WiiU Discussion

What went wrong?

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It didn't have Adventure Man: Ten Wild Breaths out of Ten


Hey I have one of those too.

>we want the wii audience...again


normies are too dumb to understand that wii u is not wii

Just looking at this picture is giving me an asthma attack. Who would let their belongings get that dusty? Fuck my nose wont stop itching now.

the main reason it didn't sell was because retards thought it was an extension to the wii


really makes you think

are you telling me someone... posted more than once?

You can put the blame on the consumer/average person but it's more Nintendo's fault for calling it that


I would like to say it's because there are too few games, but this didn't stop the Xbone or PS4 despite having even fewer games.
This is the only correct answer.

consoles in few years

>Wasn't considerably more powerful than 360/PS3
>Second screen gimmick; the two screens are too far away so you can't have active content on both at once. One of them can only be something mundane like an inventory screen
>Porting to Wii U was expensive and difficult; cba to factor in dual screen gimmick so they just used it as portable main screen
>Gamepad was wireless, yet had shit range so you couldn't play it upstairs if the console was downstairs
>Presented like it was a Wii accessory
>Still had support for Wiimotes even though the gamepad was meant to be the future??

To be quite honest, everything pointed to the fact they wanted to make Wii U the Switch. However time was not on R&D's side, so they had to make shit compromises and ended with this crock of garbage

They learnt to integrate Wiimotes into the gamepad. They removed the need for the console altogether and made the gamepad the center. They realised devs were only using the second screen as a portable main screen, so they took that ball and ran with it. Wii U was simply a shit prototype for the Switch

Nothing aside from idiot consumers.

Same as the gamecube.
GC had even more multiplats an still died, its a wonder they ever tried to do something similar again. Especially now that HD RUMBLE is the new gimmick.

I'm sad that the tech used to stream to the gamepad will never get used again. The latency was amazing for a portable screen.

This is a NintenGAF save space. Please delete the thread mod. I pay my taxes. I don't want to hear this drivel.

your current rig in a few years.

Nintendo switched focus to new console instead of trying to make it more appealing to buy.

>No 3rd party games because they won't sell on the console
>Consoles won't sell because people don't want kiddy Nintendo consoles since it doesn't have "muh mature games"

How do they get out of this loop? Should they start making M rated games?

>reee it's the consumers fault that nintendo made a shitty console with shitty games

No Triple A games

>Be interested in the switch
>No fucking stock anywhere
>Artificial demand

Lost my interest completely now. Just gonna emulate BotW instead

Same thing that's going to make the switch fail, shit library with mostly mediocre kids games being your only choice. Got one last week though and mario naker is pretty good desu

>tfw didn't wipe dust or vacuum in my room for about 3 years
>tfw I'm supposed to be allergic to dust, but don't have any problems
>tfw I have no face

So really bad advertising, you mean

>It was the FUCKING NORMIES who didn't understand it was its own console! THEY GOT CONFUSED BY THE NAME! REEEE
People still genuinly believe this bull?

At least it isn't the Switch.

For Nintendo: Marketing. People thought it was a Wii add-on.

For buyers: Huge game droughts for the vast majority of its life. If there was one 'big' game you didn't like it was years between playing, plus pretty much every non-Nintendo IP poorly utilizing the tablet, as well as poor utilization of the tablet in general.

I didn't care about nintendo since the Gamecube and i really didn't knew what the WiiU was about.

>is this a fucking tablet for the wii ?

>How do they get out of this loop?

This 'loop' is literally their corporate gameplan dating back to the fucking NES, they've always throttled any game / developer that didn't follow their rules to the letter, originally for quality control, then just because they're power tripping chinks. The Playstation was literally born out of Nintendo Corporate being shitheads.

Only now tastes and times have changed.

Fuck off the Wii U was dogshit for nintenbroters. The icing on the cake was all those faggots buying the portable version of it. Nintendo laugh at and mock you loyalist gaijin retards.

No games.

I still like it for what it has. Also I didn't have to get a Switch for Zelda so that was cool.

