It's not that bad

It's not that bad

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רועי משה

But it's far to be good

its a disaster. keep moving nothing to see here

Piss off, BioWare

>not bad

>even Jim Sterling took a piss at it
>said its not worth even a 7

has anyone really been far?

Praise for anything I hate is shilling.

when you have to say something is "not that bad" It probably means that it is bad, and you're just not willing to accept that yet.

because everything has to be black or white and there's literally no room for any opinion that isn't extreme

shut up dude

that said it fucking sucks

>because everything has to be black or white and there's literally no room for any opinion that isn't extreme

You're right.

This is Sup Forums, everyone says it's shit regardless.

I strongly dislike quirky humor and one-liners so I think it's pretty bad.

I don't know why anyone would try to emulate borderlands 2 style of writing.

>still kept the ''heat ammo'' bullshit

It's bad because it's written by 40 year olds as their idea what 15 year olds think is cool.

Every dialogue is cringy

How did they do it?

Is it the voice acting? The writing? A combination of both?

All of the memes about facial animations and SJWs are a distraction from the real issue with the game. The much more problematic aspect of the game is that it's

really boring

There is so much meaningless running and driving in this game. I'm now on 13 hours and I've probably been in 4 real combat situations. So much running back and forth on the Nexus for no fucking reason.

They're clearly trying to take about 20 hours of content and stretch it out to 100 and it's so fucking tiresome.

Even ME3 with it's painful idiocy never managed to be boring.

>people waited 5 years for this


What happened was that Bioware asked some guy to find out which people love Mass Effect the most
So he went around on the internet and found the communities that live breathe and shit Mass Effect
And those communities were LGTBBQ tumblr bitches and autistic waifufags. Average age of both communities: 16

So that's who they made the game for

That sounds like more effort than Bioware could actually pull off.

Unpaid interns are a great resource
Given the look of the animations, it's a resource they rely on

LMAOing at your lifes

cant argue with that

>40 million budget
>get the fucking amazing Clancy Brown to voice the only interesting character
>kill him off in the tutorial

>"psst, hey pathfinder"
>guy calling me over
>think I'm gonna get a quest
>go to speak to him
>"so, you know Gil, right"
>Gil is my engineer
>thinking that maybe my engineer is a smuggler or owes some money
>maybe he's in trouble with the law
>sense a side quest
>"is he... you know... available?"

This is literally a thing that happens.

The game actually has a guy call you over just to try to have gay sex with your engineer. This conversation serves no purpose other than to be like "HEY GUYS YOUR ENGINEER IS TOTALLY HOMO YOU LIKE THIS RIGHT?"

It's a fucking joke.

Crack yet?

Unf so progressive tho

apart from the fact the animations were created by unpaid intern art students. it's a disgrace to the industry releasing a "AAA" product with that level of quality.

2017 was a mistake

The writing makes it really boring too at points. Like when you meet the new species, they literally just info dump and throw random alien sounding words at you. I had to put it down for a bit after that.

>Jim Sterling

Why does nu-Sup Forums love those fat ugly cuckolds e-celebs so much?

The visor of that helmet curves around to the top. Wouldn't any falling debris crack the visor? Poor design is poor.

maybe that's why it breaks not once but twice in the intro mission

Sup Forums hates Jim Sterling because he's literally a fat autistic atheist who pretends to be "gender queer" or something for victim points

ME3 was better.

>you were able to convince the last boss to kill himself
God ME1 was so fucking good

Honestly it was kind of retarded if you think about it
>"Shepard give in, you cant stop the reapers!"
>Yes we can
>No you can't
>Paragon yes we can or renegade you're a pussy
>Ok you're right *kills self*

Game made by underpaid juniors. EA forced Bioware to release it because they spent their time and budget and couldn't finish the fucking game.

How can you say it's not that bad? You probably enjoy eating shit don't you? Go off marketer.

why are so many people complaining about ugly sara when there is character customization?

hey at least its there! but then again ME1 was the only one with a definitive villain you could talk to

They tried to imitate that scene with illusive fag on 3 but failed.

Have you seen the character customization?

>pay to fix it yourself

gee I wonder

It's black and white, filled with content that's enjoyable and content that's absolutely fucking terrible.

I've groaned and rolled my eyes at awful writing and awful animations so many times but at the same time, I enjoy the gameplay and the environments.

I'll stick with it but I absolutely wouldn't recommend it to anyone else at all if you only like Mass Effect games for the writing. You will find none of that here.

To be fair you manage to have him snap out of indoctrination long enough for him to realise he's wrong, that's why he's thanking you before offing himself.

Saren as a character was awesome

Speaking as a market analyst, it wasn't that. What happened is EA stripped the original team from the game in favour of their new IP but still wanted a lazy cash grab. Thus a new studio was formed where they did not care about the outcome whatsoever aside from launch sales by the title. If any research was done toward the consumer base of this game they'd quick find that your average ME player and longtime fan are age ~23-35 men.

obviously because that screenshot is my sara?

I hope you're not implying that thing is attractive.
