Reminder that if you don't buy Mass Effect: Andromeda, Bioware wins

Reminder that if you don't buy Mass Effect: Andromeda, Bioware wins.


How was that fire working out for you? Tired of winning yet?
Day of the rake soon.

Explain how


The Canadian president is pretty handsome. Too bad he's a wimp and a retard

Trump is a strong, masculine and virile man.
Anyone who claims he is not is a Trudeau supporter.
Did you know he is related to Castro, the communist?

Castro did absolutely nothing wrong and everyone in Cuba loves him.

He is a communist and a socialist scum who should be shot and killed.
The worst thing that can happen to the US is some god damn universal healthcare bill that allows all you fucking unemployed spics to get free money.

Why are Canadians so terrible and incompetent at everything?

>be american
>have an accident
>have to call an ambulance
>have to sell house to pay for hospital and transport
>get shot on the way to the hospital

>be cuban
>get sick
>call an ambulance
>costs 0 (zero) dollars

mm i wonder which one is the land of the free tbqhwyf

who says he's a wimp? he's the only world leader who put trump in his place and beat him out of his handshake game. not to mention trudeau is fit as fuck and a boxer

Still America.

>Castro did absolutely nothing wrong

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. He was probably somewhat better for the common people than the guy before him but he was still a dictator.

Well at least the US is a fucking free country where a man can be a man and do what he wants.
Unlike in some 3rd world europoor country where you starve under the communists.
Communists can fucking die. Fucking Sanders voters git out.


funny since starvation in cuba is next to a non-issue

The man's a wimp. He was beat up by fucking Chandler Bing



how do leaves manage to be the worst posters on Sup Forums so consistently?

that guy is complete cuck and idiot.

Yeah yeah sure thing buddy. Commie countries are starving all the time.
Cuba should get invaded and Castro should get shot in the process.
Fucking europoor countries trying to defend commies.

You think its somehow funny to photoshop the US president?

cuba has, proportionally speaking, less starving people than the US

>live in a capitalist system
>remember that nothing is free in life
>buy good insurance/have good insurance through your work
>never worry about an unforseen circumstance

Yup I do, got a problem with free speech, pinko?

>pay a non-sum in taxes
>have good insurance for the rest of my life

really makes me think

> be me
> Venezuelan
> free healthcare
> people still die because no medicines
> land of the dead
> wish my visa would get processed (and most likely decided) sooner so I could get the fuck outta here

This and Cuba are no land of the free, they're dictatorships, that don't care for their people, Bernie supporters should thank God they avoided a bullet to the head.

Why do you lie on the internet? Do you get paid by some commies?

Day of the rope soon buddy, everyone who is supporting the commies and socialists has to go. Trump is going to make the US a fucking paradise soon.

I can't tell if you're serious or not
Also which of the two is worse

>my country is shit
>that means every country in the planet that's sort of alike my country is shit!

go check out argentina and see how great they're doing under their beautiful new neoliberal government

You mean the gubment forcibly takes money out of your paycheck to give you a healthcare plan you may or may not even want.

I dunno, socialists are always going for my paycheck but those fucking communists and their fucking Carl Marxist university womens studies are fucking poisoning our country too.
Its a fucking crime to be a white man nowadays.

>US is a fucking free country where a man can be a man

He can beat you up

Yeah argentina is shit because of macri and not kirchner or whatever her name is.

>If you kill your enemies, they win
>if you don't buy ME:A, you kill Bioware

Yeah thats the fucking commies trying to poison the greatest country on earth.
No other country on earth can even come close to our power.

>be cuban
>get sick
>die because you're not part of the upper crust of society or a rich tourist and the "free" hospitals are dogshit

>exhaust forest fire
>fire wins