DESTINY 2 confirmed for September 8th

DESTINY 2 confirmed for September 8th.

Will Bungie fuck up a second time?

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A bit more from the posters.

Will it be on PC this time?

Wow, nice "Diversity" there bungie.
Why do girls always have to be the magic class.

Of course they will fuck it up. Can't wait.

Of course they will.



>the nigger is the warlock

Are you an autism user?

Not initially, by the looks of it.

High Noon, one of the studios co-developing the game with Bungie, put a job listing for the game up recently and only made a point of saying it was being developed for the PS4 and Xbone.

Come si accede alla beta user?

Honestly looking again I thought Warlocks had the long coats and Hunters tight fitting clothes, but they both have coats.

Either way i'll still probably only play Titan because his melee was 10/10

If no PC im gonna sudoki because we only have The Division and while its beautiful the devs are massive retards.

Fuck sake, I really don't want to play it on console again.

They already fucked up, clearly shooting for diversity, got rid of the cool art style for a more generic but familiar one that the general public can warm up to


somehow now looks even more generic than destiny 1. You could remove their armor and replace it with basic army gear and I would think it was call of duty

Yes, it will.

Destiny sold 60 million copies on consoles alone, lets see how this does

Hopefully they copy shadow of mordor and all ubisoft games and just reuse 90% of the last game to make mega profits rrom nominal costs.

They're saying it will be different. Idc really since no progress carried over

Well, from what I hear a bunch of people are already butthurt because you have to start fresh in Destiny 2. Your previous character and all the shit you did/collected won't carry over (rumor).

If that's true, they're saying fuck you to what little loyal fanbase they still have and shooting themselves in the foot.

Personally, I loved Destiny, but only about 1 year after the original launch when the game was actually finished and sold with the DLC's that honestly should have been part of the game to begin with. If I was one of the people who bought it day one and had to pay for the Dark Below patch, I'd be salty as fuck.

>Bungie pitch Destiny to Microsoft as an Xbox exclusive
>Mattrick shoots it down on the basis that he thinks Bungie doing anything that isn't Halo won't be profitable enough
>They take it to Activision, where it becomes the highest selling new IP of all-time

Everyone loves to shit on him for E3 2013, but Goddamn, this one can't be stressed enough.

Oh boy I can't wait for a gutted game that is sold back to me in chunks!

Thank you activision!

Your character will carry over, your loot won't. They announced this already.

They confirmed you couldn't. Byf did a video on it too

Its just a post user, a live action poster at that.
These things never reflect what games are actually like.

Destiny is colourful as fuck.

The sad thing here is that Destiny would've actually been a good game and Bungie would not have fractured so hard if MS said ok.

MS is just full retard, even after Mattrick left they still cancel project left and right

Awww, Byf. I had dinner with him the other night in New York.

Commie as hell, but wonderful human. Apparently loves Tiberium Wars.

Wait what? Commie?

It doesn't matter, the first sold well enough that the format wont really change. Such is the Activision development manifesto. So it'll be shit regardless of platform.

Why even bother creating a 2nd? Why not just create a new IP.

Then they might as well have you make a new character. What's even the fucking point if none of your loot comes with you?

Lol, not really. Just far left. But a genuinely nice guy.

I look to it with cautious optimism, the gameplay of destiny is good, but the actual story bits mer meh till the later expansions and you had to go out of the game to learn a lot of stuff.

Also I really hope they diversify the classes some more, like both a wider range of powers per class and being able to have multiple.
I mean while they were quite different powers pretty much watered down to a different grenade, a different melee and a super.

I can't really think of a better example but take Mass Effect for example, biotics and tech have lots of very different powers that you could pick and choose from to your own liking.

>Destiny sold 60 million copies on consoles alone

Not even close, unless you are counting DLC? also it was on 4 fucking consoles

>bought Destiny 1 on PS3 for the free digital upgrade
>after like a year Sony refunds me for it without me asking

shit made me pretty happy, game sucked ass.

I'd love to know what the Sony Santa Monica game was that got cancelled because it was to similar to Destiny, apparently it was almost done.

I wonder which would have been better.

