Has there been a year this good since 1998?

Has there been a year this good since 1998?

Jesus Christ, I keep having to rush through GotY-contenders so I can finish up before the next one comes out.

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Half of those haven't even released.

Honestly Yakuza, Zelda, and P5 are good enough to make this year the best so far this decade
Everything else is just icing on the cake

>they're ALL japanese


Only Odyssey, Xenoblade, and Splatoon, but given that there's never been a bad 3D Mario, Splatoon is just the best multiplayer of last generation with a single player campaign, and both of the past two Xenoblades were fantastic, I don't think there's too much worry about them not turning out well.

I would only consider like 2 or 3 of those games good.
But overall, yes. This is an amazing year for gaming as a whole.

Persona 5

What about Persona 5?

It's been out since September m8, we just haven't been able to play it. Everyone who has played it has said it's amazing.

two of those haven't come out this year and one of them is not going to come this year. also all three of those titles are unproven at this point and may actually suck as hard as that might be for you to stomach.

It didn't release in the west, which is all that matters anyway. You should know.

It happens with every japanese games that release earlier there. It's happened with Type-0, and just look at what the general opinion of the game is now.

Not saying Persona 5 is bad, just we don't know yet till the game comes out for everyone.

You need to get more diverse tastes.
Or at least stop thinking that something you aren't interested in can't be good

should add nioh to the list, and replace splatoon with horizon, regardless of what you think it's going to be a goty contender.

>all are Playstation and Nintendo exclusives

Even if one of the unreleased ones is bad it'll still be a fantastic year. That being said, Mario and Splatoon at least are safe bets since all Splatoon needs to be is more of the same and mainline Mario has never been bad

Is Xenoblade seriously coming out this year?

>and replace splatoon with horizon, regardless of what you think it's going to be a goty contender.
The annual Ubisoft Rehash this time with robots

One game is from 2015 and one's from 2016.

Still 2017 is great though.

I like Horizon, but Splatoon 2 will probably be really good too

Why would he put Horizon on a list of good games just because normies like it? Should I put Call of Duty on there too?

Hard to say, I'm sure they'll tell us at E3. If it is, I would assume really late.

Yeah there's been some years, looking at that top 7 website I'd agree that this looks to be the best year since 2004. I wouldn't go back as far as 1998 to find a similarly good year.


zelda is the only good game on there

Yakuza 0 made me feel invested on playing vidya once again. Looking forward to kiwami later this year.

>games you played on that list: 0

No one will give a fuck about Horizon by the end of the year, user. In fact, no one cares about it now except to talk about how better Zelda is.

well half of those games arent even playable yet

That's because it's perfectly ordinary but still a decent achievement for a new IP. Definitely should not be on the list.

how is Persona 5 eligible for GotY when it came out last year?

Yakuza 0 came out in 2015 too, I just mean for the English-speaking world since we couldn't play it before now.

I take it you didn't like Nioh?

It was fine, but mostly just felt like a Soulsclone without the level design, story telling, and characters that makes those games truly special. The combat was good but the rest of the game didn't hold me the same way DaS1, BB, or DeS did