Meanwhile, on bizarro Sup Forums

Meanwhile, on bizarro Sup Forums...

I love video games, and am proud to call myself a gamer, haha.

I'm straight

traps are gay

Im not a faggot

I enjoy this game even though its popular and successful I can actually admit its a good game and not pretend I don't like it

all not me

That's not how this works, traps ARE gay

BOTW is actually a good game

GUYS CHECK OUT MY NEW GAM-- *falls off the edge of the world*

Right? Never change bizarro-Sup Forums

Who else is playing Overwatch? Loving this game, I really enjoy the teamwork aspect of the game and the variety of team comps and strategies!

Shitty thread.
Bizarro Sup Forums would do the one thing Sup Forums can't - talk about video games.

overrated comment

who would fuck a dragon? that's so silly xD


As long as you have fun, the game was worth it

Y'know, Mass Effect has gotten progressively better. But it's weird. The first had some awful goddamn writing, but the combat was amazing. 2 mixed it up a little well, but 3 had some AWFUL work, but holy SHIT that ending was amazing, and Vega was the best character despite being a late arrival.

Andromeda has some amazing work in it, feels like a good balance of writing and gameplay, anyone else having fun?


Oh hey you like this video game that I don't like? That's ok!! Good on you for having your own opinions that differ from my own, I'd love to hear about why you like it, and I will proceed to listen eagerly without retorting against any points you make, for it's ok to like something that I do not.

I'm so happy to be alive.

Man I really like that mods and people report shit-posting.
Sup Forums is such a wonderful place for video game talk.

It's unnatural to be attracted to your sister! Besides, think of the genetic ramifications if you were to have children!

Conservatives don't make good games.

It's great to see so many varied video game threads, ranging from old games and new, that aren't randomly deleted.
The absence of threads regarding politics or streamers or internet "celebrity" related news is nice, as well.