Too bad titan fucking sucks. They were pretty good when they had that air dash chest piece before it got nerfed. Then they went back to being shit

Even using the term "character" is kind of misleading because that could mean your level and subclass progress and stuff. It's quite literally just your characters appearance that is carrying over. Race, facial features, that's it. Which just pisses me off because I'm sure the sequel have more and probably better character customization so it's the one thing I'd prefer to change. If grimoire really doesn't wind up carrying over in at least some fashion, I'm gonna fucking riot.

Project Darkside or whatever it was called? I'm just amazed that Sony were willing to can it after $100m and several years' worth of development time were sunk into it.

Except at the start of Taken King, Sunbreaker Titan was so OP that everyone without a titan bitched about them for weeks. Shit was glorious since my main was a Titan.

Is there ANY truth to this?

You realise that 60 million copies of game is fucking insane? I don't even think GTAV sold that many.

>helmets off just to show blackman and woman

more like Diversity 2

So what's their plan here.
Are they starting from scratch for each entry or will they have the decency to include all of the guns from the previous game

Yes. It's why Bungie partnered with Activision in the first place. MS only wanted them to make Halo as a second-party dev.

Maybe they'll just repurpose the code or something.


Reminds me of what happened to Scalebound, obviously nowhere near as much of a budget but it would have been a positive for XBOX.

I've always gone Sony when purchasing consoles, but I did own a 360, and competition is always good for the market. It's a shame XBONE was a total failure from the get-go.

Yeah Sunbreaker and Stormcaller were both fucking OP in the beginning. The difference is Sunbreaker got nerfed hard and Stormcaller got nerfed softly. That recent nerf to Landfall still isn't quite enough, in my opinion. Fuck Stormcallers.

The OG Xbox and the 360 for the first half of its lifespan were both very good. Then come 2009-10, the Kinect came along and MS decided that they didn't care about traditional videogames anymore. The effects from that are still being felt almost a decade later.

>11/10 aesthetic
>10/10 sound
>4/10 gameplay
Destiny could have been so good.

If they have a pc release I'll buy and play for a long time regardless of quality
Unless it's subscription to do the good shit.

>not the 7th day of the seventh month of the seventeenth year
Lies and slander.
Can't wait to get sucked into this clusterfuck of a good game hidden under shit mechanics again. Titan master race.

>4/10 gameplay
>below average gameplay
What? Besides art style and sound design the only solid thing in destiny is the gameplay. It's everything surrounding the gameplay thats shit

So another solid FPS buried under mountains of shitty MMO mechanics and constant stream of lackluster DLC that only serves to fragment the playerbase further? amazing

Destiny is probably the best example of a good game held hostage by consoles, playing it with a controller is such a chore, it would be beautiful on PC


>Sony cancel Santa Monica's Project Darkside, causing massive layoffs
>Microsoft commission Darkside Studios for the Phantom Dust reboot, ultimately completely fucking them and forcing them into bankruptcy


I included everything surrounding it as gameplay since after the first 40 or so hours it all comes down to doing the same shit over and over, but yeah the core of it is extremely solid. I can't comprehend why they're limiting it to consoles. This sort of thing would sell like hotcakes on PC

>good game
user, the balance is crap, don't think the MP is close to any Halo in that spot.
Only delusional fags think that.

>60 million copies sold

Are you fucking high?

>Another PS4 exclusive retarded contract
Meh, they can shove the game in their asses


>The news came in an investor release for the third quarter of Take-Two’s 2017 fiscal year, which ends March 31; the third quarter ran from October-December 2016. The company’s most recent update on GTA 5 sales came in early November, when it said it had shipped over 70 million units. That means that Rockstar shipped approximately 5 million more copies of the game in the past three months, and about 15 million over the past year.

Only played like 10 hours of solo before I got tired of playing with a controller.
Story is uninteresting shit but the setting is nice, good atmosphere, good art direction and the guns feel good to shoot.
It's a nice borderlands alternative, it would be great on PC

first game had space smurfs and robots

the fuck do you want

Destiny 1 was pretty much the best mmo you can play. Even Vanilla was shit compared to OG Destiny.

