Please ban me for as long as possible

My vyvanse prescription has just run out, and I am switching insurers, meaning I will not be able to obtain more for at least a week.

I'm taking a heavy courseload at college, and I'll need all the mental energy I can spare in the coming weeks.

I know that I'll justify some reason to stay and post on this board and waste time once the effects of the medication wear off, so if possible could the mods ban me?

I'll be violating rule 3 by posting lots of furry porn. If anyone knows something to post that automatically confers a longer ban that wouldn't land me in legal trouble it'd be appreciated if you could post it.

Other urls found in this thread:



be prepared to not want to do anything except eat and sleep, and you will probably gain a few pounds

hell yeah good thread


Best thread on Sup Forums right now

Being banned doesn't keep you from browsing like it used to, you're here forever buddy


see you tomorrow, OP

I'm on the lowest dosage, it shouldn't be that bad.

But thanks for your concern, it's appreciated.

>Not just lurking when you're banned

heh tough luck, pal
thank me later


Mein neger, I live off that stuff now. An effective substitute for meals, a lot of the time

This is some quality artwork t b h

I derive most of my enjoyment from engaging in the rare productive discussion threads, or trying to generate one.

Lurking isn't really my thing.

You taking any antioxidants with it?

got any of that straight shit



I'm on focalin myself. I feel better but it's not doing much for concentration

Anyone have experience with Modafinil?

I might, i just scraped this stuff today

my last final is today and I still haven't studied for it and I'm lying awake in bed not sleeping so I feel your pain op
I'd never felt anxiety or insomnia before this quarter, shit sucks

>he doesn't like traps
you haven't been here very long huh

hahaha holy shit i'm so glad i'm done with college. i'm never going back to school again


where are the shota furries getting plowed?

Inb4 you aren't banned at all cause the mods are furfags

your going too regret this

>draw girls with dicks
>call them boys
I guess this is the only way to appeal straight audience. Actual gay shit looks revolting.



Furry porn is not bannable anymore

Sorry. I wasn't born a faggot, I can't enjoy it.

Jesus, artist??

study if you can
review easy stuff
take melatonin

it's hotter if they're boys

>being this much of a faggot and addicted to drugs
Faggot. Just save your current dosage to use when you really need it.
>not having backup dosage for emergency
I have like a month's worth of ritalin for situations like this

> he doesn't like traps

what are you gay?


you take this site so seriously holy shit

I got banned for 3 days for linking a spoiler'd link to something that wasn't even porn.

Sunibee looks like


If i had a dosage any smaller, it'd induce schizophrenia.

not joking, that's how it's done in lab animal models

You got good taste sir


post more cervine please user :3

Modafanil is coffee compared to actual fucking amphetamines. Adderall is the prescription version of speed, as desoxyn is for crystal meth.

Halloween is early this year I guess

No. That's the problem.


Someone post Judy Hopps please.


I once got a 2-week ban for posting barneyfag's info (which was common knowledge at that point to nearly everyone except the person I posted it for). Try that.

Why aren't men in real life this hor?

Those Doxy comics are literally the HEIGHT of anything furry.



Ban me too while you guys are at it, thanks mods.

You can browse while banned so getting yourself banned won't help you focus on your studies.



then why would you post this on Sup Forums where there's virtually no moderation?

>Bubbly cum
I hate when artists do this shit. Cum doesn't look like that.

you retards realize that you can still browse Sup Forums even if you are banned?

I kinda feel bad for the flower here


Why are furries gay more often than not?

my cum looks like that


I think you should see a doctor then.

Can you get a prescription for a larger dose and take half?

That's what I'm doing (per doctor's recommendation)

>muh drug abuse
I'm not looking to get high, I'm looking to FOCUS. If coffee literally did that for me (it doesn't), I'd just drink coffee.

So far the Dexmethylphenidate is making me a more functional human being in terms of being able to get out of bed and actually go do basic things like drive to the grocery store, but it's not doing much to help me focus on academic tasks.
Also it's kind of stressing my heart

check my 3

Well done my man, I knew you could do it.


>posting GAY furry porn

I wouldn't want to knock a good thread off the catalog.
sorry i guess

fug :DDD


you did it!

thread over

Is this a virus or something? Is this some kind of 5 dimensional shovel dog?

I'm afraid to open it in a new tab

enjoy your ban

That's what I'll probably do.

Worried that i'd fuck up the dosage though.

[a / b / c / d / e / f / g / gif / h / hr / k / m / o / p / r / s / t / u / v / vg / vr / w / wg] [i / ic] [r9k] [s4s] [vip] [cm / hm / lgbt / y] [3 / aco / adv / an / asp / biz / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / fit / gd / hc / his / int / jp / lit / mlp / mu / n / news / out / po / pol / qst / sci / soc / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / wsg / wsr / x]
who was in the wrong here?


holy shit how does this work?

now ban this attentionwhore

For the user that requested cervines.


did you click to enlarge the image? if so you're computer is already infected

Why does furry characters always look like Balto/The Lion King rejects?


can anyone post trap ass?

Nice get my friend. I think I'll save this gif.

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