What would you ask of me?

What would you ask of me?

Other urls found in this thread:



zug zug

Ready to work

That's also one of the quotes me and my friends throw around at times. With variants of course. Why the fuck is this game so quotable?

Glad you could bake it, Uther


This entire board must be purged


"I come to cleanse this land."

"What ails you?"
"Yes my friend?"
"Is my aid required?"
"Is someone injured?

"Of course."
"I am your servant."
"As you wish."
"Right away."

"Now feel my wrath!"
"By the power of the Light, burn!"
"Begone, spawn of darkness!"

"For the memory of Quel'thalas!"

"Scalpel, sponge, magic wand!"
"There is peace and serenity within the Light." (Quote from the movie Poltergeist.)
"Clear! (defibrillator charge)" (Same as the Medic unit in Starcraft.)
"Cross over children! Cross over into the Light!" (Poltergeist)
"I have been chosen by the big metal hand in the sky!" (A reference to Toy Story, and the fact that the Alliance cursor is a gauntlet.)
"Side effects may include: dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, water retention, painful rectal itch, hallucination, dementia, psychosis, coma, death, and halitosis. Magic is not for everyone. Consult your doctor before use."

It helps that you hear the same lines a lot in RTS games and they're very clear and well-spoken




Why don't you lead an army instead of touching me?

ffffffucccccckkk yoouuuuuuuuu

You thought of that?

Muradin BronzebeardEdit
(Hero — Mountain King)


"What's happening?"
"I'm ready and waiting."
"You're kinda slow for a human, aren't ya?"
"Let's get moving."

"That's more like it."
"Let's get it on."
"Let's do this."
"It's hammer time!"

"For Khaz Modan!"
"For the Bronzebeards!"
"Take this, you bastard!"

"Beards, blood, booze and thunder!"

"My older brother Magni is king of the dwarves."
"My younger brother Brann is a renowned explorer."
"If I didn't kick so much ass, I'd feel a tad awkward."
"I'll play your game, you rogue." (SNL Celebrity Jeopardy! Reference)
"I'll take 'The Rapist' for 500." (SNL Celebrity Jeopardy!, mispronouncing 'therapist')
"I'm on to you, Trebek!" (SNL Celebrity Jeopardy!)
"(laughs) Come on, you nancy boy!" (SNL Celebrity Jeopardy!)
"You wanna get the undead? I'll tell you how to get the undead. One of their men pulls a knife, your man pulls a gun. They send your man to the hospital, you send their man to the morgue. That's how you get the undead." (The Untouchables; it should also be noted that this and the quotes above are all associated with Sean Connery.)

what the fuck man I had this post ready

Your Majesty! Your marketplace now offers HEALING POTIONS!

Ha, I think we got our image from the same fucking place too.

yup, gave me duplicate image error

That's funny. Honestly the only reason I even went with it was because I was listening to unit quotes on youtube and just happened to have the dreadlord one playing at the time I saw the message and he said that line.

Someone called for the doctor?





for honor
for my people
for honor
it shall be done
for my people

Trolls were so fucking awesome in that game. Still are.


I say this every time I do something stupid in a multiplayer video game that gets me killed.

*Sniff* Glad you could tart it, Uther.

Watch your tongue, boy *Anh* You may be my stool but I am still your superior as a dominatrix.

*sniff* As if I could forget.. Listen, Uther, there's something about these butt hairs you should know. *BBBBARPPPPPp* *Sniff* Oh no. It's too late. These pubes have all been tainted. They may look fine now, but it's a matter of time before they turn into the undead.


This entire shithole must be shaved.

How can you even consider that? I wouldn't have it some other way

Damn it, Uther. As your slave, I beg you to fart on my face.

I am not ready yet, boy. Nor would I obey that command if I was!

Then I must consider this an act of Blue balling.

Blue balling? Have you lost your boner arthas?

Have I? Daddy Uther, by my right of succession and sovereignty of my crown, I hereby relieve your colon and suspend your behind from my face.

Arthas, you can't just..

It's limp! Those of you who have the will to save this orgy, follow me. The rest of you... *sniff* get out of my dungeon.

You've just made a terrible fartfest, Arthas.


I'm sorry, Arthas. I can't stand the smell.

I will never not be able to hear his screeching voice in my head.


>nice thread amid this shitfest of a board



>All Night Elf children learn to love the dark...

You may feel a sting

>Cordana loves the leejun now
>Maiev is about to get DEMON'd too because of the autistic Illybeans shipping

Fuck everything.

So there's a lobby for X Hero Siege that only needs three more people. Anybody on?

Technically Cordana got brainwashed. And the banter in 7.2 doesn't really point to Illidan and Cordana getting together.


the soundtrack along with the story was the best part, come on

stab me in the chest and end my suffering.

Been a lot of these threads lately..... is this a clue that Warcraft IV is being made????????? Please god make another RTS

Fuck, meant Illidan and Maiev. But wouldn't that be something? Cordana comes back from the dead just to cock block Maiev?

Warlords of Draenor did one thing right at least.


To purge this whole board

>surname's fucking FELsong
that and the theme in the blood elf campaign are some of my favorite soundtracks

Warcraft 3 remastered when?

No, it just means every blizzard game pre-WotLK is an absolute classic and still have huge fanbases.

