Let's talk about the insane piece of shit that is the Cinematic Mod for Half-Life 2

Let's talk about the insane piece of shit that is the Cinematic Mod for Half-Life 2.

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Let's talk about the insane piece of shit that is Mass Effect Andromeda again.



Some of the updated maps are pretty cool, but 90% of the stuff just feels out of place
Will dump more screenshot since I started playing it recently


Post the crashed plane with an intact bridge behind it. That one always cracks me up.

It's been removed. I played through the whole canals section and it wasn't there.
I think this was the place where it was supposed to be, now there's only a collapsed bridge

>9 years since Ep2


Looks like a tranny

I don't know why the author has such a hard on for cranes, there's so fucking many everywhere

>now there's a collapsed bridge but no plane

I find that even funnier knowing that it used to be in the other way around.

came here for this


I don't think it was in the canals section.

more cranes


It's not in the Route Kanal chapter, it's during Highway 17.

Looks aesthetic

for what purpose

oh shit you're right, I never noticed the antlions in the picture
welp, time to go on playing and see if I can find it

I'm glad that there is atleast one person on Sup Forums who isn't completely biased against the mod. Some of the levels look really good, but i personally cant play the mod without changing a lot of the stuff.

Just... Why?


I really dont mind CM. Character models aside. It felt like a decent remaster.

When did this mod come out?

>dickbutt lives on despite Combine takeover

How could anyone think that's what happens when a place hits something?

Ignoring the bridge, is it even possible for a plane to crash like that?
That looks impossible


It feels out of place. It seems the city is being built, which is exactly the opposite of what is happening.

What even is this.

I found this screenshot on Google too so maybe they did fix it.

More games need cranes

Is it still being worked on?


The fuck. Did he put some retarded "lewd" things all over the place ?

Thank god you can customize the character models and keep the default ones
What I hate the most is the fucking Batman soundtrack though, I don't think you can keep the default one, it would have been even better


Maybe, if it like, landed straight down and then fell back into that position.

You can keep the original OST,


Top kek, I'm at the Balck Mesa East chapter right now and one of the new things that got added is Alyx's room.
That's where the dildo is.

What is this a reference to?
Some type of a stereotype? I'm not familiar with men like that.
Could someone please explain?

Is that meant to be Breen with hitler hair?


The hell ?
Why would you change the soundtrack of Half-Life 2 ?

How could someone look at that and say : yes, this is fine ? How is that possible ?

Really? I didn't see that option in the configurator, that's good to know

They changed G-Man to generic Mafiosi number 4.

This was a couple of years ago. He might have taken away the option since to spite people.

I'm not sure why but I find this mod disturbing as fuck
Like I'm diving into Ed Gein's or Ted Bundy's mind like in psychonauts

>female Combine

I never knew I wanted this.

Post the one of a city block JUST got destroyed in battle and it is already overrun by ferns

If you go into into configurator you can change almost everything wrong with the mod, excluding bridges, cranes, and ferns. As for your pic, i remember i had to browse vtfs for a couple hours so i could replace the bulletin board with the vanilla one. There's also a mod that removes all the stupid graffiti, so the mod becomes much less perverse than originally.


>The game makes its pretty clear that the combine has some magic that suppress reprodution and sex
>Lets plaster lewd posters, dildos and shit like that all over the game.


No, that wing standing like that is just as ridiculous.

It's cut content actually

>tfw they left pic related unused save for an easter egg
looks dope as fuck


The scrapyard looks pretty cool

I thought it just made everyone sterile rather than suppressing urges


All in all, i wouldn't recommend anyone play CM unless they're willing to spend time to undo all the mistakes that horny fuck made when making the mod, mostly changes models and textures as well as any other customization you want like weapon mods. It really is a shame there's so much wrong with the mod because there isn't anything else like it for half life 2.

The creator was a pervert. God dammit, fucking breeders can't do anything right.

