It's finally out in android

It's finally out in android
opinions? full game apk when?

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Looks like shit.

It won't feel the same on Android like it does on iOS.

ha ha

Holy shit what they did to Mario




is it fun?


how much of the game is free, just the first level?

Letsa go

Is this board so low to care about Mobile trash?

I know what you are doing here

nice try


Is this literally Flappy Mario
Is Wario playable

Still vidya, which is better than half the shitposting here.



lmao this enjoy your leftovers androidfags you will never have the true mario run experience.

This thread is literally pure shitposting so we just have shitposting about mobile trash. The worst of both worlds.

That's the first thing I thought about.
The second thing I thought was "this is the most Sonic pose I've ever seen Mario put in".

If i had autism I would make a follow up showing you how that isn't correct


Any reputable non malware site to watch for cracked apk?

fuck you for wasting my time

It won't. But you can't prove it since Android users are living on denial on their shitty OS that is literally the middle-east of the mobile OSs. But WAAAAH APPLE PRODUCTS ARE EXPENSIVE R-RIGHT GUYS? (: XD But yeah... let them live in their shitty world

It is if you are a diehard Mario fan. Just try the first levels for free and buy it if you like it.

You could keep an eye on apkmania

Applefags always have an excuse

>it's free

feels good man


>Using an OS that doesn't let you run whatever software you want
Fuck off applel cuck.

Enjoy your no customization.

Full apk fucking where
I'm not paying 10$ for a mobile mario game

It's not free, it's a demo

>install game
>asks for region
>united states isn't above the A lettered regions


>It's not free, it's a demo

It doesn't even work. It opens and closes literally 2 seconds later.

>Implying we all use the same os

Look I get it you can barely do jack shit on your shitty iPhone but kikki pls I thought you knew about launchers

If you are rooted it won't work

It's a 2 week old s7 on lated fw, it's not rooted

Windows Phone version when?

Same, looks like some kind of network failure from the logcat. Perhaps the DRM servers are already fucked? (Though a crash in that case would be quite an embarrassing bug)

I'm not rooted either, but I do have a custom rom. Shouldn't be an issue though, since a long list of other apps work perfectly fine.

>Windows Phone

>in-app purchases

It's a $10 IAP to unlock the full game after the first world, faggot

How so?

We'll get the free apk.
You'll still pay for it.

>crashes on my phone
>doesn't even show up in the play store on my tablet
u n i t y

You just confirmed that I was right, it's free

The game is always online

You can't pirate it

watch me

It'll happen
It might not happen on day one

>game that you can play with one hand

The game is fucking bad, who gives a shit

Reminder to Androd users that playable Toad is free for My Nintendo users

Not that you would ever want to play as Toad


And for anyone who doesn't believe me

>install apk
>nintendo screen
>game crashes

You say that like anyone gave a single fuck to begin with if you collected all the toads or not.

You gave enough of a fuck to reply

I gave a fuck about your attempt to prove some pointless shit and not your "achievement".

doesn't work on me
it always crashs on the nintendo logo Screen

Full Game APK where?

where apk lads

>not already having money from Google Opinion Rewards™

Bought it.

Really, what's the worst that could happen bros?

Yes please datamine me Google I love that you know how often I buy toilet paper and what type of toothpaste I use!

Thanks for giving a fuck

Works for me. It's silly that you don't even have to have any human input to beat a level.

The appreciation is well deserved. After all even though I didn't praise you for your efforts I still gave you attention and the (you) you desired. I never played Mario Run so I can't even judge how valuable it is to max out the Toads.

spotted the pedo

>Don't get any surveys for close to a month
>Suddenly get 3 within the span of a few days
>Between all of them I get a whopping 0 dollars and 0 cents

I'm guessing lucky patcher won't work?

Should be three levels, like on iOS.

I have Asperger's and want to correct it, but I can't since I can't draw for zilch.

>Literally has a Green Toad right there

>"this is the most Sonic pose I've ever seen Mario put in".
Eh, kind of reminds me of the 64 artwork from the side