
Hhm...yeah, that's not how you write accademic stuff

Other urls found in this thread:


Hmm.. yeah. you can shove that sentiment up your ass because you're subhuman scum.

Can you give me the quick rundown?

This guy is the opposite of Jim Sterling

mega-autist shoves head directly up own ass, shares it with internet

In which Icycalm gets herself lost in a game with an auto-map, tries to call people who like Doom hipsters, pleads ignorance to the game's modding scene, and refuses to actually examine the game's mechanics. What drivel. She could write for Kotaku at this rate.

I can sense your taste, and it's so shit that it could probably kill me if I touched it.

My taste is holy water?

>spend entire review bitching and moaning about the game's reputation, how the levels are shit for the time, how he wouldn't play it again, etc

>proceeds to give it 4 stars

He might as well have just done an opinion piece on why Doom isn't as good as everyone remembers it to be. This is completely inappropriate for an objective review.

it's pure cancer

What the heck is an "objective review"? Not that I care about his tastes in games specifically-- I mean, he thinks Far Cry 2 is the best game ever made. just, lol.

C'mon I expect better banter from an Insomnia thread.

literally who

An objective review is one that deals with each part of the game, mechanics, aesthetics, historical context. Ideally by one or a consensus of qualified reviewers.

He spends most of the time focusing on historical context and popular impression, he doesn't seem to like the mechanics, the aesthetics are a step up, but 4 stars? Come on, that's dumb and it doesn't go with the tone of the review.

you can't be objective in a review unless you review it against some unquestionable standard

>tfw when you die and come back to life and STILL no-one cares about your writing

A blogposter doesn't understand paragraphs.

That's not what objectivity means, nor am I going to waste time arguing with you over a straw-man conception of objectivity. Next moot point.

at least I'm not spouting oxymorons

No, you're going about life not being able to say anything is good or bad, good luck with that friendo.

So this is Icycalm's new thing?
I thought he was dead.

I thought he died.
Now I'm sad because he didnt.

I can do that, but I also understand it's not objective, it's always subjective, like the fact that every intelligent person subjectively agrees that I'm a better person than you, it's not objective, but it's practically as good as being so.

lmao what does this scamming shit want

Oh fuck it's him.
I really wish he'd done something right and acutally died instead of (now obviously) faking his death.

Just buy a subscription for $38, goyim. You'll be able to read his Five-Star review of For Honor lol

I really hope you didn't go to school for this OP. If you did I would ask your handler for some legal recourse because I'm pretty sure scamming the mentally retarded is a crime.

Where'd he steal this one from?

>charging for reviews
I'm convinced that his whole "cult" is just him sockpuppeteering.

>"You do not understand what I mean by "intelligence". Stephen Hawking is in no way intelligent in my use of the word -- he is in fact quite stupid. It's funny how, whenever the subject of intelligence is raised, people always mention some "clumsy empiricist" as an example of an intelligent person. Never a philosopher! Never a Montaigne or a Spinoza or a Baudrillard! It's always some little dude who mucks about in a dark room for three decades with half a dozen little equations. He shuffles them around for a while and then eventually, finally comes up with a new one! And that's what people mean by "intelligence"

~ Icycalm

Reminder that his favorite game of all time is Far Cry 2.

hard science has always been the foil of philosophical folly.

I don't think scamming retards should be a crime, retards don't contribute anything important anyway.

>philosophers are retards, more news at 11

Philosophers arent. He is though.

>I'm too subhuman to recognize genius

Does anyone have a link to where he explained why he likes FC2 so much?

Retard is really a bit too soft of a word for old Icycalm.

Akshuly, philosophers often recognized the importance of actually analyzing own thoughts with outside tools and verifying own ideas with something more than personal opinion.

It's more like "philosophy fans" who are the retards here.
Though some philosophers were genuinely retarded.

Name one (1) contribution to modern society philosophy has achieved after the split of natural sciences and philosophy (before that philosophy was pretty much the general term for scientist).

>Spend all day wondering why Man is assholes

>Realize Man is assholes because we evolved from chimps, the biggest asshole fucking cunt shithead cocksucking face eating dick eating shit flinging bastards the world has ever seen.

