
I just started playing. Is there any promotions or anything going on? It's surprisingly difficult. Any advice besides reroll into oblivion? I like playing Blood, Shadow and Rune. Just started last night

So Cerberus is Shadowverse and not Bahamut anymore?

Is this game illegal in the UK and Canada?

Slutty McSlut?

Reroll into oblivion, play whatever class you fancy (all classes have viable decks).
Netdecking only starts being relevant around C ranke I believe and by then you should have several of them available.

Isn't she from a different game?

Bat's! just go full bats! That is all you'll ever need from Bloodcraft. Focus on batting them to death before turn 6. Vania is your friend, also stock up on low cost followers and 3 yuriens , Goblin mages too. Put in a Bloddhungry matriarch or 2 as well for if it gets to turn 7.

Yeah. The devs reuse the art from that game.

bahamut character are both in shadowverse and granblue fantasy

Wow who is this erotic mature lady?


She's totally mature and erotic!

Is she fun to play?


Yeah she can combo with bat cards.

The best place to get help is the English tournament discord.

>People don't know about the Bahamut Expanded Universe

oh no, cute anime feet like that are my weakness

In fact today is Wednesday, there is a small group of veterans that are obligated to give you one on one coaching if you post there.

Link to the Discord?

But why user?

I'll throw it up in just a sec!

Any tips on early progression? Just try to complete story mode?


Till chapter 8. The story for elf, sword, and shadow, are hard after 8 so don't bother until you get better cards. Also do the private matches missions for free coins.

Yep, also try to look up some deck lists to get you started and stick to one archtype till you get comfortable. Bloodcraft is a pretty good starter.

I'll be throwing up that discord link in a moment.


this whole discord thing is a meme I assume?
Like "sent ;)"?


Sorry for the long wait I'll be putting it up after I get back. Thank you for your understanding!

Alright thanks for the confirmation, I haven't gone to Shadowverse threads on /vg/ yet so I'm not up to speed with these cool maymays

The /vg/ thread was smart enough to avoid discord cancer, this guy just sometimes posts it there and elsewhere.

Play and clear all the story modes, they have cards you can't get anywhere else.

Beat all the Elite and Elite 2 AIs they have a ton of gold.

Fight 20 different people in private matches, no conceding, for a lot of gold.

Don't play Dragon, it's a shit craft.

When are you coming back? I wanna join and get advice.

Reminder that Dragon is T1 thanks to this expansion.