This is your healer for tonight


that's a dps

Is Mistweaver any good? I main a Holy Priest and it's becoming incredibly boring.

Most fun healing spec along with Resto shamans.

Legion is shit

MW hasn't been fun since 5.2, keep pretending it takes more skill since nobody plays it though.

Male panda eyes hould be fixed

Worgen should be fixed

I hate it. I wish it was more fun.

holy fucking yum!

hope she can heal my raging boner dat thur pic gave me! mmm mmm, yummy in muh tummy!

No. It's twice the work, for the same healing output.

What are your opinions on Holy paladin?

much improved now that the holy power cancer is gone

Solid healers with good utility and single target.

why are pandarians so perfect Sup Forumsros?

Best wives


four you

Was good right before the legion content. Monks as a whole got pretty fucked with legion.


WW Monk is one of the best dps specs right now.

No they weren't. Mistweavers turned pretty boring after Pandaria. Windwalker are still useful.

What does this mean?

It means that someone should post cute pandas


Brewmaster is the second best tank right now

What's the best tank?

Guardian druid>brewmaster>paladin>warrior>death knight>demon hunter