Witcher 1

Did someone actually play The Witcher?
What do you think about it?

I kinda like the isometric controls, is there a way to make the camera closer?

no, no-one played it

its fine, just accept that its very primitive cause they had a budget of like $10.

The reason wasn't the budget, but the fact that the had no idea about games
Read the interview instead of posting the same old meme every damn time because of "MUH SLAVES XD"

>tfw friend won't stop talking about Witcher 3 when it came out
>keeps trying to convince me to buy it
>"Shouldn't I play the other 2 games?"
>"Fuck them, user, just get witcher 3"

Played through most of Witcher 3 without playing 1 or 2.

I played like 3 hours of it and was bored out of my mind the entire goddamn time. I only stopped because I would have rather stared off into space then play for another minute.

I played Witcher 2 and it was much better. I played that game all the way through.

I like the story and the world building, but the awkward gameplay kills my motivation to play every time.

It feels like muh childhood european PC-only RPGs, it's fine to me

Best and favorite Witcher IMO. 2 was too full of political shit and 3 was annoying as fuck with that silly Uma questline taking up most of the game.

im not though

I liked it more than 2 for sure, but the amount of content in 3 ended up surpassing it.

The combat was a bit easier to cheese than the later games and it's a shame they took out the cards, as even though it was just fade to black shit it was kinda fun seducing every other chick in the game.

Gothic was actually good though and I'm not a kraut or slav. They clearly had no idea what they were doing with Witcher 1 which makes it sadder that NWN2 was done by a bunch of former Black Isle devs on the same engine and looks like dogshit.

Yeah, played and finished it. Took me a year and a half due to how boring it was.

The game starts off okay since you're dropped straight into the combat, but then you find out that the combat is a rhythm game with no music and it just becomes a fucking chore to do. Chapter 1 was a bore, and Chapter 2 was fucking god awful and drags on for about 20 hours

When you eventually do get to Chapter 3, the story does pick up and you can have some fun with it, Chapter 4 is fine since the area was nice and reminded me of Fable and you knew what you were doing by then so you could get through it quite easily. Then you're given a choice which affects Chapter 5 then you go through a civil war in a city and then you're transported to a future world and kill the bad guy

All in all it wasn't worth it since nothing you do in Witcher 1 affects 3, and you're better off just playing 2. Witcher 1 is good for establishing characters, seeing Dandelion and Triss in 2 made me smile since I knew then from 1.

i played it a lot when it first came out and i liked it way to much since i can't bear to play 2 and 3.

Played it twice. But I never used the isometric controls, just the OTS view. Great game.

I liked the 1st witcher game even though it's just a sexy action game.

Maybe I have shit taste, but I played witcher 1, and genuinly enjoyed it and was actually let down when I got to witcher 2. the game play is very very rough, but everything else (aside from chapter 2, that was a boring slog) really kept me invested, Alchemy was actually really fun for me, making potions with secondary traits and testing out what ingredients did what was pretty fun. The story was alright but there was a whole lot of interesting shit going on in the world to read about, the lore was actually pretty good. Witcher 2 did improve the game play, but aside from a few things, felt like a downgrade from witcher 1, ESPECIALLY the alchemy and potion drinking (and the fact that though the combat was better, it still felt like trash)

I'd actually rank the games as 3=1>2

I liked it cause it felt different than any other game I'd ever played.

All three games are great in their own right, so no you don't have shit taste for liking any individual one.

2 is great, but it takes several playthroughs to appreciate. The main flaw with 2 is that you can't drink potions when you're actually in the fight so you have to know what you're fighting beforehand which the game does a poor job of telegraphing.

It's really boring.

the combat is fucking horrid. I dropped it after getting instastunlocked by the hound boss three times in a row. Would have tried to beat him more times but I had to watch the entire cutscene everytime I died.

what a faggot you are

use alchemy and buffs - he does in like 4-5 hits

the combat is fine, you're just stupid

More than once I was talking to somene near the river or swamp or whatever it was and one of those blue creature enemies would stay by our side as if it was listening to the conversation.

>enter room
>pshh nuttin personnel
>no chance to reposition

It's still a pretty fun game all in all. Way too goddamn much backtracking in the 2nd and 3rd act though. Act 4 was pretty bliss.

sub-mmo combat is fine... yeah right.

>nu Sup Forums finds TW1 boring, the best game of the entire series

You kids need to gather up on the square and commit a collective suicide.

witcher 2's consolization ruined it for me. I suppose if I had a controller it wouldn't be too bad but it was ass with a k+m

>Witcher 1 characters in Witcher 2
>they all have different voice actors except Geralt
>Witcher 1 characters who didn't appear in 2 but do appear in 3
>all have the same voice actors
It was kind of a nice touch. I wonder if they regret giving everyone the boot in 2.

It's great.
Persevere through the first area and you'll be rewarded.

Fuck all you faggots who jumped right into TW3 withouth playing 1 and 2

Fuck swamps

It was made for pc, then they made a console version
Then they got some of the console version upgrades back on pc

But playing with a controller on PC is pretty bad, it doesn't have full analog movement (only 8 directions or so)

Yeah, that's pretty common.

2 is easy to get into if you like 3 so far, not as good but still decent. 1 has literally the worst combat I've ever seen in an ARPG. Story is good tho.

What did Zoltan mean by this?

whatever it was the controls or action just got in the way and I didn't enjoy myself after the first game and I gave up.

the combat is fine, stop whining.

only got halfway through before the boredom was overwhelming (middle of Part 3)
Siegfried was based though

Playing through the series again 2 does kind of seem like the odd one out. The art direction feels a little strange compared to the other two and it deals with more grounded themes, for better or for worse.

