Newest of fags here. How do I pirate a game...

Newest of fags here. How do I pirate a game? I just switched to PC gaming after a decade and a half of playing on console

Did you download enough ram?

You have to contact the publishers directly and ask for private screener versions of the game they give out for free called "torrents".

Genuine question. Are you for real?

This, you cant even fucking play your games if you dont dl alot of ram first

>not browsing the boards literally called torrents

Pirated games eat up a lot of RAM, so I suggest downloading more RAM first.

google igg games

Type in "*game name* free download" into google. Or into piratebay.

Where do I download ram. Is there a way of getting more by deleting stuff?

The latest game are at www.legitfreegamesnotavirus.true

This is the real deal OP, I don't know why everyone is trying to troll you. The might be wage cucks and actually buy games.

Can confirm
I use this site because my ISP doesn't let me torrent

>bought a PC
>BEFORE buying a ship

>Really OP?!

1. Install a torrent client. I personally use Deluge.
2. Google "(name of the game) torrent" or go to the pirate bay and search for the game you want to pirate.
3. Once you find the game click on the download icon / magnet link. It will open your torrent client, where it will ask where do you want to download the game.
4. Start downloading.
5. Once the download finishes, decompress the game (they usually come fractionated on many .rar / 7zip files).
6. Install the game. Game can come in two flavors:
- An ISO image; basically a digital CD / DVD. For that you need to install a tool like Daemon Tools to create a virtual CD ROM / DVD unit that will allow you to mount the ISO image ("insert the virtual CD into the virtual CD ROM /DVD unit" and install.
- Ready to install executable. Just search for the executable named "Setup".
7. Apply the crack. Said crack usually is a modified executable that replaces the original executable. The torrents always include said crack inside a folder named "CRACK"
8. Play.

Don't forget to seed your torrents even after the download has finished. Seed them until they reach a share ratio of 1.0000

Its alienware. Last time I tried to build a PC I didn't know what I was doing got mad and broke a lot of parts since YouTube tutorials never help

Wow thanks man. Link to deluge?

You use a respectable source to check if a scene group has released the stuff you want.
like pre.db, google for more.
then you put the release name on TPB or your favorite tracker.
Download and enjoy.
Stick to scene releases only.

Make sure to download more ram, torrenting games takes up a lot of bandwidth.


Just google "Deluge".
The answer to almost every piracy-related question can be googled.

>Pirating games

I'm calling the police right now

>Daemon Tools
Please stop, DT is cancer.
Use WinCDemu if you are stuck with windows 7, Windows 8 and up ship with .ISO support.

Wow guys this sounds really illegal should you really be doing this?!?

Yeah but last time I tried that I ended up with utorrent and my computure has some virus up there. I think it was adware since I couldn't open up the browser or steam without constant ads and popup


Why are you guys helping him? A quick Google search could've provided the answer.

My alienware has windows ten pre installed. What should I use for that

I've been using Daemon Tools for years without any trouble. Still, will check that WinCDemu thing.

Utorrent used to be great but now it became a commercial software.

Sup Forums here, Deluge uses way too much ram and depends on a daemon running on the foreground.
Use qbitorrent if you are using Winblows, otherwise use Transmission.

What, are you a cop?

Oh that's probably why. Thanks user you were a real help and not a trolling shit. One last question, can you play online and play dlcs with pirated games? Or is that a no, what about downloading mods? Since I want to pirate skyrim first

I figured out how to pirate games and run cracks when I was 11

thanks for spoonfeeding

>Windows 8 and up ship with .ISO support.
Nothing, Windows 10 supports .ISO by default.
if you need support for some obscure format WinCDEmu has you covered.

Go ahead, it's opensauce, lightweight and just werks™

You want a cookie?

But OP... That's the most ilegalest of things!

Ikr? Sup Forums is not feeling like itself today

You're a cool guy.

Softonic is usually the safest method of getting *FREE* games with NO repercussions whatsoever

Online, that depends on the game. Some games with dedicated communities managed to get functional online. If the game still supports LAN multiplayer you can create a LAN over internet using third party software like Hamachi or Tunngle. Sadly, the majority of modern games use server-based multiplayer.
DLC can be pirated; it's single player content after all (or many times on-disk content hidden behind a paywall).
Mods can be used with pirated games freely.

Utorrent uncheck all ads. Go to thepiratebay search, download and have fun. Remember to buy the game later if it is good.

>Mods can be used with pirated games freely
Actually I remember having problems modding pirated Obivion. Skyrim works just fine tho.





Stupid question: do you people not know about skydrow or do you think it's shit?

No you don't user


It's common courtesy, user. Help someone get the pirated software in the same way someone else helped you.

Ah so only pirate single player games. Say for something like dragons dogma, if I pirate it would i be able to use other's pawns

You'll be limited to NPC pawns, the ones that you find roaming around Grand Soren.

This will be you user

Delete system32, if you pirate without doing so Microsoft will sends the feds after you.

You have to insert the disk and enter the secret password to play it on your PC.

Thanks for the info. I love you!

nah, if anything it's against the spirit of pirating

>"it's common courtesy", said the "totally not a thief"

>New user loves user
I knew it would happen!


Some games have "steamworks fixes" which allow you to play pirated games online.
Dragon's dogma isn't one of them, sadly.

>This thread

tixati is better

Alt + F4

>tfw a Sup Forums thread about torrenting it better than one on /t/
Sup Forums never ceases to amaze

Some pirated games work on Steam actually. I know for sure that Farming Simulator does because a friend of mine forced me to play it.