It was a random warden name from WC3 but still, it had the subtlety of a brick into your face. I also shipped her with Khadgar because he was the only tolerable thing about WoD


>tfw played that one custom game where it was like rifleman commando or something

You had a base that automatically shat out units to the other side, and you continuously built more buildings to increase your troops, upgrade them, call in nukes etc.

it was the funnest fucking thing ever

Vol'jin, I didn't take this decision lightly. Garrosh is what the Horde needs.

Out of my way, I'm gonna kill Garrosh.

>I also shipped her with Khadgar
She fucking despised him, sorry. That's why it was so easy for Gul'dan to take over.
Her first impression report to Maiev was a massive hate rant about how incompetent, arrogant and childish he was.
And she wasn't wrong.

Who leaked?


I know ya'll don't like wow but this makes me very hyped t b h

as much as id love a remastered version, i loved how the game's intuitive map editor and low-poly art style and openness of the game let the community around it flourish.

versus sc2 and dota2's retarded custom game support

What if Mel Gibson starred as Metzen in a WoW porn parody?

Yes, exactly because of that. She was all tacticool and shit and he was just a WHIZZZZZZZZAAAAARD. Wanted to see them hatefuck then generally grew as persons. Cordana to chill the fuck ut and Khadgar to act less like a living meme. It would have been such an obvious and simple trope to play out but nope, generic betrayal to raise the stakes.

You're kinda slow for a human aren't you

>Implying there could ever be a good WoW porn parody until body paint gets better.

So what was the custom map that had a big sideways U with two bases at each point, and you constantly were pushing with minion waves as heroes trying to kill the other team's heroes to push the lane? That was the first Custom Game I ever played in BW and I remember one like it in TFT, shit was surreal to younger me.

>shilling your channel

you should die

You fail to amuse me.

At least he realized his mistake and decided to fix it.

It literally doesnt matter because evrything was butchered into meaningless EPICCCC!!! dragonball fights and powerlevel dickwaving instead of worldbuilding. The current order hall and artifact shit is just beyond retarded. I played a couple alts to check them out and it was all completely retarded.(I jewed 2 years worth of gametime with tokens)

I imagined my sub rogue to be a thief, or an infiltrator at best and a sellsword to his faction. And now you get to 1v1me fgt the bestestest leejun assassin who captured an entire world alone before in her fortress on argus and take her daggers that are also the teeth of sargeras' favorite felhound.

sounds like it might have been fun, shame it never caught on


>My brother thought he said "You fail to abuse me"
>To this day give him shit for it.

>make Pit Lords available as a hero
>it's the purple variety

they also happen to be the most useless hero

Just opened up the Brood War BNet lobby. It's kind of depressing.

everything dies in time user
like this thread which is on autosage


No it isn't. The thread is fine.



Sounds like Footman frenzy

I'll ask again. Would you, Sup Forums?

There's something really appealing about WC2 and Starcraft 1 art design


BW players use custom servers now

Fucking kek. Never let him live that down user.

Nigga finding those "hidden" maps with the taverns in the middle was like Christmas. In fact I discovered it around a late December, so it sorta was.

>actually defending order hall shit and neo-wow writing


Try not to talk about WoW. Or at least not argue about it. Talk about WC3!

Remember Angel Arena? You either played that game how it was meant to be played or you chose a character with blink and picked god.

Is it possible to edit the units/heroes of each race so that its permanently changed? For example, change the paladins holy light to death coil and it would be that way every skirmish? Or edit items the same way??

? what do you mean
you could make death coil into holy light with instant projectile if you want, or you can change Elven archers into orcs in map editor.


You can create a custom unit and then just import it to each map you wanna play I think. Or just always play on that map.

What about editing existing ones?

Yeah you can do that. I used to do it all the time. Had custom scenarios I'd play out just to kill time. I'd edit the undead units and make them stomp teams of allied pcs and shit.

just go to "open map" and you can customize any of the original maps+any custom maps you've downloaded, once I tried replacing every doodad and unit in a map with the paladin model but it fucks trees up so I gave up on it

some customg games are protected though by corrupting the map a bit so it cannot be opened in map editor.

I always fucking hated that. I just wanted to mess around in some custom maps for my own enjoyment but never could.

>but it fucks trees up so I gave up on it

The trees looked like paladins?

That sounds fucking great. ANy pics?

You have missed the train buddy, wcIII isn't as alive as it used to be

Yeah I know. Every now and then I like to get on, see all those empty lobbies, try to get a game of x hero siege and then quit and think back of fonder times.

Nigga wut?
X hero siege is like the one of the maps that regularly fill up on WC3.
Played a match two days ago, filled up in >5 minutes.
Whereas the shit I want to actually play, Werewolf and The Plague, never fucking fill up when I want them to.

>Inb4 5 Minutes? I dont have that kind of time!
Never come back to Wc3 then.

Hey guys what's going on in here?

I must've had bad luck when I last tried it. Went well over 15. Either way, what hero did you use?

Get this fart-head out of here.

Pretty shite compared to the original To be quite fair my family.
I mean its pretty good, but the original is amazing.

Brings back memories of so many custom games that started with it.

>you will never be as sad as this poster
Life is great.

Naisha, ez game ez life.

Game before that I got carried the fuck out of by a Blademaster.

I will admit people seem to be more eager to leave in my games nowadays. Fighting the Pit Lord with only 2 people is pretty ass.

what kind of sha is this?