How can a game with such a boring gameplay be hailed as the best...

How can a game with such a boring gameplay be hailed as the best? This is because of this kind of mentality ( writing > everything) western game have a terible gameplay.

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Bioware/CDProjekt type games are popular among the normies.
Slap together some combat to keep em from getting bored between cutscenes and you have a hit.

whats wrong with the combat?

It's not deep and meaningful enough for these autists, meanwhile they'll play garbage like Dark Souls and hail the "combat" as the second coming of christ.

yeah I hate the follow le red footsteps shit but I still recon its a good game. very overrated but still worth a play if you like video games. Just stick to the main missions and side missions that have to do with significant characters

Go play indie slashers then if gameplay is the only fucking thing you care about. If you dumb down games to a single metric your opinion is worth less than my dogs shit.

I didn't say the game was bad, I think this is a good game. Sadly Witcherdrones get buttblasted if you don't think their game is perfect.

>what's wrong with the combat
>witcher series game

it won a lot of awards because its a movie more than a game same as last of us.

Just like witcher 2, couldn't manage to play more than 8 hours without falling asleep.

Combat too consolized

Stop making the same threads your autist

I never made a thread about the Witcher before

More like faggots like you get buttblasted because the game has a 99% positive rating on steam. Else why would you even make the thread? Butthurt faggot.

none of these are actual arguments. Let me ask again; What's wrong with the combat?

garry plays like a different character than the monsters or humans he's fighting, the devs got so hung up with garry moving like he does in the books that it got in the way of the combat, funny with how much other garbage they felt the need to retcon

It's not Soulsborne combat :^)

So what's the right way to do third person hack&slash combat? Any examples?

>higher level mobs become HP sponges but they just die when your level is equal when you just stab with the exact same sword you used when you were low level


who cares, shouldn't need to list other games when its clear whats wrong with this one, it's comical that garry swings around like a ballerina and a bandit takes one normal swing and one hits you

>Any examples?

there are like 60 other examples

if you're trying to have this argument it paints you as someone who has never played very many video games and listens to what mainstream media says

>writing > everything

Witcher 3 has pretty shitty writing though, it's bad fan fiction at it's worst

The gameplay is fine.
And yes, I will take writing over everything else. Writing gives context and meaning to the player's actions. It makes them care about playing the game. Games with 'good gameplay' are a dime a dozen these days and 'good gameplay' isn't even that good. Name a game with gameplay so good you can ignore all its other shortcomings.
Whatever your answer to the above was, there are people who can't ignore a mediocre story just like you can't ignore mediocre combat. Witcher 3 COMBAT is mediocre, but the GAMEPLAY is actually great. The gameplay is centered around letting the player RP and prep for combat (silver sword, so and so potion, oil, sign to use), not the combat itself.

What's ridiculous is how much flak TW3 gets despite every other game in the last decade or so being objectively worse than it in most areas, including gameplay.

>can't name one

>Games with 'good gameplay' are a dime a dozen these days
I wish I lived in this delusion of yours

can we list the souls games? or will you just cry autistic and "doesn't count"?

Well if you compare it to the greatest screenplays of all time then sure.
But relative to the writing in all other games TW3's writing is top notch, probably 99th percentile.

Play Skyrim (or most Bethesda games) if you want dialogue that really reads like bad fanfiction. Players telling you their life story as soon as they meet you or you ask them. And if TW3 is bad fanfic, where does that leave Mass Effect, Ass Creed etc? Are those tabloids?

>or will you just cry autistic and "doesn't count"?
He'll do this for whatever you give

What are some recent games with better writing?
Almost all video games have shit writing when compared to things like literature or even films but in comparison to other video games The Witcher series has very good writing.

It's not only writing, it's graphics, art style, music, setting and characters. If you shit on witcher's gameplay you are autistic, because it's got the best gameplay open world action RPG genre has seen.

'Good gameplay' is far more common than good writing. You can disagree but then you're the one that's deluded.

If you say good gameplay is rare, then I counter with why are you holding TW3 in particular to such high standards that you admit the majority of other games cannot attain?

It doesn't even have the best writing in a Witcher game, its held up by the side quests which stop you noticing how mediocre the main plot is.

The side quests probably have some of the best side quest writing though but after velen the main quest writing isn't that good.

It's incredible that no one can actually pinpoint the flaws in the combat system.
My only complaint is the lack of magic variety but the game offers a lot of offensive and defensive mechanics like parrying, blocking and counters. I still don't know what the fuck people complaint so much about.

>implying gameplay > writing
go back to your weeb soulsgames you tryhards

i liked it

was pretty sad when the red baron died

>because it's got the best gameplay open world action RPG genre has seen.

Holy shit, makes sense why all open world action RPG are fucking shit.

Weebscum want to play as a White anime character who carries several 100+lbs swords.

