Explain to me Sup Forums, why do you hate open world games so much? I've never understood the ">Open world" shit

Explain to me Sup Forums, why do you hate open world games so much? I've never understood the ">Open world" shit

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It's usually mostly empty space.
90% of open world games would benefit if you removed that shit, as it would just save the player's time.

Now where could my Wario be.

I enjoy it.

Only people that don't like it are insufferable faggots like

Because it's a normal game if you replaced level transitions/loading times with 5-10 minutes of holding up to get somewhere. Doubly so if the game involves backtracking. We don't get so immersed in the game that we don't realize that it's just arbitrary padding to make the game seem more interesting than it actually is.

No, that's the point; there's too much space and not content to fill the space. Walking through empty fields is not "something to do", it's just a waste of time.

more like shove it up yo own ass game

It makes it harder to find the pipe

i always liked open world when i was younger,

but in the end it always kind of felt like a core, most of the time you just walk with nothing interesting to see or do.

meant chore..


Open World isn't bad, it's just that no one knows how to do it right.
I don't either, but I know for a fact it could be better.

Open world games are generally very repetitive.
I'd rather play a 4 hour game where every level is unique and keeps bringing in new kinds of challenges than do the same five tasks over and over for 50 hours

wind waker was a good balance of doing "open world" without treading into "redundant world"

I just think they're boring.

Too much space with too little inside of it
Open would would be nice if the map is full of interesting bits to explore but in most cases there's only 4-5 meaningful spots on the entire map while the rest of it is dead empty terrain inbetween those locations

There's more empty ocean than any interesting islands.

Even BotW has more consistent points of interest.

>Sup Forums is one person/has one opinion

I don't like how there seems to be a big divide in priorities in open world games. Like they try to press hard that the story quests are something you should do, but then it encourages you to take time and smell the roses and eventually I just lose motivation do to all the shit that's in it. The most open world like games I'll likely ever touch again are the Batman Arkham series.


What political party is Gamera apart of?

I think This is going on

>copypaste areas to pad out the setting and boast about how big it is in marketing and on the back of the box
>quests involving backtracking across multiple destination points to further pad out the playtime
>kneecap that playtime-padding by putting in Fast Travel, essentially the developers admitting that the content is so repetitive that the player will miss nothing by skipping over vast chunks of it
>saddle the open world with some kind of levelling/crafting system so the player is doing even more of the same task over and over again to gather ingredients/level up/find a stronger weapon/scratch that skinner-box itch

For as shit as Egoraptor's videos can normally be, his diatribe on Castlevania 2 and the difference between it and the first game is pretty much spot-on on dissecting what makes the open-world template such a chore at its core.

You enjoy walking through large empty spaces so much? go outside and visit a fucking farm or get lost in the desert and die. I play games for action and a story. If theres an open world, Fine. As long as theres things to FILL IT WITH.

Good and bad usage of space is what makes and breaks an open world game.

Good usage of space: Take a look at GTA:San andreas's map. Lots of space for CJ to explore but its filled in well.

Bad usage of space: Shit like Skyrim or oblivions map. Sure you got these REALLY BIG COUNTRIES TO EXPLORE. Cool but theres NOTHING FUCKING THERE WORTH CHECKING OUT. Theres a swamp? Cool. Anything there? No? Why should i bother going there if theres nothing rewarding in doing so?

far cry 3-4 are both good games, but after the 10th outpost, 10th tower, 10th hunt, it just gets repetitive.

They basically have 3-5 mini games, and you go around to different mini game events.

After the 5th time completing the same mini game it sucks, compared to Gears of War 2, where you go around different zones killing stroggs, or w/e. Different enemies, different scenery, story evolves, shit changes faster.

Nice pic OP you should call it Gwarfio

Most time is spent traveling instead of having actual gameplay. The less open the world, the more you can focus on gameplay.

I still cannot believe that this shit is back.

they are boring, traversing a big ass map does nothing for me

>but you get to explore!

and who the fuck cares when it's always the same boring ass urban setting that copies grand theft auto? i ain't gonna find anything interessing

>think of all the stuff you can find!

it's always the same shit, find 100 packages for upgrade, a bunch of unsufferable minigame and challenge and shit, and the gameplay is always half bad racing game and half boring ass autotargetting shooter

bonus reason to hate open world game: almost every open world game is also an AAA game which means they get shilled by journo to the point even shit like watch dogs ends up with an 80

the only open world game i could ever get into was just cause 2 and that was because that game basicaly let me live all my fantasies about action man, that game was fucking amazing

also bonus mention to prototype, i guess i also kinda liked that one too

Very few games do it right IMO. I've seen a few here and there - I'll always champion Banjo-Kazooie as the finest balance of focused level design and open level progression that I've seen, Zelda 1 makes exploration fun and rewarding without being so large as to be tedious, Gravity Rush pretty much needs an open world for its very gameplay concept to properly flourish. For the most part though, they sacrifice compelling game design for sheer scale, with tons of useless open space and quest padding acting as an illusion of content. I won't say the concept is outright shit but it is VERY easy to fuck up, and generally speaking I'll take focused, linear level design over it any day.

Yeah. It's impressive

> Sup Forums says open world is a meme
meanwhile gta 5 has sold 75 million copies so far

ok cucks

What can I say? People have shit taste.

Can someone give me the quick rundown on Jim Davis?

Mount and Blade did open world correctly.
A big, open world with scattered locations, but most travelling is done on a map screen, so you can skip out all the walking and get to the battles or towns/castles/villages.

> good sales doesnt mean its a good game

fuck off dude, if 75 million people bought it then you can be damn sure its a fine ass game and it satisfies a large amount of people which is the point of good entertainment.

But like all revivals, it came back worse.

Part of the meme is that casual plebs love to eat open world shit like skyrim.

Whatever floats your boat. I don't really give a rat's ass about a game's popularity beyond whether or not a game I like has a shot at getting a sequel.

according to Sup Forums whats wrong with gta5 now ?

is the world too uninteresting for your fine tastes ?
or its too big and you want a linear experience ?

it it keeps selling a lot then something must have done right

>it came back worse

It's a keyword that signals that a game is going to try to do too much of everything, and as a result there is a lot of broken shit, glitches, or at best not one feature in particular is fantastic. This is compounded by the insane deadlines in the triple A industry. Every open world game wants to have:
- Exploration
- Melee combat
- cool weapons
- stealth missions
- mounts/vehicles
- sidequests
- realistic EVERYTHING
- cinematic scenes with good dialogue
- "secret" things to find
- a lot of random elements to make the people and the world feel alive

It almost always comes short in every respect. But casuals want only more of it, so we keep getting half-assed games.

This. Games are never at their best when they are jack-of-all-trades efforts. Focus in on a few really good ideas and execute them well. You'll end up with something better than AAA open world #786.