Wii U's real strength is in modding. Natively runs 3 generations of games off SD/USB.

I have a dozen good games.

Thats more than I got for xbone or ps4 before I stopped playing them because all the the multiplats were better on PC. Mostly end up in bf1 and Rocket league when I play with friends anymore. Literally no reason to play them

I use to buy every game console, the switch is literal garbage and will be for a good while until it has games.

What you bought a wii u at launch and didnt get 2 free games with it? HAHAHA what an idiot.

Seriously though if a consoles has 8 exclusives I want or something I need I but it. End of story.
I got the xbone for halo and crackdown but now its useless for that as well. PS4 titles dont have much replay value lately, same as my wii u.

All consoles are shit, get over it.

I worked at fucking Gamestop for 3 years and you'd be surprised how many people didn't understand what the fuck that thing (addon for Wii? Huh?) was and/or tried to buy Wii U games for Wii and I had to stop them.

Only a drone would think it would be significant enough to cause the failure of the system though. Most people understood what it was but just didn't want it. It wasn't doing anything new for normies to go ape over like Wii did with motion controls.

People didn't know it was supposed to be a new console. Not much third party support either.

The novelty wasn't executed well and made it the worst of both worlds. Having to hook up a Wii sensor bar (since it comes with it anyways), hook up HDMI to the TV, run a power outlet for the console and a different brick for the tablet, and then making space for the console and possibly tablet to reside at is pretty bad. Then the tablet is bulky, has a really bad screen on it that's cloudy looking from my experiences, with abysmal battery and range, and it just kills the idea of off TV play or even having things to do with it, since the fucker would usually need to be plugged in charging to use it and ruined the mood for gaming, or else people would just migrate to a regular console or their PC for their fix.

I'll also agree with the lack of games, since they were spaced out too much and were lacking in gameplay when they did come out. The multiplats almost always played worse and didn't benefit most of the time from the tablet, and Nintendo played far too safe with status quo games or HD remakes of games from better systems. The few "exclusives" were usually ported off to be enhanced on other devices, leaving the system with only a few real gems like Wonderful 101, Pokken (which will most likely see a Switch update down the line), Splatoon, and #FE. Mario Maker is definitive on the Wii U, but it still sucks that Nintendo was so clueless that they shot it over to the 3DS and then gutted the sharing function.

Maybe because they used Yamauchi's blood or something, but the Switch at least seems to be what they wanted the Wii U to be, beyond the current success it is experiencing. It doesn't have the clutter to play it on the TV and take up two devices worth of space, it has ergonomics, which is something the Wii and OG 3DS were lacking, and the screen seems acceptable at this point. It also has some games coming out in the same year it launched which has me going "I want that", as opposed to "it looks ok, but maybe I'll wait for a sale"

Why is it still so expensive on the aftermarket

It got stuck in a vicious cycle, which was started by poor marketing.

Console has a bad name, adverts suck, Nintendo does a bad job getting the word out about what it is/does. Most normalfags had no idea it existed for several years, and those that did thought it was just a tablet addon for the Wii U. This lead to a bad first year with very few sales, which meant it had to rely solely on good games driving word of mouth to move units.

3rd party developers had no interest in making games for it because of it's small install base. However, in order to build an install base they needed a more steady stream of games to entice consumers. It was a catch 22. All they could do was keep pumping out games as fast as they could (which is not fast) hoping that one of them would be a killer app and the system would finally blow up. The Wii U had one of the best 1st party exclusive libraries of any console in recent memory for this reason, but it didn't matter because they could never get games out fast enough to meet the demands of consumers enough to convince people to buy one.

Wii U was the worst selling Nintendo device that isn't Virtual Boy, since it pushed only 10-11m units globally. Nintendo stopped production months in advance of the Switch and the amount of Wii U's in the wild are pretty slim, making it a pseudo collector item.

Meanwhile the Wii sold like 100m+ units, and most of Nintendo's other machines are like 40m+, making Wii U's solidified as pricier aftermarket systems.

