
Did I fall for another Sup Forums meme?
This game is terribly boring and bland.
The writing is hamfisted teenage morality garbage
>the cute machines say STOP STOP IT HURTS IM SCARED when attacking you
>yet you dont have any option to avoid the fights while 9S eggs you on "they cant possibly have feelings OR DO THEY?!"
If there's a term for artificial difficulty there should be one too for "artificial deep".
I believed all the Sup Forums memes about "transcendental writing" and "game of the generation".
What I got was subpar animu writing, a bland and barren semi-open world with literally nothing to do but mmorpg fetchquests and a watered down version of the usual platinum games combat system.

At least the art direction is nice, even though the game looks and feels like a ps3 game.
The OST is good too, but most of the time you're slogging away to the same boring sad piano loops (to really drive the point home that this game is super deep I guess).

If I'd be objective when rating it I'd give it a 7/10 or 6/10.

Let me get this straight. You saw a game about anime,blind robot sword fighting magic maid in thongs and unironically believed the story would be good?

>Did I fall for another Sup Forums meme?
You did. Should have made your research about who exactly this "Taro" guy was.

Did I fall for another Sup Forums meme?
This game is terribly boring and bland.
The writing is hamfisted teenage morality garbage
>the cute machines say STOP STOP IT HURTS IM SCARED when attacking you
>yet you dont have any option to avoid the fights while 9S eggs you on "they cant possibly have feelings OR DO THEY?!"
If there's a term for artificial difficulty there should be one too for "artificial deep".
I believed all the Sup Forums memes about "transcendental writing" and "game of the generation".
What I got was subpar animu writing, a bland and barren semi-open world with literally nothing to do but mmorpg fetchquests and a watered down version of the usual platinum games combat system.

At least the art direction is nice, even though the game looks and feels like a ps3 game.
The OST is good too, but most of the time you're slogging away to the same boring sad piano loops (to really drive the point home that this game is super deep I guess).

If I'd be objective when rating it I'd give it a 7/10 or 6/10

I played drakengard for ps2 and liked it.

And I heard taro was a good writer who was bad with gameplay so he got platinum to help.
Turns out the writing is garbage and the gameplay is medicore.

>watered down platinum combat system

See I don't get this point, I equipped overclock, and while playing A2's part, a bunch of Taunt ups

Taunting them to fight to the death was actually the coolest Platinum fight mechanic i've encountered

9S is right you fag, they're just imitating human behaviour.
They don't have feelings.

You forgot your meme image, autismo.

I played his other games too and kind of liked them (except the frist Drakengard) but ONLY because I didn't have to pay for them.
But this Automata meme is 60€ for fucks sake.

Hah well meme'd my friend. Fucking off and kys

neither do androids nines

yes, you did, if you didn't notice how "terribly boring and bland" it is by watching pre release gameplay videos then its your own fault.

Why are you making this a Sony thing? You realize the game is on PC right?

Also, pic is comparing cutscenes with gameplay.

pic related, real time cutscene from the final game.

An android talking about robots not having feelings. So deep, like makes you reall fink and stuff.
Maybe we are the robots?
Activated my almonds.


>only played route A

The trailers and reviews made it sound cool.
Metacritic is loving it.
I feel this shit was an elaborate ruse to trick me into buying a subpar jrpg.

> have to force yourself through the same boring and bland game 500 times to get how brilliant it is
By this time you develop stockholm syndrome?

The Nier games are just like the new Heroes games....the only good thing that came from them is the music.

Thanks for proving my point.

>me likes butts
>me buy gaem

someone didn't play the game

So when does it get good?
When I was in the ruined city people on Sup Forums said
>this is basically still just the tutorial section, it'll get good any moment now
The only engaging part of the game WAS the tutorial, the rest is a literal chore of fetchquests, boring narrative and easy combat.

>So when does it get good?
When you stop having shit taste, so I guess never for you.

>projecting this hard
So what do you like about this game other than the admittedly super pretty robot waifus?

Its such a clunky ps3-tier game with bland visuals, outside of the pretty character models for the main characters.

Did I get a bootleg copy that removed all the fun?
Or are you just not used to actual good games?

>it's another westacucks feeble mind can't comprehend glorious nihondo gaming episode

>Same game

Calling them endings is really weird, because if anything they're more like chapters.

Underrated post.