>Witcher 3 isn't a highly tuned Japanese hack and slash or full retard Skyrim babby swinging, therefore the gameplay is shit

The bait's getting stale these days, man.

Another flaw is the useless lock on system. Used it like 3 or 4 times. Never gave me an advantage.

remember, Sup Forums is a comedy website, not a place for discussion

normies don't care about interesting gameplay. see the popularity of Uncharted, Halo, etc.

Is autism the greatest threat to humanity? I miss when OP was a faggot. Now we're stuck with shit like this.

oh shit. I got carried away.

Basically this. It's either this or fucking skyrim. If you are a gameplay purist just fuck off and go play souls or whatever the fuck you consider top tier gameplay

2 buttons affair.
Combos come out semi randomly depending on shit hard to control precisely like small differences in distance from enemy so some times you get series of fast slashes while sometimes some fancier slower move gets mixed in with the same button presses which isn't really that good for exact timing.
Lore bound lack of weapon variety doesn't help much.
Signs are ok addition but overall the whole combat is shallow and boring in a game where you spend tens to hundreds of hours killing monsters.

Andromeda has a better gameplay (and before calling me a biodrone, everything else is dogshit.)

because big budget games no longer have good gameplay, games stopped caring about gameplay when they started selling to the movie crowd, I'm holding it to the standard of older games, and to the standard of much smaller games with much less budget, I simply want big games to return to being about gameplay so I can have that polish and shine the a big budget can bring, i don't want to go back and beat games i have already played a million times, and indies don't really do it for me.

I don't know I haven't played a lot of new games

But Witcher 3 is crap even compared to Witcher 1/2 , or just mediocre fantasy like Dragon Age Origins

It's comparable to a turd

The writing is on par with TW1 and TW2. I've played The Witcher 1 twice, The Witcher 2 three times.

Writing is more than the quest objectives or plot. It's the character interactions and motivations, choice of setpieces, how to interweave them to reveal subtle things to the player.

And yes, while the overall plot lulls a bit between Novigrad and Skellige, I think that was the point. Novigrad was clearly there to give the player some kind of 'reprieve' after the rather hard hitting, plot heavy parts of Velen. It was just running around town solving mysteries, attending balls, a win-win to both the player and the writers because the player gets to do all the fun stuff that they're normally excluded from in RPGs and the writers have a useful tool to breathe life and personality to what would otherwise seem to be an lifeless city (huge problem in RPGs, the last time we saw a city with so much life is probably Vizima in TW1).

And while the main plot in Skellige does waver a bit, everything else is pretty top notch. Skellige clearly didn't fit the plot at all, they had to wrap the plot around the location rather than vice versa. They clearly ran out of time to really flesh it out, but it was the best thing we could have gotten having Skellige in the game at all. But then Hearts of Stone and B&W come along and blow everything else out of the water.

>plot heavy parts of Velen

What plot heavy parts, you're just mindlessly doing favors for favors to get information Geralt could have gotten by asking anyone in the village.

>Ciri (woman with completely unique look) was here and she rode off in the direction f Novigrad

Fucking retarded game

>cover shooter
>sword fighting
Is it really comparable?

>It was just running around town solving mysteries, attending balls, a win-win to both the player and the writers because the player gets to do all the fun stuff that they're normally excluded from in RPGs and the writers have a useful tool to breathe life and personality to what would otherwise seem to be an lifeless city

>doing mindless shit fetch quests completely unrelated to anything is fun because balls tehhehe

Are you a 12 year old girl?

>Dragon Age Origins
If you think DA:O has writing even close to comparable to any Witcher game then it's clear you have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not espousing how wonderful the writing in The Witcher is with that sentiment but how utterly terrible the writing in DA:O is.

It's a lot better and more coherent than Witcher 3.

Well if you can't find a better example, doesn't that still mean that witcher has the best 3rd person combat? People don't praise it for the perfect combat, but the decent combat + the excellent story, soundtrack, atmosphere, dialogue etc.

Witcher 1 Vizima is how you use a fully modelled city to it's fullest potential

You can take out Novigrad from Witcher 3 and it wouldn't change a damn thing, except maybe improve the game

Now you're just complaining that an RPG follows the RPG convention of having quests. But playing devil's advocate let's entertain your argument:

>Geralt could have gotten by asking anyone in the village.
Who besides the Baron in Velen would know exactly where Ciri was headed? There's no evidence in the game she told anyone aside from the Baron, let alone anyone outside of Crow's Nest. Your random villager wouldn't have a fucking clue. You try returning to your home town and asking passerbys where some friend you lost touch with went and let me know how it goes.

No, but if a 12 year old girl enjoys the rare RP elements of an RPG then good for her.

>It's a lot better
uh no

>more coherent than Witcher 3
Five years on from fully beating it and all DLC and all I remember about it was... Darkspawn are attacking. Traffic lights are pretty coherent too.