Probably not coloured humans disguised as aliens or robots.

The fallen would be nice for starters. Cabal would work too. Not blue-humans and robo-humans. Who am I kidding, they'll probably cut those two out too and we all have to play normal humans.

I really ended up surprised by destiny when i got it a year later. It's very enjoyable and I felt there's a great amount of depth for a fps while also handling it much better than games like borderlands or something, worst thing is playing an fps and running forever around a world. Bungie also makes quality games plain and simple so that's cool too.

Apathetic towards it unless it's out on PC day 1, I'd love to play a FPSMMO but apparently they didn't think letting PC have the first one made sense.

It could make up for the borderlands MMO that will never happen.

>there are destiny 1.0 cucks who spent literally thousands of hours and hundreds of dollars playing the first inferior title
>I'm gonna be picking up this game at release and enjoy the better title

Thanks for beta testing!

I didn't think I'd find myself agreeing with everything they said, but all of it was spot on. Down to the palpable frustration that the game isbarely an ember compared to the flame it could be

Did fucking up the first time stop people from buying it?

>having faith that they wont fuck up 2 after the last one

It will be a miracle if they add any significant changes to the formula of the first

This is why online only game sucks

It's actually magic tho. Read the grimoire.

I love destiny when it has new content. Discovering secrets and going through end game with a fireteam is one of the best feelings. I fucking hate it when there's nothing else to do and it takes months for it to have new content (which is free, in between major expansions)

As of now it's all about osiris and meeting new people. Using LFG and finding chill people gives a much better flavor to the game. Got to meet a few of them already... it's a great community

This new update that brings back the old raids and some new content looks dope. I fucking hope bungie learn from their mistakes because they've had plenty, but they also had a lot of positive things

>Never played the first Destiny
>Autism won't allow me to buy and play Destiny 2 without having the first Destiny in my library


From reactions I've been seeing, normies are bitter about constantly being charged for more expansions.
I can't see this game selling as much as the first, people are going to hold back for bundled editions.

I haven't been keeping up. Are they gonna come up with nine completely new classes or are they just gonna tweak them or something?

And if there making new classes, how the hell are they gonna think up that many new supers? hmmm.

That is a really boring logo

>nothing but emblems at most carrying over
Oh well.

If the gunplay is as addicting as the first game's i'm in. I just hope it launches with the same amount of content the game had at TTK launch.

I don't know what kind of reactions you've seen but I've seen the opposite

People prefer paying for major expansions instead of having whack ass free content that doesn't add shit to the game. Those stupid festivals and that one update with malok and shit didn't do that well in the eyes of most people

normies are the ones that will gladly shell out to keep up. what the fuck are you on?

They should wait for borderlands 3 so they can release at the same time.

Really not the same game.

Both are FPS RPG's but Borderlands is more like Diablo while Destiny is almost like a pseudo MMO.

They will just do what GW2 did, give the snowflakes a bunch of cosmetic rewards in the new game depending on their progress in the previous.

They've more or less confirmed the only shit carrying over is emblems.

Which is what i called since day 1.

At this point Ill will prob just wait for the Destiny HD collection of Destiny 1-3 comming in 2020.

I mean Destiny 1 is obsolete and forgotten as soon as 2 comes out.

Yes its true, except The Division broke the record that Destiny set and then Overwatch broke the record The Division set

It's probably gonna join the ranks of other high profile new IPs that generated more hype than could be delivered, like Watch_Dogs and Titanfall.

The sequel will be infinitely better but sell infinitely worse, forgotten within a month.

Really don't like that their faces are exposed on the cover.

I liked that everyone was faceless on all the art for the original

They could be the main characters. There could be an actual story.

What happened to the cool armors? This looks like shit.

>bought Destiny
>it's pretty comfy
>"gee i want to go to Crota's raid"
>you need 5 FRIENDS
>uninstall and never play it again
when will this "it's fun with friends xD" meme end?


Your own fault for being a retard that buys games without researching.

Given how hard they dropped Destiny 1 after Rise of Iron, you'd hope they won't fuck it up.
