How true/false is this picture?

How true/false is this picture?

Can we add more to it and change it up?

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It's missing autism on there and the needing a bad childhood crap needs to be left out but other than that rest is spot on

Conqueror is fine

Please do not bully him!

He's a good boy and he didn't do anything wrong.

He likes to play legos :D

Would conqueror and sara be best buddies since they both have autism?

What would female conqueror be doing during this?

Also would sara be able to build the perfect lego castle with conqueror?

At least she won't be alone without a friend thats for sure

I would feel bad for the lawbringer since he would have to be the tard wrangler for two retards

The game is dead, who gives a fuck.

Where did this autism thing come from for this guy, anyway

I was having some issues, I wanted to be christian but I just couldn't subscribe to it. it just doesn't sit right with me to be a pacifist even towards people who do wrong to you

but then my friend who is very scholarly in the ways of christianity explained. Many christians like to ignore the old testament, but jesus believed in it so we should follow it too

going by that we learn god is fine with war against heretics and degeneracy. There is literally nothing wrong with murderating people that pose an existential threat to your life. Basically deus vult and all that

I now feel like christianity is kind of cool

He is too goofy to be normal in his emotes

>no! Game not dead! Game no die game is alive!
>makes a mighty retard yell
>charges towards you swinging his flail while holding up his shield
>knocks you onto the ground and gets behind you as you get up
>nothing personal you big bully!
>pummels you to death with his flail
>goes off and plays legos with sarah


Yeah I can see it. What a badass though

>game is dead

on pc

seems to be doing some what fine on console but those guys only play 4v4

Conqueror is best character

This shows how mean the peacekeeper can be towards the innocent conqueror

Name our band Sup Forums

Bonk and the conks


Shhhh you guys

Sarah is sleeping and the conqueror is sleeping on the other side on a pile of lego castles

Don't wake them up


Drummer Sam and his quartet of CLONK

the four ball experience

The balls deep

shit meme, cut it out folks