>Actual well developed villain with nuanced motivations ( Loghain). Witcher 3 villains are cartoon tier shit

>Actual nuanced conflict of religion vs magic, Witcher 3 is just hurr organized religion is Hitler

>characters that actually have development and purpose in the story instead of just hey look at that guy I recognize him from the books

Name one thing that's better in Witcher 3 in terms of story

honestly the combat is forgettable, if anything it's bland and uninteresting to watch, it's probably the reason people can't put their frustration with it into words, I would kill a man for a skyrim/witcher 3 style game with souls combat, another good example is nier, the combat doesn't need to even be that deep, it just needs to be interesting and meaningful in any way at all, also the leveling system in witcher 3 is awful

Oh please, 99% of Witcher 1's main plot was set in Vizima, OF COURSE it's going to be used to a fuller potential. It didn't have the size or the scope of TW3 to contend with.

>Now you're just complaining that an RPG follows the RPG convention of having quests

Bullshit. None of the other Witcher games felt so pointless and padded out. And when they did you got a coherent side story out of it, like Abigail and the Preacher, The Wedding in Chapter 4, Loredo / Iorveth. And it was always connected to the main story.

There was nothing to be gained out of novigrad, it was just pure shit very bad writers with no ideas.

it's almost like giant empty open worlds are boring and uninteresting or something

I liked the part where you're doing pointless bullshit to get after Whoreson who has no character at all, so Witcher team decorates his room with 5 whores to get an emotional response

It was obvious what was supposed to happen in Novigrad, siege of novigrad should have been the climax of the game, two armies against each other with Wild Hunt coming at the end and fucking shit up.

And your choices should have affected who the cities sides with, you can help pro nilfgaard or pro redenia Novigrad factions and then the city is besieged by opposing faction. This was OBVIOUS.

Instead we got that awful finale in Skelige, I have no idea wtf were they thinking.

>Actual well developed villain with nuanced motivations ( Loghain). Witcher 3 villains are cartoon tier shit
I don't even remember what Loghain's motivations were.
Considering the fact that every other character in DA:O was mono-faceted, I don't think you can convince me he is any different. With Eredin at least I can make logical connections presented by the plot to figure out his motivations, because the plot is well written. Why does Eredin want Ciri? > Because she has Elder Blood > How does that help him? > Elder Blood can travel between worlds > Why does Eredin want this power? > To stem the White Frost's encroachment on his homeworld. And then in terms of the game information on the White Frost gets iffy and yes that is one of the few weak points in the game's plot but I can least remember that much over the random motivations of some guy who let the king die, at least I think that's what Loghain did.

>Actual nuanced conflict of religion vs magic, Witcher 3 is just hurr organized religion is Hitler
This is where you're 100% wrong. The Witcher 3 goes into the nature of belief far far deeper than DA:O or any game that came before it. You're just thinking of that meme that's going around about the church of the eternal fire or whatnot that's just superficial analysis.

One of The Witcher 3's themes is the conflict between superstition and religion, superstition in this sense being the 'old beliefs' centered around shamanism, sacrifice and ritual and religion being the 'new beliefs' based on blind faith, force of will, and pure strength. Both sides are presented equally as good and bad. You have the pellar who lives in harmony with the natural world around him, albeit under the servitude (as with everyone else in Velen) of the crones. You have the crones themselves who represent a perversion of the natural world, but nonetheless grant a twisted sense of order to all that serve under them, those that obey are rewarded (sacrifice children for acorns)

i've been playing it on ps4, and it's a great game. the world is beautiful and lush. the combat is not bad at all and its great.

yielding a system of cultural beliefs and traditional methods, that though perverse do work. You have the church of the eternal fire, religious zealots whose blind faith has no true basis. Again, they are neither right nor entirely wrong. You have the plot where they give the Baron's daughter a useful purpose to pursue in life, rescuing her from a life under a drunken abuser's captivity, helping to quell and tame the evil powers of the crones. But then you have the ones that are just in it for the power and torture.

Then you have Radovid's men who aren't religious at all, but use the power of belief in the name of religion for their own ends. And the natural world itself which could arguably be represented by the spirit of the Whispering Hillock. And you have sorcerers, magic users, alchemists who represent yet another system of order, the order of scientific study of the natural world around them.

>characters that actually have development and purpose in the story instead of just hey look at that guy I recognize him from the books
Characters development is one of the strongest points of TW3, you have absolutely nothing here.

>Considering the fact that every other character in DA:O was mono-faceted

Your post is so full of shit at least I'm glad you wasted your time on it.

Ok tell me what is multi-faceted about the main character other than Geralt, Ciri what's different about her than any other generic fantasy badass girl?

