He was fine before

He was fine before.

Don't think so? You're bad.

It's as simple as that.

I missed being able to jump hook people but i was fine with the out of sight change, But they completely ruined him to the point of him being unplayable now.

Guess i'll wait a month them to reset the patch

he's still playable but man he's totally useless against a decent team


That's the point. He's intended to punish out of position players. A good team should have all of it's players in positions where a roadhog can't hook them.

Thank you for accepting that the only reason you think he's broken is that you're in silver and you're bad.

>upset Roadhog main
The character was a trashy insta-kill gimmick who wasn't fun to play against.

Couldn't get kills without playing Roadhog? You're bad.

It's as simple as that.

>he's totally useless against a decent team
kek, his alt fire absolutely rapes shit

His Q is pretty terrible. But I'd rather see Reaper get some love first.

>muh comp
>playing a broken, unbalanced game with bad maps competitively

Please climb out of silver before posting in these threads, thank you.

Nah man, I have a life.

B...b...but he's only good against bad players! That's why he has a 60% pick rate in Grand Masters!

What number is silver?


Glad to hear it. Go enjoy your life and stop posting in threads about a game you don't play.

I do play it. I'm just not playing it 3 hours a day for a superiority complex.

>his friends carried him all that way and he still cries about roadhog

I don't even know what to say to you lad

dont have any

The problem isn't that Roadhog is over/underpowered, the problem is that he isn't fun to play against because he's built around a fundamentally bad idea.

i think he's pretty good on defense and koth maps but is awful on pl

>mfw people call you a silver if you complain about Roadhog
>Mfw I've never once bothered to play competitive fucking Overwatch and just found Roadhog to be an annoying hero whenever I played

Made it to GM from Plat only playing Junkrat. This game is a joke.

>tfw I threw my season 4 placements and went 1-1-8 and still got placed in diamond

lel these inflated ratings are so stupid

I simply don't believe you.

>I'm not total garbage, I just don't play competitive

I've never played a single game of comp. I know what the people who play comp are generally like and I'd rather try to have fun instead.

this is some advanced bait

Increase the duration of hook stun when reeled as well as the delay before Roadhogs next shot by a second.

There, made Roadhog from a tanky assassin to a utility tank.

take his gun away entirely and give him two hooks, each on a 3 second cool down.

pure punish of out of position enemies that your team has to deal with when you hook them.

oh and increase his melee damage to 75 like rein.

Shit nigger dont say something like "i play games for fun" The Sup Forums police will be on you like shit smell on a black woman.

He was always pubstomp kinda hero, absolutely ruthless against shitters and worthless against a half-decent team. Ana changed that a bit, introducing him to higher level games.
He always was and is a well-balanced hero. Only plats complain about him

If we're getting rid of heroes that aren't fun to play against, thats at least half the roster

>stand in one spot getting headshots nonstop on the enemy team
>potg is me standing behind them totally still as zenyatta and wiping them
>this is 6/10 games because the player base is inhabited by bigger retards than those that post on Warframe's circlejerk forums
>play comp with group of people who actually know how to play video games
>get GM and stay there for the entire season because the majority of matches are against waterheaded idiots
>some bleeding-gash SJW complains I'm being toxic when I politely state "Reaper is bad for comp, your team would've done better with a Soldier 76 instead."
>new hero : sweaty hacker so randum XD spic
>new hero : old woman who is a muslim but for some reason still talks to men before she is addressed by them
>new hero : clockmed's clock but this time the briefcase and clock is stolen property
>Kaplan states Blizzard aims for diversity, a statement which many progressive cultural marxists have been parroting for the past decade
>look up his name
>Kaplan or Caplan is also a surname common among Ashkenazi Jews

How the fuck do I get out of Plat? I am on like a 15 game losing streak and cannot escape this hell.

>Roadhog, Mei, Zarya, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Tracer, and Hanzo.
Only about 1/3rd, if you're not taking into account characters who have one mildly annoying ability like Reaper's wraith mode.
Way to go Blizzard, 66% of your game is fun! Big round of applause for Blizzard, everyone!

>How the fuck do I get out of Plat?
Get better at the game. ELO hell does not exist, it is possible to solo climb.

t. went from 2700 high in S1 to 3900 high in S3

>potg is me standing behind them totally still as zenyatta and wiping them
>get GM and stay there for the entire season because the majority of matches are against waterheaded idiots


Oh you don't believe this game's playerbase is that stupid? You have literally not played it then, fuck off.

Play Bastion, no matter the gamemode or whether you're in offense/defense.

I fell in 2300 hell once because I wanted to git gud as Junk and failed, picked Bastion every game and I'm around 2860 and climbing.