Tarotards are fucking pathetic, trying to trick people into wasting money on their memes. Even though they don't actually care about the games. They only care about Taro, the person. It's a fucking cult of personality.

>actual good games?
Mind naming a few?

I was in the same seat as you. Route A was incredibly boring and I didn't get it either. I thought the game was overhyped too. Then I continued and played the rest of the game and realized everything in route A is just a setup for what's to come. Route B made the game click so hard for me it flipped my opinion on this game as soon as shit starting hitting the fan halfway in the route. It's like a book where the routes are like chapters, and all that setup makes a lot of sense after you experience the rest of the game

tl;dr you barely scratched the surface of what this game is and you're complaining about it like a faggot just like i did

>Easy combat
Put the game on hard

>Fetch quests
Just don't do them, I dont, just play the main storyline.

>Boring narrative
I can't imagine a game with a funner narrative, please tell me what games have a way better narrative.

too bad they couldn't trick you into getting a proper taste

Stop using words you don't understand, clunky is one of the last problems with automata. You are literally the problem, it is fine you don't like the game, no-one gives a shit. But you have no objective point to stand on, least of all complain about playthrough B when you haven't even finished A, so you don't know how the game mechnically changes for the second (for the worse in my opinion, beside the point however)

What a great post


Yeah it's amazing how everything is so 2 dimensional when you refuse to think about it beyond the surface level high school bullshit.

The problem is with you, OP, not the writing.
Don't be afraid to use your brain.

So you can shit on them?
I doubt that anything I'd name would get anything other than a dismissive greentext from you, because you're so defensive about me not liking nier, so I might not do it in the first place and spare us the headache.
But while we're at it, I replayed revengeance before going into nier and what a letdown nier is compared to revegeance. It feels really watered down.

Congratulations you get yourself memed! now tell me what is the next step in your master plan?

9S is OP as fuck though. Get good faggot

>Just don't do them, I dont, just play the main storyline.
The main storyline INCLUDES fetchquests.

Yeah you're a huge faggot. Assess your personality because I can assure you that's why you never enjoy anything or don't have many friends.

Your enemy not being evil is a topic that's dumped on you and then brushed aside early on because it was a major part of the original Nier so it didn't need much more time dedicated to it.

Not the guy you replied to but:

>Put the game on hard
Artificial difficulty. You still can abuse i-frames but die in one hit or two.

>please tell me what games have a way better narrative
This is completely subjective. But if the guy doesn't like childish anime cringe plots then there's nothing you can do about it.

>Stop using words you don't understand, clunky is one of the last problems with automata.
Clunky is exactly what I'd describe the game, outside of the combat.
The open world is bland and empty, the traversal of the open world FEELS clunky, the sidescrolling sections are the definition of clunky.
It all feels like a game that would be considered REALLY GOOD in 2007.

Crashing this board

>all this bullshit you just typed
>only played route A

you're a huge faggot OP

God why does Sup Forums care about the fucking story and writing




I know someone like OP. They reached the Eve fight without buying new weapons, without buying memory space, without doing sidequests, without learning the layout of the world, without equipping chips, all because the world looked "empty and barren and not worth exploring".

And then they kept dying over and over at the Eve fight because they were severely underleveled and used an unupgraded weapon, so they dropped the game.

Literally every single mainline fetch quest is completed just by playing the game.
I never even once had to actually go out and hunt materials after they were asked for.

The only time I ever had to search for materials was when I was getting 100% weapon stories and needed about 15 of every rare material drop.

even then I just fucking bought them from emil since machine cores drop like fucking candy after level 40

It's okay OP, you can go back to playing your western AAA garbage where you just shoot things to death and save the world at the end.

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>story and writing aren't factors of enjoyment from an entertainment media

Gameplay is good, though.
Not as complex as bayonetta or DMC but still plenty of fun and allows for plenty of creativity with the addition of chipsets and shit.

>Literally every single mainline fetch quest is completed just by playing the game.
Like the mandaotry quests to collect items for the vendors in the resistence camp?
Its so clumsy and boring, like an afterthought.
Shoulda made the game linear t b h.
The "open world" is not pretty enough to be worth it or marvelling at, considering 90% of it is copypaste reuse of the same assets.
Why not turn it into a linear spectacle fighter instead?
Would have improved the game and allocated more budget for nicer looking stages.

