Last online: 779 days ago

>last online: 779 days ago

>Years of Service: 8
>Friends: 4

>years of service: 3
>friends: zero

Literally me, and they're all my real life friends.

>Me and best online friend on xbox live.
>in a bad mood, tell him im getting off
>dont even say bye...
>he says "love you bro"
>its too late, already hit the button
>dies the next day...

Been almost 4 years. I look at his profile everytime I get on the box. I miss that fool like crazy. Well, thats my blog post for the day.

how'd he die user

>Those 4 friends are just randoms who added you after a single online encounter, never to be heard from again

he killed himself because OP is a faggot

Sorry to hear that bro

literal me

I met some dude back in college and he added me on steam. He died of a heroin overdose in his dorm 2 weeks later.

I removed him awhile ago because it was just creepy having him on my friends.


He got shot in the face by his CRAZY ex girl friend. Its some crazy shit man :/
Oh and the other dude that replied in the true faggot of this thread and he should literally go die.

I actually drove 6 hours to hang out with him for 4 days. Shit was awesome.

Oh and on the day he died, I celebrate it. I play his fav video games, listen to his fav music and drink Wild Turkey 101(his fav drink).

>Wild Turkey 101
Good taste user

Fucking bless you user

that sounds like a comedy sketch

Ok but I got this
>Makes friend with online artist
>adds them on steam and messenger
>Finally after a while gets the nerve to talk to them a bit
>They say they like talking back
>even says we could game together sometime with them and gf
>week later
>checks their profile
>All the comments are 'rest in peace'
>Guy got into a car accident

>Never took him off steam friends

Yeah it was pretty weird I only talked to the guy twice, second time I saw him he was high as fuck.


got a link to the profile? I wanna look at it knowing the person that owns it is dead

My high school buddy died just after graduating.

He was driving 60mph on a road, a guy driving in the oncoming lane had a heart attack and lost control of his car, jumped the median, and head on'd my friend while also going 60mph

My brain still can't conceive of the fucking odds of this to this day

Nah I removed him a little bit after it happened this was like 6 years ago.

My highschool... well she wasn't a bully since she more or less just was an asshole to me for a while, was arrested for selling heroin with her mom.
She's on google images for literally searching my hometown and "heroin".

It's kind of fucking hilarious.

>clan leader on starcraft/brood war
>total bro, organized shit, had a fun bot for our channel, all around good dude
>was constantly in communication with a bunch of us who were collaborating on a custom map
>one day he says "brb someone is yelling on my lawn"
>never returns
>whole fucking clan in dissaray, disbands utterly the next day out of grief, confusion, and disprganization

didnt mean to quote anyone there my bad

I was the one quoted, I do not mind holy shit but who was lawn.

>Last online: 5,671 days ago

>Last Online 1090 days ago

What's his favorite games and music?

>just logged on
>last online: 5 minutes ago

You're gonna have to give us the pic

Someone post the gamefaqs guy that died on 9/11.

What's your hometown?

anytime it was discussed we always jumped to the conclusion of a drugged up hobo or ex wife

First image.

Turns out, my friend told me some guy cursed her out on her facebook because a guy she sold to a lot died of an overdose like his second year of college.

Oh my god. Imagine he one day returns to tell the truth. Or would that ruin the mystery.

>Once had a bro, broest of bros
>talked together all the time, played sc, wc3, and diablo 2 together
>one day he says "Hey, I'm going away for a while, got some stuff I need to sort out"
>ask him "when will you be back"
>he responds "Don't know if I'll be back :)"
>say goodbye thinking nothing of it
>figure he'll log in one day
>never logs in
>never see him again
RIP majishin or however your name was spelt!

>"Don't know if I'll be back :)"

I think I'm gonna cry.

