Anyone here ever get fucked over by a game studio due to uncreative assholes shitting on your ideas...

Anyone here ever get fucked over by a game studio due to uncreative assholes shitting on your ideas? I pitched an idea for a game and everyone shit all over it and rejected it. My idea was this:

>warhammer 40k setting, takes place on a hive world that's a mix of steam and cyberpunk
>main protagonist you play as is the reincarnation of Stevie Nicks, who was reborn as an assassin for the Imperium of Man
>kill people with martial arts and deadly singing
>start getting odd flashes of memories during the story
>she finds out she's actually been reincarnated multiple times, and her original soul is an eldar during the time their race was corrupted
>inquisitors are on to her, she's on the run
>midway through the game she gets access to a clone body smuggled out of Comorragh and has her soul transplanted into it
>is now a dark eldar and slaughters her enemies to live her own life

My idea got laughed at and rejected right off the bat, the fuckers wouldn't even give me a chance. I know my game would have been so fucking awesome too. Bastards.

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sounds better than mass effect andromeda

Autistic shitposting is still shitposting.

You had me up until Stevie Nicks, which is to say your plan is shit. Replace Stevie with Kate Bush and you might have something

Hear me out guys




This never happened, but if it did you'd get laughed at for a good reason.


What's wrong with Stevie Nicks?

Laughed at by who, losers jealous they lack the talent and beauty of Miss Stevie Nicks?

Nothing but the whole pitch is retarded.
Also you don't work for a game studio.

What's right with here. I know she's got a good track record in her solo career and with Fleetwood Mac, but you can choose a more interesting musician from the era by accident, I mean it. Jodi Mitchell or Kate Bush are better choices.

Yeah we have games where you play as fat italian plumbers stomping turtles, and girls named tomb raider who hate tombs, and you think this is retarded?

Prince's keyboard part in Stand Back in the greatest synth line of all-time tbqh

Sure thing, captain autismo.

This literally never happened though.

>Kate Bush
I'd buy it.
What a fucking hag



does it have superior limb based combat


It did happen. I work for a studio under EA. They panned my idea and laughed at me. I bet if Games Workshop heard my idea they'd be all for it.

A game where you play as stevie nicks would have superior everything

i want to fuck 80s stevie nicks


OP sounds like hes the "idea guy"

old pasta is old
here a pity bump, some autist will bait

Anyone here ever get really helped out by a game studio? Where they took your idea and turned into something viable? I pitched an idea for a game and everyone made small adjustments to it that made it become a reality, and also a creative an economic success!

Thanks publishers!

Imagine what a worthless pathetic autist you have to be to write this and then use a picture of some random celebrity.