Best year to own a PS4

Literally no excuse since you can buy one for $229,99+tax

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why is BoTW there?

Nice try Sony

>Why is Trump there
Announcing a new era of games
1998 = OoT
2017 = BotW

Yakuza 6 is next year though

Literally so many games and for the price I had to buy 2!

It took a while for the PS4 to be worth it but yeah, it finally is now.

Kiwami is this year though

>Bloodborne is better than any of those games
>Isn't in that list
You should just sell yours.

BotW is trash.

Grow up kid




All those games are shit.

That game is ass

Drumpfu-chan is already making japon great again

Thinking of picking one up when I get payed this month. Been teetering on one for a while now but that hankering for Nioh, Bloodborne and Yakuza is getting too strong. What good under the radar games are there to keep an eye on?


Must be horrible to have such shit taste, and also to miss out on the GotY.

Stay mad, bucko.

Where's league of legends?

>open world game where all the main content is trash and the only thing to do is cross the map completing puzzles

I'll pass.



No worries, Fox. You will get your grapes one day.

Which is exactly why you'll never know that you're wrong.

It's okay, go ahead and live in your little bubble, son.

Not that guy but please don't tell me you saved that as a thumbnail

What does it matter to you?

Are you going to cry?

If not, shut it.

>If not, shut it.
Who shit in your cereal this morning, internet badass?

I actually didn't have cereal, friend.

Also, retards like you who think a thumbnail is any indication of something.

>I actually didn't have cereal, friend.
Really? Oh shit, that makes my post completely pointless. My apologies, your superior intellect has defeated me once again.

>Also, retards like you who think a thumbnail is any indication of something.
That's grand coming from someone who's too retarded to save images properly.


Try harder, son.

You're a faggot who's too stupid to save full size images.

A year filled with half complete games, that are endlessly praised on Sup Forums.

Meanwhile, SEGA/Atlus of all companies actually delivered.

Spider-man doens't even have a release year much less a date.

Gravity Rush 2 was meh. Nier is just waifushit, nowhere near as good as Platinum's previous games.

Yakuza is pretty great though.