>you will never get to lick that

Licking dust off shit was my booger-eating-tier habit as a kid. That Wii U is a goldmine

To this day i still don't know what gimmick does the console have.

you're looking at it
remember the dreamcast memory cards with the little screen? it's that but bigger

Same reason the Switch will fail.

>Shit hardware
>Unnecessary forced gimmick that nobody asked for, that just increases the price
>Endless droughts
>No third-party support aside from old ports
>Wii was flash-in-the-pan and casuals/kids don't care about Nintendo anymore
>Better, cheaper alternatives already exist elsewhere with far more market penetration (phones and tablets)

>Better, cheaper alternatives

What $300 tablet can I get that plays console games? I need to know since I can't give nintendont money. Dont say gdp win wither, that things a shitheap

>What went wrong?
Underpowered and quirky hardware meant no support. Interface and online was clunky and outdated. Worst of all was that, on the whole, even Nintendo's first party shit was weak. Their Mario games blended in with the same shit we've been getting over the last 10 years.

That said, Mario Kart 8 was excellent, and Mario Maker was fun, but not a system seller. Even their big breakout hit, Splatoon, got fucked over by launching incomplete.

But the biggest problem is that all of their new user base from the Wii either didn't know this was a new system, didn't give a shit, or both, because they were too busy playing Farmville, meanwhile Nintendo had spent every year since 2006 losing their actual gaming clientele and didn't understand why they weren't there to support them anymore.

>Nintendo had spent every year since 2006 losing their actual gaming clientele and didn't understand why they weren't there to support them anymore.

Too bad thats just not true. The GC did terrible and they made every right move aside from minidiscs which didnt change much outside of insert disc2 in some games.

It had every multiplat, tons of good exclusives, and better graphics. Too bad sony had FF and MGS still so muh mature g ameres wouldnt leave their savior, and xbox came in shouting merica until they got popular in the US.

Most people I know didnt get more than one console that gen while people like me had all 3.
I think I miss timesplitters most, making maps and doing challenges in future perfect was the tits.

The controller was terrible and it was much weaker than the Xbox. There's also the fact that they stuck to the BING BING WAHOO aesthetic when both Microsoft and Sony had gone sleek and presented gaming as something that could be for grown men too. It looked like a happy meal toy.

ps4 is the same.
Hope that p5 would resurrect it.

PS4 got a few good games lately, hopefully it can keep getting them.

The Switch only has shit hardware if you think about it as strictly a console. As a handheld, it's both absolutely GOAT and huge step up from both their previous platform and their competition's hardware. That is where the Switch's core value lies, and the ability to HDMI out games to the TV feels like just an added bonus.

If Nintendo was smart, then they will capitalize on this portable aspect in terms of marketing/cultivating a game library because that's it's strongest quality by far.

Even then it's still barely better than the Vita performance-wise, and that is a five years old console.

The PSP was much better than the DS. The VITA was much better than the 3DS. The fucking Game Gear was a hell of a lot more powerful than the gameboy.

People don't give a shit, largely, about power in a handheld.



>Shit hardware
All consoles are shit hardware, Einstein. If "muh graffix" are what you care about, get a PC.

>Unnecessary forced gimmick that nobody asked for, that just increases the price
What's the "unnecessary forced gimmick that no one asked for" on the Switch? You said these were the same reasons why the Switch will fail, so I have to ask. As far as I can see the ability to play it anywhere is exactly why people are buying it out at every store. Also, how is that forced when you can literally just leave it connected to your Tv its entire lifespan?

>Endless droughts
How many years was the PS4 called a Bloodborne machine? Not saying the wiiU didn't have any or the Switch won't, but clearly that doesn't matter for console sales.

>No third-party support aside from old ports
Sad, but yeah I guess people do care about CoD that much.

