am wondering about the model pictured.

What do you mean, the gun looks somewhat like the mp7 in HL2.
Kinda feels like the footage is shit on purpose.

Possibly to give it plausible deniability.

Seriously? No one coming in to say this model is from Fallout 4 or some such?

Anyone here to actually debunk this?

Where did you "find" these?

Its how you fake leaked footage

Could be blurry because Gordan was knocked out?



Yes, this place has been targeted by HL3 trolls in the past.

Anymore images, OP?

ayylmao looks like Fallout 3 NPCs

Hence why I am asking.

Check Operation Anchorage. I got that kind of vibe from these images.

Fuck off.

Dude you wanted a link, you got it.

Now, if you can prove it's fake, please let us know. I at least want to know where the model is from.

That could be a new model for the smg, but it would need to be touched up

Not that this is real

That's what I felt too.

But it's the other stuff that's bugging me. Any source 2 hammer pictures that could disprove this?

Go back there.

I lurk on here all the time.

The subreddit is cancer most of the time, but this intrigued me.

Anyone who thinks these leaks are real are fucking stupid.

Stop posting.

Then find the model where this character came from.

Because if it's from Fallout, it should be easy.

>Find the model where this character came from.

Someone could've made it. Anyone half competent at 3d modelling can make one.


Give up user, it's never coming out

this is Fallout 4's version of gamebryo, it's not Source engine.

What does Valve really think will happen if they say that HL3 doesn't exist.

>At least, if the model came from some other game.
Nothing there looks outside the realm of what's possible by amateurs.

Ah! Finally.

Could you provide some screencaps to back this up? This will close the lid on this whole thing!


I'm still mad they took bleeding and self patching out

Fallout 4 doesn't use gamebryo. I'm not entirely sure you know what gamebyro is.

>Almost every cell phone on the market shoots 4k video
>"Valveleaks" seems to be using a first generation Razr shooting 640 x 480 .3gp video
>The character model looking nothing like Magnuson

Seems legit

>blurry footage
>its HL3 gais xD
kill yourself negro
post where you go this and a clear video or fuck off to leddit

[Muffled Little Lies playing in the distance]

you should kill yourself.

not like "lmao die faggot" but literally kill yourself.

It's built on an upgraded version of gamebryo. It even has Oblivion code in it.

Tbh I dont care if it is hl3 or not, im curious to what op has gotten ahold of here and what game it comes from

Maybe I am simply trying to disprove it proper instead of being a total stick in the mud?

That doesn't look like a model that Valve would make. They do a lot of facial scanning. That is clearly hand modeled.

90% this is creation engine aka fallout 4 engine.

Seems to be the general consensus around this.

Would like to see the editor though with the wireframes.

Have you ever heard about this little thing called burden of proof?

So you can bring it back where you came from for karma? No one cares.

>It even has Oblivion code in it.
Oh, oh, right, you're right, it does. Bethsda's new engine is just a continued version of their Morrowind engine.
You know, THEIR morrowind engine. The parts that weren't gamebryo? Gamebryo's a modular engine. Most of what was used in Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout 3 were in-house. That's why the games were so fucking broken and couldn't handle things like vehicles. Things that have been done in other Gamebryo games (that you haven't fucking played)


Look at some screenshots of fallout 4's vault interiors.

Not really. I am actually doing this for myself.

haha ecks dee funny bethesda man meme *holds up spork* except deflecting to gamebryo instead of bethesda makes bethesda less incompetent than they actually are?

Reddit has been ripping off Sup Forums since at least 2010.

I ain't the one who posted this shit dude. So that doesn't apply to this thread.

Then do it yourself and fuck off.

fuck off cuck

Post to Reddit.


I don't have access to the Fallout 4 editor shit right now.

Gee, people are salty today.

You demand people to prove it is fake, it applies so hard, harder than ever. This doesn't even look remotely legit, any "leak" of anything with blury footage should be considered fake by default at this point.
Look up actual video game leaks that turned out to be right - they look like actual video game assets, not this no effort room anyone could create in ten seconds in any 3d editor

i just googled source 2 hammer, i'm helping

That's probably why I am focusing more on the images that were uploaded.