Plus it's at that awkward transitional phase where they realised some stuff in the first game was pretty tedious but didn't fully go for convenience yet.

Also you could actually probably make a case that 2's combat is worse than the first game's. At its core it's a lot more enjoyable to play but the hit detection is God awful and lock on doesn't work at all. Unlike most people I really enjoy 3's combat (at least on Death March) but 2's was pretty wack.

just dropping some redpills. the truth isn't always rosy.

I loved Witcher 3, couldn't continue playing after I got to best waifu Shani right after the beginning. The combat is god awful. It's literally a shitty rhythm game.

Why did Zoltan look like a mutated frog person in the first game

>so you have to know what you're fighting beforehand
While I understand this can be difficult for most people, I like this aspect of it since it seems to be inspired by the way Witcher work was described in the books. Also they do give you hints wheb a big fight is coming up, even if they're only enviromental, but many times even the dialogue will alert you when something big is about to jump you, you just have to look for it.

I had the biggest grin on my face when I ran into Thaler in the third game and I heard the same voice from 1. After playing 2 I'd been worried that they'd replace him.

i couldn't get into the shit combat system
just let me stab them. there shouldn't be 3 different stances on how to stab them.

I absolutely hated how the Cat's Eyes potion worked in Witcher 2. Whose bright idea was it to turn the brightness and contrast to sky fucking high while also hearing that loud and annoying heartbeart sound effect when under the effect of the potion? Literally gave me a headache and ended up rushing through dark areas (it wasn't even that dark compared to Witcher 1 just fuck me up dark dungeons) without it.

>The main flaw with 2 is that you can't drink potions when you're actually in the fight so you have to know what you're fighting beforehand which the game does a poor job of telegraphing.

Spot on. I fucking hated it. You wasted around 3 minutes going to meditate, choosing your potions, watching Geralt do the stupid animation and then finally stand back up to head on.

Sometimes you'd waste your potions because the fight was easier than you thought it was, and as you said there were times when you didn't know what was coming next and didn't know when to prepare for it.

I did miss all the potions in the first Witcher. Using Blizzard to slow time and destroying a group of people using the group style was a lot of fun.


It was a great first game by a company that had never made a game before.
Had voice acting and dialog choices.
Same year as Mass Effect 1.
I thought it was really neat in a lot of ways.
Turning combat into a one button QTE where the mouse icon flashes was interesting.
I tried sleeping with every woman I could and eventually NPCs would take notice of this and shout things.
Neutral path is the best path.
Didn't care much for the level up or alchemy system.
Only part I truly hated was when you fight the kikimore queen and are supposed to just somehow realize you can collapse the tunnel.
They clearly tried to recreate a lot of stuff from the books.
I fell in love with the books.
I have Witcher 2 and 3 but I just can't muster the desire to play them because after Witcher 1 I found out Geralt can't end up with the person he was destined for because fuckers thought it was creepy.
Killed my desire to play 2 and 3 after learning that.
I'm sure they're fun games, one of them won GOTY.
I read between lines of shit written in the mid 90s and if doesn't pan out in the games than fuck em'.

Playing Wither 3 for the first time, never played a Witcher before.

I'm getting a little tinge of the feeling I had when I first played Morrowind. The world is full of so much life.

CDPR really did just come and take everyone's cake when they weren't looking.

It's a lot better than it gets credit for. When I first played it awhile ago, I remember planning on rushing through it just so I could get to the second game, but ended up enjoying it about as much as I did some of BioWare's better RPGs, despite its flaws.

For anyone who hasn't played through the Witcher series, ignore anyone who says to skip the first game.

Playing through Witcher 1 right now. Haven't played any of the others yet. It's alright, but it's actually almost annoying how drowning in thirsty bitches Geralt is. It's one of the few times I've felt kind of turned off by being so shamelessly pandered to.

Could you link the interview?

>took me about 30 hours to beat The Witcher 1
>took me about 19 hours to beat The Witcher 2
>45 hours into The Witcher 3
>still haven't reached Skellige

Right now i'm playing TW2 and is such a slog i'm about to drop it. All the political shit, the atrocius combat and hitboxes, the fucking stealh, the performance is all over the place, the 3rd game runs better in every way.

By far i liked the first more.

I played The Witcher right around when The Witcher 2 came out. It was a pretty good game and but definitely has its flaws.

I appreciate that they tried something new with the combat system, although I don't think it worked out particularly well. It was serviceable when you were fighting 1-on-1, but broke down pretty badly if there were multiple enemies grouped up.

The world building was excellent, and the atmosphere was well done. The story dragged an awful lot in the middle, though, when you're trekking through the swamp for the 700th time. Act V and the Epilogue were both super hype, though, so the strong finish made up for it in my book.

All-in-all a good game, although not one I would recommend to most people unless I happen to know it's the sort of game they'd like.

Loved Alchemy.

the Witcher 3 has strange pacing.
Its front heavy and then glides to a finish after a certain point.
Its because its easy to do all of the world content before the story content so at a certain point you've realize you did everything early and can just go finish the whole game now.
>Also, the DLC blows pretty much everything else out of the water. But play it after you go NG+

In comparison: Witcher 1 is consistently paced, and Witcher 2 is just short.

I miss the conquest cards from TW1. It also seemed much more relaxed about nudity, I remember the dryad chick walking around in plain sight butt-ass naked with bush and everything. The female vampire enemies were also completely nude. The combat was an interesting rhythm system, but lacked depth and was too easy, but not altogether unenjoyable. To be quite honest, I don't remember much about it apart from that. I know I enjoyed playing it though.

Also Shani is too good for Geralt.

>tfw I liked the detective quest in the first game

The combat/skill tree is not well designed, and finding books in your inventory can be hell, but other than that, TW1 is an absolutely perfect game.