It doesn't matter how good he is if he isn't fun to play. People said "line was OP on 9S" but it didn't seem that great, hackerman gameplay is boring as fuck.

That isn't clunky, the game is floaty and loose, which is mostly a preference thing with how much it bothers people, being able to cancel anything just makes it more fun for me. Complain about inviisble walls and the problems with the terrain that surround that.
Clunky is the original nier, being more locked in animations, much worse (or lack of) tween animations and buttons commiting to loss of control.

How is this an argument. It doesn't even remotely sound like what OP said.
And if the game feels, looks and plays boring then why would anyone force to not only play it even more, but do repetitive grinding and sidequests.

The genre switching is a big part of the appeal, but the core mechanics are good too. It's a solid shmup (though slightly lacking level variety) and a very good action RPG in one package. It's a simple light/heavy attack + dodge affair, but you can customize your character with chips to get witch time for example. You can also switch weapon sets during battle to better suit the situation.

Really good game. Finding a new weapon in the wild feels special.

If I'm already bored out of my mind from playing route A
>i... it gets better once you put in 1000 more hours
sunken cost phallacy

I have never played a video game with decent story and writing, and I doubt that's going to change any time soon. I wish developers and normies stopped eating up the "story" meme because it will never be on par with a half decent book

Yeah the chipsets look cool too. How are the visuals and lighting? What game would you compare the graphics to?

>Like the mandaotry quests to collect items for the vendors in the resistence camp?
Yes. Like those.
I got the quests, went out and dicked around the world for a bit just to explore and came back after noticing I got the materials on accident.

>Shoulda made the game linear t b h.
Fucking kill yourself, cancer.

How does nier differ from that other that you play an android with a nice ass who slashes stuff to death only to realize that all the humans are already dead? Something that is super fucking obvious from the first mission briefing on.
>artificial deep

>At least the art direction is nice
Its really not. All enemies are literally reused slightly changed half-assed asset, like your typical Platinumshit. Level design is pure monotonous garbage.

>muh gameplay
Go plat Tetris then, faggot.

Nah you're just being a huge faggot. Route A is only 20% of the game. The rest of it is completely different.

You would know this if you bothered to, you know... Play the game?

>I got the quests, went out and dicked around the world for a bit just to explore and came back after noticing I got the materials on accident.
What point is there in exploring the world when everything looks the same?
Also when you venture off to the desert the friendly npc refuse to engage with you unless you did the collectathon for the resistence camp and the resistance lady sends you into the desert.
Why even make the game "open world" if you're gatekeeping this hard?

What? Humanity being dead is not some epic twist, everyone already knew that before the game was out, retard. Did you even play the first Nier?

Video game stories are incomparable to books and vice versa. They're different media with different potential and avenues of storytelling.

Graphics are nothing spectacular but the art direction is great so it's overall a very good looking game with tons of atmosphere.

>doesn't play the game and experience what it has to offer
>complain its the games fault

yeah totally no difference

>Level design is pure monotonous garbage.
This cant be stated enough.
By coping out and going half-assed "open world but not really" they basically shat all over the leveldesign.

Also the open world exploration music is so fucking boring, especially since it keeps on playing during fights and doesnt change tempo or instruments.

>This game is terribly boring and bland.
>The writing is hamfisted teenage morality garbage

Never made it past ending A, huh?

I actually played the game and whenever I was asked to gather resources I was then notified that I already had them, because you know, I PLAYED THE FUCKING GAME

There's a difference between forcing yourself to play a game you don't enjoy, and giving it a proper chance by checking out the pause screen, shops, etc. I wasn't particularly using it as an argument against OP, I was just reminded of that.
Competent, but not very advanced on a technical level. Every zone has its own feel by being nearly a single color, the desert is definitely yellow, the amusement park is very purple, etc.

Graphics are personally at the bottom of my priority list though. I still have great fun playing Smash 64 and that game looks like ass.

I'm 8 hours in and its boring as shit.
WHEN does it get good?

Didn't I fucking answer you already?

>What point is there in exploring the world when everything looks the same?
Let's assume this bullshit statement is true for a second: how did you find out everything looks the same?
Did you perhaps....explore the world?

>Why even make the game "open world" if you're gatekeeping this hard?
Because you end up revisiting several places and all of the areas change throughout the game.
You'd know this if you played it.

