You bought my game right Sup Forums?

You bought my game right Sup Forums?

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I did and I thought it was less good than the first.

Honestly I'm super bummed this game flopped.

It was fantastic but sold less than 25,000 copies world wide.

I did then sold it to someone without even playing it. Lost interest after buying it

>tfw the ending of GR2 was fucking dogshit that didn't explain anything you wanted it to or satisfactorily resolve the character relationships you actually gave a fuck about and nothing will ever change it

At least the journey to the end was fun, unlike ZTD or ME3

All three of them
and the figmas
and the collector's editions
and the sound track
and the artbook
and a few cosplay outfits of both kat and raven

And playstation all stars because Kat is in it?

It literally sold nearly three times that in the first week in Japan alone.

>hey what if we made Syd one of the most interesting characters and made him vital to Kat's past and made his entire character be hinged on his devotion to her and the tragedy surrounding that
>but then we make the ending have him just fuck off to drink some wine and instead focus wholly on Raven being sad about Kat being gone despite the fact their friendship is severely underdeveloped with only three scenes dedicated to it and their supposed connection is not even vaguely explained

i was so fucking mad holy shit, and i'm not even a shipper.

>tfw you bought hot shots golf on vita just to play as Kat in it
it was worth it

it sold 210k worldwide though

oh yeah I got that too, but before the kat DLC hit

>It was fantastic but sold less than 25,000 copies world wide.
what really? I heard it was a success in Japan, also there are 99,000 players in the Dusty Tokens leaderborard

Also yeah I'm angry too, I can't find a single game with a better scenery. It really impacted me.


This. 2 is still a good game but I enjoyed the original more.

I did. It was fun but I stopped playing when Nioh came out. And then played HZD. Then Neir automata. Then dragon quest builders.

Need to go back and finish it but Dark souls 3 dlc is in a few days so...

Nice to GR threads again.

Yes, both 1 and 2. You're fucking adorable

hell yeah, 2 is great the raven DLC not so much

>Introduce Elecktricitie with no explanation for who the shit she is
>Have Kat and Raven go up the pillar, also Raven is another half of Kat - have fun figuring out what that means or how it relates to their dream
>Then have like a minut of seeing the city up there before you're confined to three rooms in the palace and learn/see fucking nothing of Eto
>Suddenly the kid is evil (which was obvious)
>Also hey there's a new creator and dimension
>And Syd was actually from Eto too and also Alias!
>Just don't ask how the fuck he went from being stabbed at the top of the pillar to having been a trained and serving officer before Kat even hit down in Heksville
>Okay so now go fight Elektricitieiaea who is an elemental spirit I guess
>Suddenly the Creators start alluding to vague shit about 'da rules' and them 'interfering' which doesn't mesh at all with what they've previously said, and they start fading out one by one as they aid Kat and co.
>Alright so you won! ...except not really, because apparently the gravity storm rising from the bottom of the pillar is literally the embodiment of evil and also sentient
>Enjoy the awesome fight, followed by a stupid fucking scene where all the townspeople who until now have forgot Kat even exists if she leaves for more than a week and explicitly do not know she's the one who sang "A red apple fell from the sky" walk out and start chanting it like a hymn for no real reason and whoops I guess Kat can turn into a griffon and make thousands of guardians because of the unexplained shit about Raven being a part of her
>Okay now Raven has inconsistent dialogue after a year has passed with her somehow not finding out Permet/Yunica didn't die and that Cai escaped (nice sequel hook btw) despite the fact she's been in contact with everyone else regularly
>And enjoy Syd having no reunion with Kat and Raven mentioning how they're the same being without explaining it again

the ending was such a fucking mess

Those enemies with that swagger walk were the only good thing about the DLC.

Did you play the DLC? The story is even worse

I have and I am honestly just confused why Toyama thought it was even necessary to tell that story. Like the only thing I can think of is that for whatever reason he decided that having the kids come back with all their families either dead or in their 60s was too sad but I mean fuck dude GR has always had a tinge of loss and sorrow undercutting the upbeat heroism and adventure, there was no real need to use a time paradox to resolve that shit. Them returning and being taken in by their sibling's descendants would have been perfectly in line with GR's general tone.

God I hope there's more DLC and it explains more of this shit though. I want my fucking answers.

I don't understand why they would decide to basically retcon the second half of GR1 Now we have no idea about the interpersonal relationship between Kat and Raven. And don't get me started on the "Raven is another half of Kat" bullshit.

Who is Xii? I thought Raven was talking about Kurisu, but that would be weird.

no, I didn't. Why would I? I'm not rich. If anything I'm too poor.

Its her bird i think

>You bought my game right Sup Forums?

No, you're on the wrong platform.

In addition, why wasn't a flying boat used to rescue the kids?

I'm starting to see why people say VG Chartz is inaccurate. If this is true, then Yakuza 6 and Kiwami are destined for the bargain bin.

It's good but disappointing
I hope you can understand what I mean

I can only assume it's because Toyama realised that their friendship was underdeveloped considering how important it was meant to be in GR2 and this was his way of trying to fix that, but even then it just feels off.

Like, fuck, he could have done better by just having Raven hang out with Kat more and help on additional side-missions in JPL. The one with the cake or Raven learning how to mine ore were great, and a few more to further establish their rapport before tearing them apart again would have helped a truckload.

I honestly think GR2 had to go through some kind of awkward rewrite at one point or another. Its the only way I can explain all the inconsistencies in it and the poor planning of the story.




I dont own a PS4 but i want a Kat figurine, any buyfag know if they exist?

>Grandma Raven, Middle Age Raven, 18 Raven and Loli Raven exist in the same timeline as Kat.

I'm not a buyfag but I know there is one.
I think it's a figma or something.

Duh, baby (you), child (you) and teenager (you) exist in the same timeline as (you) do. If you mean at the same time, then no. Grandma Raven, Middle Age Raven don't exist.

Yes, on Play Asia. 2 Kat's and 1 Raven.

The collectors edition of Gravity Rush Remastered came with a Figma for Kat. A 2.0 Figma is coming out later this year that includes Jupiter and Lunar pieces. Ravens figma also just got announced.

My pocket Gary Stu, Bit, says otherwise.

I got a Vita for your game. But now I can't play 2

Do you real trust what Indian tech support guy says?