>Wii was flash-in-the-pan and casuals/kids don't care about Nintendo anymore
You're right, that isn't why the Switch will fail though since it isn't being advertised to them..? It wasn't even made for them in design; this is the first frail home Nintendo console ever made, that's why it doesn't look like a fisher price toy like the wiiU pad. Hell, even many adults are too fucking retarded to handle these things, with all the dropping, dock scratching and putting things on backwards that's have already happened. I don't think Nintendo had kids in mind when making it, at least not as a top priority at all.

>Better, cheaper alternatives already exist elsewhere with far more market penetration (phones and tablets)
That's a dumb argument because you can make it against consoles in general, and it doesn't work. The people who want to play angry birds and candy crush are a different demographic than the ones who want to play Zelda and Nier.

That's an absolute joke, and if you think that then you've clearly never played the Switch. It's literally more powerful than the Wii U, but in a form factor smaller than it's tablet controller.

Which is pretty impressive once you actually get it into your hands yourself.

The Switch will have on thing that neither of the PSP nor the Vita had though.

A mainline Pokemon game. One that's also technically a full HD, console Pokemon game that can be played on the TV as an added bonus. AKA the thing that normies have been screaming Nintendo to do for decades now. Remember the Pokemon Go! hype? It's going to happen again, albeit probably on a slightly smaller scale since the barrier for entry is higher. Regardless, that shit is going to move units like a motherfucker.

>3 controllers

Pokemon Go lasted a few months and then fizzled and died out. You can't rely on casuals.

>All consoles are shit hardware, Einstein. If "muh graffix" are what you care about, get a PC.
No. Normies just want a powerful console and they will never, EVER fuck around with a screwdriver at any point in their lives. PCs are for hardcore enthusiasiasts only as far as most people are concerned, get this through your fucking head mustardman, they want good multiplats but not a fucking PC.

Doesn't matter, as long as it get's their hardware into the hands of consumers then it will convince developers to make games for it. Since it already has that automatic blockbuster ready to drop at any given time, it already has a huge leg up over the Switch in terms of free install base capital.

That's bad marketing too though, they didn't update the damn thing while it was still fresh. Now that 2nd gen pokemon are out everyone lost interest.

>People still genuinly believe this bull?

Yes people believe reality. Strange, I know.

Even if you dont use a thing doesnt mean you should let it accumulate dust, pack it in somewhere or clean all your stuff.

Damn, i thought that was only a meme

If anything it showed that having the best exclusives isn't worth a shit in the end

>A mainline Pokemon game. One that's also technically a full HD, console Pokemon game that can be played on the TV as an added bonus. AKA the thing that normies have been screaming Nintendo to do for decades now. Remember the Pokemon Go! hype? It's going to happen again, albeit probably on a slightly smaller scale since the barrier for entry is higher. Regardless, that shit is going to move units like a motherfucker.
Spoiler tags are not a toy. In any case I'll believe it when I see it, the dirty little secret everybody knows but no one wants to admit is that the Pokemon games just aren't very good. It's pretty plodding bullshit. Daily reminder that at the very height of Pokemania Pokemon Stadium wasn't that big a deal. This mainline game is only going to dazzle people if the fights play like fucking Pokken and the world navigation is like Breath of the Wild, and I just don't think Gamefreak can handle it. They're shit.

>p-pc c-cucks btfo!

>Barely no first party games
>dumb gimmicky
>dumb gimmicky that only made it harder for 3rd parties to dev
>poorly marketed.

>dumb gimmicky that only made it harder for 3rd parties to dev

I hate Pokemon and think it's been garbage since generation II, but I think you're severely underestimating it's appeal. Normalfags, kids, and it's huge fanbase will continue to eat it up again and again regardless of quality. Just like they do their CODs, AssCreeds, FIFA's, etc. For a large group out there, it's a staple.

Especially with the gimmick if it being the series first foray into the "home console" market to hype people up, as well as sweep up newcomers and jaded old fans caught up in the excitement. It's gonna be a blockbuster.

Any dev has to either ignore the control, and look bad for it, or attempt to make some use of it and wast time.
It's not that big of a deal, but surely it's not attractive for 3rd parties.