Philosophers are idiots, we need to arm orangutans and gorillas and aid them in slaughtering the chimp menace.

It's impressive how warped the world view of the dumb masses can be

Who would win contrarianism, him or Armond White?


Philosophy only exists as a way to try and rationalize why we happened to evolve sentience. That's it. The idea that we could be much grander than we are is just to comfort us until we take that long dirt nap

Even if this guy does write the bestest most daring philosophy text ever no one is going to remember it in 20 years, and he'll just say he doesn't care about that because only the RIGHT people can appreciate his genius.

Which doesn't matter because if only a handful of really "cool" people read a book then it will invariably have less impact than Dan Brown's garbage, and there was no reason to write it in the first place.

>not understanding that all media is philosophical



>trying to measure philosophy or morality

>An unmeasurable field has value
philosophy is one hell of a drug.

WHERE is the rest of wojack's head?

I guess no. But if you poke around his philosophical tabloid/fantasy novel "Orgy of the Will", web.archive.org/web/20170101033634/http://orgyofthewill.net/ you'll begin to understand why he likes the game so much.

And yet you spend your measurable time shitposting on a virtual crossdressing imageboard.

He didn't claim to be anything close to a philosopher, user. Considering the content in this thread, that's some interesting projection.

everyone say hi to icycalm

every thread that mentions him has him posting in it. literally every single one. maybe he starts them i dunno, but hes always there. its so easy to find him too.

Someone needs to give me the quick rundown on this guy and why I should attempt to care about him

Why are you bothierng to post some random tosser's blog?
He's an idiot who somehow got lost in Doom a lot. Despite there being an ingame map system

can you point out his posts for reference, so I can have a easier time identifying him in the future?

You really shouldn't.

look up icycalm
he's a very sad man

As for what happened -- the same thing that has been happening ever since I started posting in videogame forums. I hold a mirror to people's faces, they see their ignorance and stupidity reflected in it, and then instead of learning from that and mending their ways they lash out at me, for showing them the mirror.

The Athenians poisoned Socrates for this.

The Jews crucified Jesus of Nazareth.
This is human nature.

I'm 40% certain that Icycalm is a satire.

Its been going on for (over?) over a decade. I don't think even OP could pretend to be a faggot for that long.

getting shitposted about on internet forums is a little different drom getting poisoned or crucified desu.

But this is Icycalm.
He is actually that much of a faggot.

>google icycalm
>first result is lolcow wiki

>So it was impossible for me to persevere with Doom in 1994, and I still can't do it. I stand aghast therefore at the news that recent years have seen the rise of Doom hipsterism whereby a (thankfully) small but significantly loud playerbase not only still plays and autistically replays Doom to completion in this day and age, but even develops so-called "WADs" — whatever that's supposed to be — which somehow — horror of horrors! — extend the game's longevity! Now I've no idea what a "WAD" is and have deliberately avoided finding out — I am sure it is something beyond stupid, and I've resolved to die without knowing what it is. So please spare my poor brain the knowledge of yet one more rank subhuman idiocy, and refrain from telling me about it. But it's obviously either new "levels", or, even worse, modified versions of existing ones, and it blows my mind that there are people in 2017 who prefer such garbage to the wealth — and even glut — of modern and immeasurably superior FPSes that exist.

This got me real fucking mad.

he is right though

My bait sense is tingling.

You niggas all be replyin' to a troll

>I stand aghast therefore at the news that recent years have seen the rise of Doom hipsterism whereby a (thankfully) small but significantly loud playerbase not only still plays and autistically replays Doom to completion in this day and age, but even develops so-called "WADs" — whatever that's supposed to be — which somehow — horror of horrors! — extend the game's longevity! Now I've no idea what a "WAD" is and have deliberately avoided finding out — I am sure it is something beyond stupid, and I've resolved to die without knowing what it is. So please spare my poor brain the knowledge of yet one more rank subhuman idiocy, and refrain from telling me about it. But it's obviously either new "levels", or, even worse, modified versions of existing ones, and it blows my mind that there are people in 2017 who prefer such garbage to the wealth — and even glut — of modern and immeasurably superior FPSes that exist.

