Do you miss those days, Sup Forums?

Do you miss those days, Sup Forums?

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Something about the rise of the modern MMO just kinda...killed the social element. Nowadays it's all about endgame PVP/PVE content and putting all your efforts into reaching/maximizing those. I've had a few guilds in places that were fun for awhile, but the magic faded fast.

Nothing will ever compare to just chilling with your crew outside pront, or going to random maps to help hunt an mvp/mini/card/hatquest item with them. It was a make your own content game I really feel. I miss that social element that wasn't gated behind minmaxing timesink raids.

Do I miss those days?

No, I was a depressed high schooler.

Do I miss the firewall gameplay and comfy atmosphere? Hell yes.

Do I miss the endless grinding? Hell no.

The boss fights were an absolute joke, too. Every boss had one or two mechanics that were basically "one shot if you didn't bring the right gear" with no chance to avoid or react.

I don't miss the endless waves of bots flooding the market when I had to manually farm for literal days to get the drops I wanted.

I don't miss the insane time requirements to get good gear.

>you will never be one of the first people who got over 70 on a fresh official server
>you will never win MVPs on the very first Eddga-zergdowns on the server
>you will never sit down next to your leveling buddy and his e-gf after the MVP kill and say something spergy

>girl character
>idle in/around pront
>novice walks up
Why was everyone such a faggot back then?

>back then

W> GH 1k + 1 bgem

I remember how many priests and acos would level healbombing in GH graveyard. The place was packed, and the priests were like guardians for the lower levels and would heal+buff anyone else who came too.

GH pris was actually my favorite area to solo. Better drops and required more active skill than CT.

Nowadays people just bolt spam mobs that don't even move. How is that fun?

Yes, I badly wish I lived in 2005 again. It's crazy. School was good, man.


nah i still play

Yes but i play path of Heroes. Is very cute


Ahh good memories.. I remember farming zeny to get married in game without purchasing points.

Mag parties were good times.

>Hunter Fly blocks your path

played on a really low rate small population private server from like 5th to 8th grade. that shit was so fucking fun.

everyone knew each other and just chilled, iRO was comfy but this shit was on another level. Still have all those people added on fucking MSN messenger.

God damn those were good times.

But I was one of the first high-levels on iRO.
And I've got the first Orc Hero, solo too.

>shitty internet
>tiny resolutions
>grindathon mmos everywhere


I did. FIrst played this around grade 6 or 7 I guess. Best community was around the time they got class 2. Good times.

In 3 years 90% of players moved on to private tho. I still wonder what will happen if it wasn't da grindan game. There could be less bot and shit.

Sorta miss it, I spent a good amount of time in a few private servers after graduating high school. It was some nostalgic days. Hearing Prontera's theme always brings me to tears. Comfy times.

Why were there so many Germans in EuRO? Or should I say GerRO?

Some of them.

I hate and love this game at the same time. Now it makes me just sad.

What euRO?
The first one by Burda was a pServer that went official later in 2004 or so and shut down around 2010 or so.
The second one in like 2010 was like the official french server from Gravity which was also called euRO.

Share your favourite BGM, anons!

The first one.
I remember getting the game on a cd in a magazine with a code that got you some free gametime. Funny thing was you could reuse the code for new accounts.
Good times, although the grind was a bit much.

As a GC crusader, this was my jam

then they suddenly realize that they need to be someone's bitch to continue leveling up past 70 and quit the job.

Those shitstorms when it went legit and we transferred there from iRO were glorious.

If you think the grind was bad, you should have played cRO though. When iRO beta went down before the release, me and my buddies played on kRO, kRO Sakray, jRO and cRO. The latter had -50% exp and it took for-fucking-ever to get anywhere there.

>check the website
>14 day trial
>it still has a sub

I think all of those servers had a trial period or something. At least I never paid anything for any of them. And every time a new patch came out on kRO Sakray I made a new account to test the stuff a year before it came to iRO. Testservers had 3x exp so it was really easy to level.


Grindy and a community of elitist weeaboo douchebags
It was a lot like playing with Reddit.

I do miss the days where people could comunicate on the internet without half of whatever they are saying being buzzwords