>tfw used to have xbox 360 friendlist full
>was 11 years old when Halo 3 came out
>played so much vidya I became some fucking prodigy at FPS
>even reached a tournament in my country semi-finals
>also played a shit load other games
>always in chat parties and all that
>always playing with people
>now havent touched vidya in the past 4-5 years
>miss those simple times

>tfw I had a top 10 mod for a reasonably well known game but I abandoned it because of crippling social anxiety and an overwhelming fear of being judged after the mod became popular and so now steam shows that i've been offline for over 200 days
pls kill me

This is literally like publishing a best selling novel, only to never write again in fear of the next one not being as good.

I don't blame you user.. not one bit.


Literally Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn.

>Had a closeknit group of friends that I played vidya with
>Every day for hours on end we'd play vidya together
>One day out of the blue they all switched to Xbox and left me alone
>Couldn't afford to switch with them
>Last online: Over 5 years ago
>They don't respond to me on Steam

Oh my god if she was a bit more round in the face and looked like she wanted to kill me it's uncanny now.

Guess I can never play Horizon again.

>Have a small group of friends online
>One of them gets very close to me and talks every day
>Always talks about art, I always talk about videogames
>After a couple years of friendly talk and games he talks about relationships
>Want nothing to do with it, explain I don't want to be in one
>Never properly talked to people, declined very harshly when he asked
>Hasn't been online in 5 years, none of our friends can get in contact

I feel like he killed himself and I'm the reason

>make a friend on steam
>we talk and chat often, text and voice for a few months
>we both get busy for a while and don't play games for a bit
>start playing games again, so does he
>he now ignores all messages I send to him
>even when we're playing the same game
>see him exit out of games, launch other ones
>take the hint and stop trying to message him and remove him from the friend list eventually
what did i do wrong

Nice blogpost faggot

authors write things under fake names

you could make mods under different accounts or even toss patches for it on different accounts. highly autistic but an option.

>Enter a random steam friends thread on Sup Forums
>See someone say that they've never done this before and hope they add someone cool
>His account had 3 friends so I added him
>His profile pic was of the cat from Ghost Trick
>Start talking about vidya
>He seems happy that he found someone that wasn't a fag from that thread even saying "I'm so glad you like the same vidya I do user"
>We talk some more and then he goes offline
>He's offline for months
>Post "Merry Christmas, RIP dude" on his profile when Christmas rolls around
>Eventually he's been offline for 200+ days
>One of his friends adds me and I ask him what happened to him
>Tells me that he was going to have surgery that was dangerous and he might not pull through
>Don't know what else to say, didn't know the guy that long but was pretty shocked
>Other guy was apparently really good friends with him and tells me that it wasn't fair, it should've been someone else while telling me stories about him
>Don't really know how to feel

He became an asshole, and didn't be honest about what was going on.

Unless something happened, you're fine user. I've been there a lot. Some people don't wanna say what's going on.

Jesus christ man, do you still talk the other guy?

Welcome to the NHK?

I only found out he died well, we still don't know, but 200+ days is pushing it about two weeks ago, so that's what I added the other guy.

Last thing we talked about was anime, I suggested something for him to watch, and he suggested something for me. I haven't spoken to him since.

The friendship felt kind of forced in a way. I wanted to talk to him about vidya and anime, but we kept diverging to our friend and how he wished it was someone else. I should talk to him again anyhow to see how he's doing.

What anime did you guys suggest? Maybe you could try talking about the suggested ones. Always good to at least try to be pals.

I don't know user, these things just happen

>tfw talking to a friend and he had you blocked for and unblocked you for when he invites you to the game and only wants you for your gamer skills

Yeah, it's not that I don't want to be his friend, it's just that the anime he suggested I haven't gotten around to watching, so if I did talk to him it'd just be about that anime.

I should try and keep up a friendship, we live in the same timezones, so he's always online when I am.

I played Halo 3 with a guy named ThrustfulDave and his brother Tinkalot when it came out.

I considered them my two favorite online friends and still have them saved on my friends list all these years later.

Not sure where they went. We played custom games and Big team battle for hours.

One day they just never logged back in.

I like to think they just couldn't afford Xbox live or had to sell their 360.

Maybe made new accounts later on when they could afford it.