The cardinal sin was too destroy the identity it had. Most seemingly random props in HL2 were cues to guide the player towards a weapon cache, or to make the story go forwards. It all gets thrown out the window with this... thing.

Also, Batman soundtrack. Really ? HL2 already had a superb soundtrack, why would you ever change that ?

Did somebody say FERNS

>fucking breeders
Get outta here, you faggot.

Breen legit looks like an out of touch fashion designer.

Ha ha /r/childfree amirite guys?

Cranes as far as the eye can see.

Is there anyone working on a faithful graphical overhaul/remaster for half life 2 so can people can stop talking about this mod?

It's like he has some interesting ideas here and there, but then he always adds 50 ideas that are plain fucking garbage. Like

Vegetation is ok, ferns everywhere is not

The idea of adding additional bridge here and there is okay, 50 of them in the same level is not

I never understood why would combine choose City 17, and it's not like highrise towers are a rarity, so additional background buildings are okay, but adding 50 cranes is not. Not even China has this many cranes per square kilometer

The idea of additional graffiti is good, but this shit is embarassing

I do not mind a huge airliner falling out of the sky, after all 7 hour war was devastating and we have hundreds of jets in the air at any point of time, but he would not fall like that and stop. Not to mention that there's barely any destruction to the airliner itself falling. I mean, it fell to the fucking river at this angle, it would at least lose a wing, probably just snap in half. Not to mention that the damage to the riverbed would be much more devastating.

Etc etc. What the fuck that guy is thinking

is this jurassic park

The german autist behind it constantly updates it

No, just a fag. Jesus this obsession with sex is unsettling.

>Etc etc. What the fuck that guy is thinking
"It looks good/appeal to my fetish, so I'll put it in"
That's probably how it went. Half-Life design is ruined, utterly ruined

In episode 1 dr. Isaac goes in one of those big screens and say that "the combine suppression shields are off and it might be a good time to repopulate humanity".

Alyx even mentions how wierd it sounds to hear the old man say that.

It doesn't specify whether it suppresses urges or fertilisation itself though
I imagine the latter would be much easier

isn't the guy who made this like 40 years old or something?

>a gay person judging straight people for liking sex
Have you seen your contemporaries? Have you seen what your fellow LGBT psychos do in their spare time? I'll give you a hint: it certainly isn't abstinence.

It suppresses fertilisation. At any right, the creator of the mod should put his disgusting fetishes out of Half-Life.

Yup, its disturbing

Cranes are not the issue here, it's their placement. Big ports have arrays massive cranes to unload cargo from bigass container ships, but there's no fucking way those cranes be that close to the shallow waters/land

that actually looks kinda cool

This. If the guy had some self controll and somebody to tell him no, it could be great.

Just got to Ravenholm, I have never seen screenshots posted here so I was looking forward to it
Looks pretty much the same now, but it's kinda darker and more detailed

Me and my fellow degenerates don't publish a mod that completely disgraces a game just to fulfil our fetishes.

Thank god you can use the default characters models.

>ITT one really asshurt gay person
Jesus fucking christ, calm down, you act like he raped your mother on live TV or something.

Looks k aside from obnoxious bf-like color correction

Germany was a mistake.

Europe was a mistake in general

Time of day was changed, which imo ruins the atmosphere.



He raped a game I liked. That's all.

It's my fundamental right to sperg about it. You guys did it a gazillon times over much less.

Don't tell me you actually defend that. Even if we put the porn aside, what he did to the artistic creation is already a crime.

The rest of us were fine until those damned Teutonic sperglords started shitting things up.

toppu keko


This mod is proof white males need to be profiled.

>Adding a romance scene = fully modelling a vagina
And the creator didn't call it Fire Emblem : Extended edition

What's that, Father?

Yeah, they called it "expanded" instead, and then they throw a bitch fit when anyone dares to suggest that a potential straight couple with no supports could use one.

Would Germans and Japs be like this if it weren't for losing WW2?

Isn't the guy german? Wasn't his job application was rejected by Valve?