>but it's only a beta
The tutorial was hype, the gameplay so far is really fucking boring and bland.
So you're saying I should keep playing and it will eventually get good?
>in b4 I play ending B but the REALLY good ending was ending Z all along
Kinda doubtful about this line of defense.

Nah man. He's great because it forces you to get good.

Dash in to attack, then dash out of your attack animation and do some combos, focusing on a few enemies at a time. Mix it up with some hacking, Pod plug-in abilities, and some general pod use. Also use your anti-air and his other moves to close the gaps. It's literally get good: the character. He's much better to play than 2b where you can spam any attack and win a fight. With him you need to be versatile and use attrition to win a fight. It's how you would normally play a platinum game, actually.

>Graphics are personally at the bottom of my priority list though.
I can play games with bad graphics, doesn't really bother me, but I value graphics way more than plot or writing. If a game has good gameplay and level design I'd excuse poor graphics too.

I just think playing a video game to experience a story is stupid. There are even more valuable parts to storytelling, like lore and world building that are way more important than an actual story

>This game is terribly boring and bland.
That's the point, have you ever played a Taro game before? They're meant to be bad, it's part of the process.

How so?
The game doesnt give you any incentive to explore.
Its just a bunch of boring robots standing around not attacking you. How is that "playing the game"?
You just dicked around on the barren overworld because you were lost and accidentally got a few loot drops that you needed. How is that more "playing the game" than going to the objective, taking the quest and then doing the dumb fetchquest?

How old are you people that actually like this games story? I need a good laugh.
Any answer will do.

>Taunting them to fight to the death was actually the coolest Platinum fight mechanic i've encountered
It was already done in MGR dlc.

When you play the rest of the game and stop judging the most boring route A and using it as a basis to critique the rest of it, when you haven't even played all it has to offer.

Just stop being a fucking faggot.

That's not an answer, that's just you being passive agressive about your favourite jrpg being medicore.

What are some games like Nier Automata?

>They're meant to be bad, it's part of the process.
So is this where we're at with automata?
>it's supposed to be shit YOU DONT GET IT! IT'S POST MODERNISM
Oh boy

The game is 44-50 hours long. You only played 8 hours of that. We're trying to let you know the game changes radically after route A without spoiling it for you, but you keep acting like a huge fucking faggot you stupid nigger.

I found the gameplay fantastic here, so that's pretty much a non issue.

And lore and world building is definitely the name of the game. You get archives that describe the old world, weapon stories when you upgrade them, and you have the whole of Nier/Drakengard 1 to catch up to if you feel like it. NPCs are permanently affected by sidequests, and the world itself changes over time.

Route B, when the story starts to slowly show that everything is more fucked at a 2nd glance.

So what you're saying is you didn't do your research otherwise you would have known Taro had no involvement in Drakengard 2.

But you don't need to get good, you can either feel like necking yourself hacking everything (since there is literally no downside if you have an auto heal chip on) or you mash square with a small sword or combat bracer, dodging when shit gets vaguely close to you.

I didn't "get good" I played slightly more cautious, did less damage and took more time to do the same shit as 2b but had less fun.


This actually.
I would have loved this shit when I was 14.
But since I also read all the manga taro is ripping off I'm not so impressed anymore.

>Its just a bunch of boring robots standing around not attacking you. How is that "playing the game"?
Holy fucking shit you just proved you literally played 3 minutes of the game.
Every single bot in the game gets progressively more aggro as the game goes on. By the 4th chapter they all attack on sight.

They're only passive for MAYBE 2 chapters.

>Drakengard 2.
How did you read drakengard 2 into that?
I played drakengard.

24, I like the story.

>The game doesnt give you any incentive to explore.
You're missing a weapon, which you find by exploring enough to find the tutorial zone. You're also able to ride animals, fish and the like for the first time, as well as clear out access points.
23, disliking something doesn't make you superior by the way.

Alright bruh, I'm sold

When it's cheaper I'm gonna buy. Thanks for the discourse

You were talking about the fetchquests for the vendors in the ruined city.
90% of robots there dont attack.
If you had the quests already done before you got them you literally were walking arround in an empty overworld attacking non agressive robots.

You got memed, son. Taro is a terrible writer that loves to rehash twists more than Uchi, be happy that at least this game is playable unlike DoD or the first Nier.

too much anime has fried your brain