No third party games

Poor marketing

Lack of distancing from the original Wii

Still, I don't regret buying my Wii U. The first party game selection is solid as a rock.


Does anyone else think the Gamepad is too heavy?

for me, there was no metroid title. none. absolutely ridiculous.

Just wipe the dust from your stuff, you gross shit.

bought a used one to play botw. such a terrible interface on the system itself. slow as fuck download speeds compared to pc, ps4 and xbone for no reason other than nintendo throttling it. theres like 18 different controllers for hte piece of shit and every other game uses something different. and even fucking nes games cost a fortune on their retarded eshop.

>Earthbound and Earthbound Zero cost 3 bucks extra because ??????????????????
Why did they do this?

I bought a second hand Wii u, which games should I install on it?
Already have all plat ones, botw, Mario kart and hyrule warriors.

Devils Third ignore the memelords.

Because Nintendo is greedy and loves fucking over EarthBound fans.

WW and TP HD

The main gimmick of it was fundamentally flawed, the BotW devs even say this.

It was also underpowered and of a different architecture, making ports difficult, and marketing blunders trying to capitalize off of the Wii brand made people think it was an accessory. However, I think even if Nintendo were better at marketing the product it would have still flopped.

Vetoing this
They are shit



I'll post my writeup from 2014 about why the Wii U failed. It includes an accurate prediction of the switch.

>I have a dozen good games.
Are you counting multiplats like Yoshi's Woolly World and Hyrule Warrirors? Or actual exclusives?

Captain Toad
Yoshi's Woolly World
Super Mario 3D World
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

Devil's Third is garbage, ignore this memelord.

The Wii U taught me not to buy a system based on hype for a game. Only buy it once the game is actually out.
I got burned by the Wii U version of Zelda. Will never buy a Nintendo system again unless the games I want are already released, not just promised to be coming eventually.

Shit Marketing by Nintendo thinking they could just ride off with the success of the Wii

However, the Wii U is the greatest nintendo console of all time, capable of playing 90% of all nintendo games ever released if you hack it

Plus downloading straight from nintendo's own servers

The name isn't the only reason the WiiU failed buy it's definitely up there as one of the most poorly marketed consoles of all time.

>the Wii U is the greatest nintendo console of all time, capable of playing 90% of all nintendo games ever released
The Wii U doesn't automatically become good just because it can emulate old games. I can play them better on my PC anyways.

the only good thing about the wii u is that we can play breath of the wild earlier than expected on a emulator for PC...

Nintendo can do no wrong



I bought one 2nd hand a few weeks ago and hacked the shit out of it. It really has quite a good library, not to mention the backwards compatibility, especially if you have a friend to play with.

GO would have lasted much longer if Niantic wasn't the best at shitting the bed, since it was printing money and had people interested, but people will only put up with devs actively sabotating their own game for so long.

The fuck did you want? You want classic Zelda? Wii U has Wind Waker & TP HD, along with VC versions of OoT & MM.

Want CUH-RAAAAZEEEE and fan service? BAM! Hyrule Warriors

Want the very essence of Zelda design with what's essentially a remake of Zelda 1 in 3D? Breath of the Wild exists.

If you said something like Smash U, I'd be more forgiving due to the fact that the Wii U had horrible online and more people play on the 3DS, but crying over BotW is just childish. The only thing wrong with BotW is that it was delayed a few times, and that's about it.

Its fucking inexcusable that we didn't get a single good game for Wii U in 2016. They pretty much stopped supporting it in 2015.

Always have your salbutamol at hand, friend.

>along with VC versions of OoT & MM.
which are worse than the 3D versions.
Hyrule Warriors is fucking trash and if you like it its probably because its the only musou you've ever played.
>crying over BotW is just childish.
BOTW was the game I wanted the most on Wii U and we ended getting the shittier version. If I would've known it would get ported immediately I would've waited for a Switch instead.

I'd probably like the Wii U too if I got all of its games for free immediately after buying one. Instead I had Nintendo drip feed me 8 decent games over a period of 4 years