He was right you know

He was right you know.

fuck yeah, Shadowrun thread

and Vauclair had a point, but he was messing with forces way out of his control

He was right, but ultimately out of his league.

Unfortunately, there was no way he could win. He won't realize the necessity of the dragons until they're gone, and he can't do anything to alleviate the outcome of not having them until he knows about it. I bet he could eventually figure out a solution to that as well though, given more time.

I can't get into Hong Kong. I've quit multiple times. I'm not sure if I'm burnt out of Shadowrun games or if the first hour or two are just really slow.

I want to get into the shadowrun series and came as close as a click away last steam sale, had all the games in my by cart but I ended up not doing it.

Still don't know if I done the right thing or not, but they have always piqued my interest but I'm afraid I just won't be able to get into them.

same here, I like the companions but I don't like the changes to the matrix and they really needed an editor for conversations in the hub because there was too many long-ass paragraphs to read if you wanted to fully explore

This. He was right, but he's a single leaf trying to fly against a hurricane.

Nah, he actually dooms the planet to be devoured by monsters from another dimension. The dragons were the glue keeping the world together.

Dietrich was such an ironic character.


His ending mostly.

Shit, I forgot all about his end. What happened?

Basically, if you do his mission with his cousin and the nazis he'll tell you that he saw how he will die, like a true dragonslayer, fighting a dragon 1v1. You ask him about it, and he tells you that he'll gonna go to Saeder-Krupp and fight Lowfyr at some point. Then you can ask him if he would consider some alternative, like protecting the people of free state from corporations. He says something like "yeah, let me just make a call". Then 5 seconds pass and he says that his patron is okay with that. Then in all endings except the one with Vauclaire and giving the dragon to the AI after some time passes corp forces led by Saeder-Krupp invade free state and make it a corporate territory. So basically, whatever was his decision, Dietrich died fighting the dragon like a true dragonslayer.

Glory is my slutty, demon-corrupted, augmented waifu

Demons really don't care about something with 0 essence. There's nothing to corrupt.

I prefer not being able to walk the next morning.

There's hints of her being corrupted after you do her personal mission and don't save the kids. At the end of the game the Player Character gets light-headed and sick when talking to her.

Well, thankfully, I'm not a faggot, so that didn't happen with me.

>Doing anything more or less than the given objective

Get a load of this chummer.

>Not doing the right thing

>Morality as a Shadowrunner

Nigga, what the fuck?

That's part of the fun of being a Shadowrunner though compared to just a corp merc like Knight-Errant. You get to choose your methods and actions. Hooding is a thing, you know.

>not even reading the core book
There are decent people in that line of work. Moreover, some corps like Ares value discreet people who don't kill people and don't cause unnecessary property damage. They might even recruit you instead of throwing you for life if they catch you.

MOREOVER when it comes to magical stuff, bad mojo is Bad with capital B. You can see what some of that shit can do in the Rat King mission, but there are worse things out there, and each little action that allows toxic shamans and horror worshippers to gain some ground brings Earth a little closer to ruin.

So yeah, you can be a moral person as a shadowrunner.