>Again, they are neither right nor entirely wrong

Considering they start the holohoax for no given reason ( herding nonhumans out to camps), yes they're entirely wrong. Radovid was Hitler , but only worse because at least Hitler liked scientific progress, Radovid hates even that.

TW3 has far and away the best writing in any game, ever.

>Witcher 3 villains are cartoon tier shit
You can copypaste as many pic of your retarded elf as you want, you still know you're full of shit

>what is planescape torment

planescape has shit writing, the only reason you faggots praise old CRPGs is because they're so inaccessible to the modern gamer which you so desperately despise

They are tho


Souls might have worse combat than Witcher, not to say Witcher's combat is any good though.

>Character you almost never meet until the end has a few lines of dialogues
No shit

Now here's a shocking info : You can teach the story of someone with other tools than just having him sit down and explain you his life

This is exactly what happen in W3, you meet a lot of people that help you assemble the puzzle of what the fuck is the wild hunt/Eredin and what does he want

You've just forgotten all the padding out of the previous games. The swamps in TW1, the ravines filled with harpies (and actually most of Act 2 in TW2) of norther Aedirn, etc.
Novigrad had many roles to fulfill in TW3. TW3 itself had many roles to fulfill. As I said before Novigrad was a place to grant reprieve to the player, it was supposed to be confusing and enticing, much like a real life city. Much like in real life it was easy to lose your purpose or original goal when in a city. Like if you were tasked with a very important job that led you to Las Vegas. Another role it had to fulfill is from an RPG perspective, to solve the lingering problem of most RPGs where the cities never felt alive, were too small, too empty.

TW3 is the first open world game that I honestly didn't feel was empty, at least not until I beat the game entirely.

They obviously ran out of manpower by the end of game. Siege of Novigrad is iffy, given all the information we know about how weak both sides really are. Emhyr's councilors plotting against him etc. Novigrad was too strong to lay siege to and never in any danger of actually being captured with Radovid still alive. If anything the Redanian army would have met the black ones in open combat in Velen, but nobody in their right minds would fight in the swamps, and Radovid had no reason to give up his strategically defensible position.

Having the Wild Hunt coming in and fuck everyone up would have absolved Geralt in the way fantasy protagonists are in juvenile fantasy books. If that happened, you'd have the same people who call TW3 wish fulfillment calling it out for being juvenile fantasy.

>And your choices should have affected who the cities sides with, you can help pro nilfgaard or pro redenia Novigrad factions and then the city is besieged by opposing faction.
Your choices do affect which side wins. One thing I agree with you on is that they should have created an end world state

>guy who has game named after him has 12 one liners edgy dumb armor and "dark voice"
>it's a really good villain I swear

Witcher drones are past parody

with the Redanian army removed from Novigrad, with all the city guards either changed to Nilfgaardians or the Novigrad's own Temple guards. This was an oversight on the devs part.

Do you have to play the earlier two games to get the story?

Kek Biodrones living in glass houses shouldn't cast stones.

>Suggest you can teach the story of someone with other, better way than having him sit and tell you his story
Jesus christ dude

>TW3 itself had many roles to fulfill. As I said before Novigrad was a place to grant reprieve to the player, it was supposed to be confusing and enticing, much like a real life city. Much like in real life it was easy to lose your purpose or original goal when in a city.

I'm physically cringing, fucking retard fanboys

>ME: A gets shit on
>Suddenly a W3 thread
Huh... really makes me think...

It is trash tho

>looks into the camera
>the king is dead long live the king

It's not like he's talking about a different Bioware game though.


>Witcher 3
>cartoon villians
>being this retarded

So is this the new Bioware damage control? Falseflagging? Nice try Bioshills.

>dude time cookies lmao,

also fucking retarded villain

Holy shit you're a fucking retard. Go back to "deep" villains like Harbinger.

>Ciri repeats several lines of exposition from the books
>This is enough for end villain of the franchise hyped for three games

CDPR fanboys are fucking retarded.Those two confrontations with Wild Hunt in Witcher 1 had more depth and imagination than anything in the piece of shit known as Witcher 3

Really? Even compared to games like Planescape, Mask of the betrayer, Monkey Island and Gabriel knight?

O'Dimm is an unknown enigma. The devil who only recieves kicks from deciet, trickery and suffering. Laws of reality don't apply to him. Hence time manipulation. Go be retarded biodrone somewhere else, preferably the dozens of Andromeda threads calling Sera autistic.

notice how the gothic autist attempts to lump classic bioware titles with new bioware titles, followed by lumping both with these games


lmao, has some above average stuff in it but overall the writing quality is of a mediocre assassin creed sequel

You're still not adressing the main point
"Lines of dialogue" isnt the only way you can use to tell a story

his spiky edgy armor and make-up told us so much

I blame Final Fantasy 7

If you want to troll, do it less obvious. Inaccessible, really? You have to be brain damaged, like for real, to not be able to figure out how infinity engine games work.