I am pretty certain it's fake at this point in all honesty.

Sigh, gonna check the archive when I get back. But I doubt anyone will look at something in the Fallout 4 editor or whatever it is and show how the wire frames look.

Well, does look kinda similar.

Fuck off retard.

why are you so fucking mad?
>i-it's just a continued version of their engine!!
yeah it's the same fucking engine retard that's what I was saying

Burden of proof is on you.

How the heck is the burden of proof on me?

You are clearly assuming I am the one that made these stupid screencaps right?

No, I don't even have the skills to pull this shit off. Neither do I even have a HTC Vive or the controllers.

I saw these images posted, I asked around, didn't go anywhere, then I brought them here. And here we are now.

Again, I am not the guy who is going "HERE ARE LEAKED SHOTS OF HL3". I am going "I found these, does anyone have any clue if they are legit or not?".


Here is the guy who shared this shit on plebbit.

You have to be 18 to post here.

I am 20 thank you very much.

I didn't know that not knowing shit about game development meant you were underage, who would've thunk?

Could it be a recording through the eyes of a vr headset?

This was in the plebbit thread, from a scene in episode 1 iirc
Look at that background

That's kinda plausible.

But nah, I doubt it.

Here's a (You)

Thats a fuse model, the textures on that program are notoriously really bad

So, if this is fake, I don't know why the autist who made it would use Gamebryo/Creation/whatever to recreate a room from Half Life 2

Yeah, though the lighting is way more advanced.

The point is that it's taking place in the same location.

What gives it away? I really can't tell

You're a child who can't think for himself. Despite it being a misused buzzword, the way you write and complete lack of self awareness makes me genuinely suspect you are on the autism spectrum.

To those who don't remember

>source 2 is already available for everyone
>source 3 files are starting to appear and soon to be available
>guy still uses another engine
really makes me think

>le creation engine XD

What's the fucking evidence you horse-fucker?


What makes you say it's in the creation engine?

that's some strange range of polygonal density, both in the gun and environment

Anyone recognize the models/engine?

>camera doesn't move
>gun is static
>blurry as shit

I've seen this movie.

I can't think for myself?

Well at least I am curious to see if something is or isn't. That seems a lot more fun to me.

And lack of self awareness? How come? I simply wanted to know more about the images at hand rather than just being left undecided.

I honestly think these are fake at this point.

that was my question you literal retard

quit doing this to me Sup Forums

everyone knows Gabe will never release hl3 because all the fans will kill themselves after the final conclusion because that was the only thing keeping them from suicide

Are you fucking retarded? You can't recognize the engine based on a couple of screenshots and blurry footage. You honkies play games 24 hours a day and you still don't know shit about actually making games.

>You can't recognize the engine based on a couple of screenshots and blurry footage.

I guarantee anyone could recognize the MT framework engine from just a few screenshots

>all the fans

There are none left.

is that a surprise to you? you know that id tech 4 contains some code that goes back to catacombs 3d.

Even if it is real, what is this footage supposed to mean? There's not even a date anywhere.

"Valve may have created assets for Half Life 3 (at some point"


we only have one screen with very little content in it, though

You realize Gabe practically confirmed it right?

Counter Strike bots talking about ice cream is closer to normal human conversation than your posts.

It's been 10 years user, it's never happening.
Let it go.

Listen up fuckers.

This shit is fake as fuck.

>Shoots video with the quality of a 2005 flip phone
>Posts "in editor" screens but doesn't post the editor interface
>Character looks like it was made and animated in Miximo
>Low fucking Polycount on everything even for 2007 standards

He either exported a source map to the FO4 editor or did this in UE4 or Unity. There are ways to export source maps to standard 3d models for use in other applications.

If the pictures were really shot in the editor then why are you seeing the FPS gun model? Source 2 doesn't allow you to play test in the editor.

13 years.

Me not comprehend purpose of mongoloid sentence.