>Ana can heal at long ranges
>Can also put out a respectable amount of damage compared to other characters with an equal healing output
>Is unique in that she is the only character with a reliable stun, has the added bonus of being able to shut down ultimates also
>On top of this has the unique ability to prevent others from being healed which alone would be gamebreakingly good but
>It's in an AOE
>It also damages
>It also heals
>It also buffs allies
>Allows her to be one of the only healers with a reliable self-heal
>All at the same time
>All on one character
>Not even going into her ulti
>No nerfing her problems away, only thing that's going to make her not broken is a rework
>People complain about roadhog

Blizzard a shit.

If you're in solo queue, then the trick is to never play support lest you forever be at the mercy of your randomly assigned team.
If you want to climb the ranks alone, then the ranking system demands that you ignore the way that the game is actually supposed to work and just do everything yourself.

He is fine now.

Don't think so? You're bad.

It's as simple as that.

He will be fine later.

Don't think so? You're bad

It's as simple as that.

Haven't played in a while, how did Roadhog get nerfed? I know his hook isn't godly anymore but is that it?

GM for Gold Matchmaking obviously

You can literally get through gold just by having a competent Pharah on your team.

They did some bug fix so that it can't pull people from around corners, added 2 seconds to the cooldown time, and they also made it so that it doesn't pull people quite as close (while also narrowing the cone of fire on his shotgun a bit).

>can literally instantly delete 200hp heroes with his charged up alternate
>has am ability that makes an enemy take 30% more damage
>can 2 shot a 200 go hero with the de buff
>can 1shot tracer when she is discarded
>requires 0 aim to throw orb
>also throws healing orb with a respectable healing output
>someone with healing orb suddenly becomes a tank factor even tracer
>no aim required
>0 cool down
>his ultimate turns his entire team into unkillable faggots for a few seconds unless you can output a huge sudden burst damage
All in one character. Fucking blizzard

>thinking rank matters in a casual game with a skill ceiling so low the only viable heroes are the ones that are blatantly overpowered

download the Coincedence Detector senpai, makes spotting the (((elite))) much easier

>m-merely pretending!

That's not how it goes
>Some guy picks Zen
>Team loses because there's not enough healers and Zen is always one second tol late with his ult.

>ELO hell does not exist
you can almost always guarantee people who say this are either shills or just shitters that play the fotm OP garbage hero or get carried kek

regardless of the game

Don't talk shit on Jeff "Tigolebiddies" Kaplan. The man is a ticking timebomb.
>"Whoever came up with this sheer fisting of an encounter can go fuck themselves. Do me a favor so I don't waste my guild's time on this kind of jackass shit-fest again, send me an email at [email protected] when you decide to A) Implement an encounter that wasn't designed by a retarded chimp chained to a cubicle A.)Get a Quality Assuarance Department C) Actually beta test the fucking thing and D) Patch it live. And please for god's sake -- do it in the order I laid out for you. Don't worry, I won't charge you a consulting fee on that one. And for good luck you might as well E) Pull your heads out of your asses. While you're at it rename the game to BetaQuest since you've used up you're alotted false advertising karma on the Bazaar and user interface scam of '01.Fix the Emperor encounter. Fix Seru. Rethink your time-sink bullshit. Fix all the buggy motherfucking ring encounters (I suggest you let whoever made the Burrower one do this since that dude apparently laid off the crack the rest of you were smoking). Fix the VT key quest. Fix VT (just guessing it's fucked up considering your track record). Don't have the resources to fix this stuff? Move the ENTIRE Planes of Power team over to fixing Shadows of Luclin AND DO IT NOW. If you don't fix Luclin, you jackassess will be the only ones playing the Planes of Power."

Pretty much everything Zen can do other characters can do better. The only truly unique thing he can do is the discord orb which is good but not crazy. His healing is also much slower compared to everybody else and is easily outhealed by anybody who can rub two neurons together.

On the other hand you could nerf everything Ana can do into the ground and she would still be top material due to Blizzard giving her all the creative ideas they failed to give everybody else.

I agree. He was a force to be reckoned with but could easily be overpowered. His hook was the only thing about him that made him good. His gun is way too close range to do anything, and he is nothing but a giant target that charges the enemy's ult without it.

Blizzard is, without a doubt, the worst company when it comes to balancing and updating their game.

MMR works in such fashion where you get rank accordingly to your skil level. If you can climb then you deserve higher rank, if you can't climb - you deserve it as well.
System works as intended.

I really like road hog, I suck at these games but my mate and his roomies are always playing it, I like that there is a character i can play that allows me to not die constantly and to be quite formidable in the fray.

i played roadhog because it gave me some reprieve from the constant genji/hanzo spam in every game

doesn't matter now because the game is casualised garbage and the matchmaking is cancer