He's actually got a really strong philosophical argument for why you shouldn't replay the same game multiple times if you're not autistic.

what he is saying is that you're a fucking aspie

no, we're replying to an """ubermensch"""

But seriously, he faked his death because he was totally butthurt a couple of years back.

So they recovered Icy's account. Cult is fitting.

I remember I treated Icy's thoughts on video games as gospel. But then I actually played Flower and concluded that anybody who calls that game a flight simulator is an asshole.

I'm past "skill and depth above all else" in my life now, I've put Icy behind me, but he introduced me to Nietzsche and made me an atheist; so I will always cherish him for having a formative effect on me.

Saying you shouldn't replay something, but then willingly ignoring that there's an entire catalog full of decades of user generated content as .wads. he fucking argues against himself.

This guy doesn't actually play games, he just likes writing about them while sorting his debts in debtland.

Maybe someone can link to his steam profile but he has almost a thousand games and only played ten of them for more than 5 hours.

He doesn't actually, he rejects the .wads as something insignificant and even furthering his stance on the matter.

Narcissistic prick thinks his lack of empathy and social maladjustment make him the Nietzschean ubermensch, writes autistic paywalled vidya articles

>I'm past "skill and depth above all else" in my life now
He explicitly writes that treating serious competition in video-games as a form of accomplishment is degenerate.

>social maladjustment
>gets more pussy than you ever will

Skill and depth can still apply to single player you MLG faggot.

Sadly there are a handful of codependents that pay for his garbage. He doesn't make a lot of money from it, though, and has a day job

>a cluster B personality disorder
>not the LITERAL definition of social maladjustment

You do realize this guy narrowly escaped jail over scamming people out of their money in a glorified ponzi scheme, right?

>he rejects the .wads as something insignificant

well he can't reject wad as something insignificant since the entire history of doom was people meddling with the engine and game files to get the most out of the game. something a cum devouver from planet goy who gargles anything modern devs shit on his mouth can't understand

>the amount of sex you have is directly proportionate to your worth

What happened to Sup Forums?

>So please spare my poor brain the knowledge of yet one more rank subhuman idiocy, and refrain from telling me about it.
How does having a fedora that big not snap his neck?

>but he introduced me to Nietzsche and made me an atheist; so I will always cherish him for having a formative effect on me.

Without honor, without wit
Smelly, retard, normie shit
Gets your board, gets your Sup Forums
Will displace you and me

Comes from reddit, comes from Sup Forums
Bringing cancer, AIDS, downfall
Hating men and hating traps
All plebeian are his faps

>Icycalm, a.k.a. Alex Kierkegaard, is a criminal and a fugitive wanted in America for wire fraud.

Do not trust him with your money or credit card details under any circumstances.

His real name is Antony Zyrmpas which is also sometimes spelled Anthony Zirbas. He is Greek but has lived in various other places including America, Japan and possibly Spain. He may have either American or Greek citizenship or possibly both.

Jesus Christ. The warrant for him in America is public, by the way, you can just google it

He was one of the only ones to call out Braid as hipster shit and Johnathan Blow as a hack when it was released. I respect him for that much if nothing else. Calling himself "Alex Kierkegaard" smacks of pretentiousness though.

jesus christ

Welcome to the wonderful world of Icycalm.

He says.

the WAD community is autistic though, he's right about that

>I've put Icy behind me, but he introduced me to Nietzsche and made me an atheist; so I will always cherish him for having a formative effect on me.
Just a friendly tip: people with your mindset will always cling to some sort of icycalm and believe that they now understand everything, then move on to the next icycalm and believe that THIS TIME they REALLY understand everything and that the previous icycalm was an idiot.
icycalm specifically preys on people with this sort of mindset by flattering those who follow him as being more intelligent than the common masses. Examine your current beliefs and try to be more critical of philosophical snake oil merchants.

All mod communities are tho
Pic related: icycalm is autistic.

Definition of a "sperg out"

Now that is an abusive relationship. I actually felt bad for the guy with the Snake avatar as I was reading that. What a shit head this guy is. was right. Genuine psychopath. Plus he can't even spell "faggot" right.

Oh other than his shit taste in video games he really did have everything figured out. But I never gave him a red cent, plus he's dead now so who cares.